Source code for allensdk.internal.morphology.validate_swc

import os, sys
from six.moves import xrange
import allensdk.internal.core.swc as swc

[docs]def resave_swc(orig_swc, new_file): """ Reads SWC file into AllenSDK Morphology object and resaves it. This can fix some problems in an SWC file that may disrupt other software tools reading the file (e.g., NEURON) Parameters ---------- orig_swc: string Name of SWC file to read new_file: string Name of output SWC file """ try: morphology = swc.read_swc(orig_swc) except: print("Failed to read SWC file '%s'" % orig_swc) raise try: except: print("Failed to save SWC file '%s'" % new_file)
[docs]class TestNode(object): def __init__(self, n, t, x, y, z, r, pn): # these values correspond to columns in an SWC file self.n = n self.t = t self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.r = r = pn self.children = [] # IDs of child nodes def __str__(self): """ create string with node information in succinct, single-line form """ return "%d %d %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %d %s" % (self.n, self.t, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.r,, str(self.children))
[docs]def validate_swc(swc_file): """ Tests SWC files for compatibility with AllenSDK To be compatible with NEURON, SWC files must have the following properties: 1) a single root node with parent ID '-1' 2) sequentially increasing ID numbers 3) immediate children of the soma cannot branch To be compatible with feature analysis, SWC files can only have node types in the range 1-4: 1 = soma 2 = axon 3 = [basal] dendrite 4 = apical dendrite """ success = True # be optimistic # see if SWC file is readable by internal tools print("Validating " + swc_file) try: morphology = swc.read_swc(swc_file) except: print("Fatal error reading SWC file") return False for node in morphology.node_list: if node.t < 1 or node.t > 4: print("Expecting type between 1 and 4, but found %d" % node.t) print("File has unrecognized node type(s)") print("----------------------------------") success = False break # make sure all dendrite nodes are in tree 0 # this is because modeling requires a full dendrite morphology for node in morphology.node_list: if (node.t == 3 or node.t == 4) and node.tree_id != 0: print("Dendrite node(s) exist in disconnected trees") print("This breaks an SDK modeling requirement") print("----------------------------------") success = False break # if we've made it here, file is OK for using Morphology class, and # should be valid with internal processing. It may also be able # to be convertable for NEURON use by resaving it nodes = [] node_table = [] # lookup table by node num line_num = 1 try: with open(swc_file, "r") as f: for line in f: # remove comments if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue # read values. expected SWC format is: # ID, type, x, y, z, rad, parent # x, y, z and rad are floats. the others are ints toks = line.split() vals = TestNode( n = int(toks[0]), t = int(toks[1]), x = float(toks[2]), y = float(toks[3]), z = float(toks[4]), r = float(toks[5]), pn = int(toks[6].rstrip()), ) # store this node while len(nodes) <= vals.n: nodes.append(None) nodes[vals.n] = vals #nodes.append(vals) # if vals.n < 0: print("Negative node ID not allowed") print("Node: " + str(vals)) return False while vals.n >= len(node_table): node_table.append(None) node_table[vals.n] = vals # increment line number (used for error reporting only) line_num += 1 except: err = "File not recognized as valid SWC file.\n" err += "Problem parsing line %d\n" % line_num if line is not None: err += "Content: '%s'\n" % line raise IOError(err) try: for node in nodes: if node is None: continue par = None if >= 0: par = node_table[] par.children.append(node.n) except: print("Error reading SWC file -- fail to link child to parent") print("Node: %s" % str(node)) print("----------------------------------") success = False # verify presence and number of soma and root nodes num_soma_nodes = sum([ int(c is not None and c.t == 1) for c in nodes ]) if num_soma_nodes == 0: print("SWC must have at least one soma node. Found: %d" % num_soma_nodes) print("----------------------------------") success = False elif num_soma_nodes > 1: print("Warning: File has multiple soma nodes. This can interfere with feature analysis in some external software (e.g., vaa3d)") print("----------------------------------") num_root_nodes = sum([ int(c is not None and == -1) for c in nodes ]) # case of no root nodes covered by rule below that ID of child must # be greater than that of parent if num_root_nodes > 1: print("Warning: File has multiple root nodes. This can interfere with feature analysis in some external software (e.g., vaa3d)") print("----------------------------------") # get a list of all of the ids, make sure they are unique while we're at it all_ids = set() for node in nodes: if node is None: continue iid = int(node.n) if iid in all_ids: print("Node ID %s is not unique." % node.n) print("----------------------------------") success = False break pid = int( if iid < pid: print("Node (%d) has a smaller ID that its parent (%d)" % (iid, pid)) print("----------------------------------") success = False break all_ids.add(iid) # make sure that first root node is soma for n in nodes: if n is not None: root = n break #root = nodes[0] if root.t != 1: # see if soma has a root if sum([int(c is not None and c.t == 2 and == -1) for c in nodes]) == 0: print("No soma root found in file") print("----------------------------------") success = False print("First root node is not soma") print("This should be fixable by calling resave_swc() on the file if there is a soma root in the file") print("----------------------------------") success = False # verify that children of the root have max one child for root_child_id in root.children: root_child = nodes[root_child_id] num_grand_children = len(root_child.children) if num_grand_children > 1: print("Child of root (%s) has more than one child (%d)" % ( root_child_id, num_grand_children )) print("----------------------------------") success = False # sort the ids and make sure there are no gaps sorted_ids = sorted(all_ids) for i in xrange(1, len(sorted_ids)): if sorted_ids[i] - sorted_ids[i-1] != 1: print("Node IDs are not sequential") print("This can be fixed by calling resave_swc() on the file") print("----------------------------------") success = False return success
[docs]def main(): argc = len(sys.argv) if argc < 1: print("usage: python %s <swc_file> [<swc_file ...]") print("") print("Validate an SWC file for use with NEURON") sys.exit(1) try: for i in range(1, argc): if validate_swc(sys.argv[i]) == True: print(" PASS") else: print(" FAIL") exit(1) except Exception as e: print(" FAIL") print(str(e)) exit(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()