Source code for allensdk.internal.mouse_connectivity.tissuecyte_stitching.stitcher

import logging
import operator as op
from collections import defaultdict
from six.moves import reduce

import numpy as np

[docs]class Stitcher(object): def __init__(self, image_dimensions, tiles, average_tiles, channels):'image_dimensions: {0}'.format(image_dimensions)) self.image_dimensions = image_dimensions self.average_tiles = defaultdict(lambda *a, **k: None, average_tiles) self.tiles = tiles self.channels = channels
[docs] def run(self, cb=np.array): slice_image, stitched_indicator = initialize_images(self.image_dimensions, len(self.channels)) missing_tiles = {} for tile in self.tiles: if tile.is_missing: missing_tiles[tile.index] = tile.get_missing_path() tile.initialize_image() else: tile.apply_average_tile_to_self(self.average_tiles[]) tile.trim_self() self.stitch(slice_image, stitched_indicator, tile, cb) return slice_image, missing_tiles
[docs] def stitch(self, slice_image, stitched_indicator, tile, cb=np.array): region = tile.get_image_region() current_region = slice_image[region] indicator_region = stitched_indicator[region] stup = (tile.size['row'], tile.size['column']) blend = get_blend(indicator_region, stup, cb) blend = make_blended_tile(blend, tile.image, current_region)'obtained blend') slice_image[region] = blend stitched_indicator[region] = 1'updated image region with tile data')
[docs]def initialize_image(dimensions, nchannels, dtype, order='C'): return np.zeros((dimensions['row'], dimensions['column'], nchannels), dtype=dtype, order=order)
[docs]def initialize_images(dimensions, nchannels): return initialize_image(dimensions, nchannels, np.uint16), initialize_image(dimensions, nchannels, np.int8)
[docs]def make_blended_tile(blend, tile, current_region): return np.multiply((1 - blend), tile) + np.multiply(blend, current_region)
[docs]def get_indicator_bound_point(indicator, lg, axis): '''Finds the index of first change in a binary mask along a specified axis in a specified direction ''' delta = np.diff(indicator, axis=axis) points = np.where(lg(delta, 0)) del delta points = np.unique(points[axis]) size = indicator.shape[axis] points = points[lg(points, size / 2.0)] if len(points) > 0: return points[-1] return None
[docs]def blend_component_from_point(point, mesh, lg): '''Obtains a normalized component of the blend, which describes depth of overlap along a specified axis in a specified direction ''' # this has the effect that the shallowest part of the blend # is always 0 - symmetric with the deepest after normalization. blend = point - mesh + 1 blend[lg(blend, 0)] = 0 blend = np.fabs(blend) mx = np.amax(blend) mx = mx if mx > 0.0 else 1.0 return blend / mx
[docs]def get_blend_component(indicator, lg, axis, meshes): ''' ''' point = get_indicator_bound_point(indicator, lg, axis) if point is None: return [] return [blend_component_from_point(point, meshes[axis], lg)]
[docs]def get_overall_blend(indicator, meshes): ''' ''' blends = [] for lg in (, for axis in (0, 1): blends.extend(get_blend_component(indicator, lg, axis, meshes)) if len(blends) == 0: return np.zeros_like(indicator) return reduce(np.maximum, blends)
[docs]def get_blend(indicator_region, stup, cb=np.array): ''' ''' meshes = np.meshgrid(*map(np.arange, stup), indexing='ij') blend = get_overall_blend(indicator_region, meshes) return cb(np.multiply(blend, indicator_region))