allensdk.internal.api.queries.compound_lims_queries module

allensdk.internal.api.queries.compound_lims_queries.behavior_sessions_from_ecephys_session_ids(lims_connection: PostgresQueryMixin, ecephys_session_id_list: List[int]) DataFrame[source]

Get a DataFrame listing all of the behavior sessions that mice from a specified list of ecephys sessions went through

lims_connection: PostgresQueryMixin
ecephys_session_id_list: List[int]

The ecephys sessions used to find the mice used to find the behavior sessions

mouse_to_behavior: pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with columns

mouse_id behavior_session_id session_type date_of_acquisition date_of_birth ecephys_session_id genotype sex equipment_name

listing every behavior session the mice in question went through