Source code for allensdk.internal.mouse_connectivity.projection_thumbnail.visualization_utilities

from __future__ import division

import logging

import matplotlib as mpl
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np

[docs]def convert_discrete_colormap(data, cm_name='custom', color_names=None): '''Generates a matplotlib continuous colormap on [0, 1] from a discrete colormap at N evenly spaced points. Parameters ---------- data : list of list Sublists are [r, g, b]. Returns ------- matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap Gamma is 1. Output space is 3 X [0, 1] ''' if color_names is None: color_names = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] data = np.array(data) npoints = data.shape[0] domain = np.linspace(0, 1.0, npoints) color_arrays = {} for col, name in enumerate(color_names): color_array = np.zeros((npoints, 3)) color_array[:, 0] = domain color_array[:, 1] = minmax_norm(data[:, col]) color_array[:, 2] = color_array[:, 1] color_arrays[name] = color_array return mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(cm_name, color_arrays, npoints, gamma=1.0)
[docs]def minmax_norm(data): rng = np.amax(data) - np.amin(data) if rng == 0: return data return (data - np.amin(data)) / rng
[docs]def sitk_safe_ln(data, minimum=10**-10):'thresholding below at {0}'.format(minimum)) minimum = float(minimum) data = sitk.Threshold(data, minimum, np.inf, minimum)'taking natural log') return sitk.Log(data)
[docs]def normalize_intensity(data, in_min, in_max, out_min=0.0, out_max=0.0):'setting input range: [{0:2.3f}, {1:2.3f}]'.format(in_min, in_max)) data = sitk.ShiftScale(data, -in_min, 1.0 / (in_max - in_min)) data = sitk.Threshold(data, 0.0, np.inf, 0.0) data = sitk.Threshold(data, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)'setting output range: [{0:2.3f}, {1:2.3f}]'.format(out_min, out_max)) data = sitk.ShiftScale(data, 0.0, out_max - out_min) # want to scale first return sitk.ShiftScale(data, out_min, 1) # then shift
[docs]def blend(image_stack, weight_stack): ''' Parameters ---------- image_stack :: list of np.ndarray The images to be blended. Shapes cannot differ weight_stack :: list of np.ndarray The weight of each image at each pixel. Will be normalized. ''' image_stack = np.array(image_stack) weight_stack = np.array(weight_stack) weight_stack = weight_stack - np.amin(weight_stack, axis=0) / (np.amax(weight_stack, axis=0) - np.amin(weight_stack, axis=0)) weight_stack[np.isnan(weight_stack)] = 0.5 weight_stack[np.isinf(weight_stack)] = 0.5 return np.multiply(image_stack, weight_stack).sum(axis=0)