Source code for allensdk.internal.model.glif.threshold_adaptation

import numpy as np
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

from allensdk.model.glif.glif_neuron_methods import spike_component_of_threshold_exact
from allensdk.internal.model.glif.find_spikes import find_spikes_ssq_list

[docs]def calc_spike_component_of_threshold_from_multiblip(multi_SS, dt, dv_cutoff, thresh_frac, MAKE_PLOT=False, SHOW_PLOT=False, BLOCK=False, PUBLICATION_PLOT=False): '''Calculate the spike components of the threshold by fitting a decaying exponential function to data to threshold versus time since last spike in the multiblip data. The exponential is forced to decay to the local th_inf (calculated as the mean all of the threshold values of the first spikes in each individual triblip stimulus). For each multiblip stimulus in a stimulus set if there is more than one spike the difference in voltages from the first and second spike are plotted versus the separation in time. Note that this algorithm should only be implemented on multiblips sweeps where the neuron spike on the first and second blip. Since there is no easy way to do this, this erroneous data should not be provided to this algorithm (i.e is should be visually checked and eliminated the preprocessor should hold back this data manually for now.) #TODO: check to see if this is still true. Notes: The standard SDK spike detection algorithm does not work with the multiblip stimulus due to artifacts when the stimulus turns on and off. Please see the find_multiblip_spikes module for more information. Input: multi_SS: dictionary contains multiblip information such as current and stimulus dt: float time step in seconds Returns: const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset: float amplitude of the exponential fit otherwise known as a_spike. Note that this is without any spike cutting decay_const: float decay constant of exponential. Note the function fit is a negative exponential which will mean this value will either have to be negated when it is used or the functions used will have to have to include the negative. thresh_inf: float ''' multi_SS_v=multi_SS['voltage'] multi_SS_i=multi_SS['current'] # --get indicies of spikes spike_ind, _=find_spikes_ssq_list(multi_SS_v, dt, dv_cutoff, thresh_frac) # spike_ind=find_multiblip_spikes(multi_SS_i, multi_SS_v, dt) can depricate find_multiblip_spikes # eliminate spurious spikes that may exist spike_lt=[np.where(SI<int(2.0/dt))[0] for SI in spike_ind] if len(np.concatenate(spike_lt))>0: logging.warning('there is a spike before the stimulus in the multiblip') spike_ind=[np.delete(SI,ind)for SI, ind in zip(spike_ind, spike_lt)] spike_gt=[np.where(SI>int(3.0/dt))[0] for SI in spike_ind] if len(np.concatenate(spike_gt))>0: logging.warning('there is a spike after the stimulus in the multiblip') spike_ind=[np.delete(SI,ind)for SI, ind in zip(spike_ind, spike_gt)] # intialize output lists time_previous_spike=[] threshold=[] thresh_first_spike=[] #will set constant to this if MAKE_PLOT: plt.figure(figsize=(20,24)) # Loop though each tri blip stimulus in muliblip stimulus for k in range(0, len(multi_SS_v)): thresh=[multi_SS_v[k][j] for j in spike_ind[k]] # voltage at all spikes in a single tri blip if thresh!=[] and len(thresh)>1:# there needs to be more than one spike so that we can find the time difference thresh_first_spike.append(thresh[0]) #Note that this finds the first spike (it might not be at the first stimulus blip) threshold.append(thresh[1]) time_previous_spike.append((spike_ind[k][1]-spike_ind[k][0])*dt) # Old way when looked at all the spikes instead of just the first two (can be depricated; just here for record keeping) # threshold.append(thresh[1:]) # time_before_temp=[] # for j in range(1,len(thresh)): # time_before_temp.append((spike_ind[k][j]-spike_ind[k][j-1])*dt) # #for each spike calculate the time from the previous spike # time_previous_spike.append(time_before_temp) if MAKE_PLOT: plt.subplot(len(multi_SS_v)+1,1,1) plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(multi_SS_i[k]))*dt, multi_SS_i[k]*1e12, lw=2) plt.ylabel('current (pA)', fontsize=16) plt.xlim([2., 2.12]) plt.title('Triple Short Square', fontsize=20) plt.subplot(len(multi_SS_v)+1,1,k+2) plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(multi_SS_v[k]))*dt, multi_SS_v[k], lw=2) plt.plot(spike_ind[k]*dt, thresh, '.k', ms=16) plt.xlim([2., 2.12]) if MAKE_PLOT: plt.ylabel('voltage (V)', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=16) if SHOW_PLOT: # put numbers into one vector for fitting of exponential function thresh_inf=np.mean(thresh_first_spike) #note this threshold infinity isnt the one coming from single blip try: #this try here because sometimes even though have the traces there isnt more than one trace with two spikes #--these two lines no longer needed because all single values now (depricate with lines up above) instead converst them to arrays # threshold=np.concatenate(threshold) # time_previous_spike=np.concatenate(time_previous_spike) #note that this will have nans in it threshold=np.array(threshold) time_previous_spike=np.array(time_previous_spike) #note that this will have nans in it if MAKE_PLOT: plt.figure() plt.plot(time_previous_spike, threshold, '.k', ms=16) plt.ylabel('threshold (mV)') plt.xlabel('time since last spike (s)') # calculate values of exponential function both if force function to local threshold infinity and not forcing to a value # (not forcing to a value seems less valid unless a bunch of points are added corresponding to the threshold of the # first spike at time equal infinity (because the first spike is a spike that happens where the spike before it was an # infinite time away)). Therefore, the values that are obtained from forcing are the ones that are used. p0_force=[.002, -100.] p0_fit=[.002, -100., thresh_inf] #TODO: THIS WOULD BE BETTER IF IT CALLED THE ACTUAL FUNCTION IN THE NEURON METHODS THAT WAY THEY WOULD HAVE TO BE THE SAME (popt_force, pcov_force)= curve_fit(exp_force_c, (time_previous_spike, thresh_inf), threshold, p0=p0_force, maxfev=100000) (popt_fit, pcov_fit)= curve_fit(exp_fit_c, time_previous_spike, threshold, p0=p0_fit, maxfev=100000) # viewing fit functions time_previous_spike.sort() #since time is not in order, making new time vector so that obtained fit curve can be plotted fit_force=exp_force_c((time_previous_spike, thresh_inf), popt_force[0], popt_force[1]) fit_fit=exp_fit_c(time_previous_spike, popt_fit[0], popt_fit[1], popt_fit[2]) if MAKE_PLOT: plt.plot(time_previous_spike, fit_force, 'r', lw=4, label="exp fit (force const to thesh first spike)\n k=%.3g, amp=%.3g" % (popt_force[1], popt_force[0])) plt.plot(time_previous_spike, fit_fit, 'b', lw=4, label="exp fit (fit constant)\n k=%.3g, amp=%.3g" % (popt_fit[1], popt_fit[0])) plt.legend() if SHOW_PLOT: if PUBLICATION_PLOT: plt.figure(figsize=[14, 5]) ax1=plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0,0)) ax2=plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1,0)) ax3=plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0,1), rowspan=2) for k in range(0, len(multi_SS_v)): thresh=[multi_SS_v[k][j] for j in spike_ind[k]] ax1.plot(np.arange(0, len(multi_SS_i[k]))*dt, multi_SS_i[k]*1.e12, lw=2) ax1.set_ylabel('Current (pA)', fontsize=16) ax1.set_xlim([2., 2.12]) ax1.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) #ax1.set_title('Triple Short Square', fontsize=20) ax2.plot(np.arange(0, len(multi_SS_v[k]))*dt, multi_SS_v[k]*1.e3, lw=2) ax2.plot(spike_ind[k]*dt, np.array(thresh)*1.e3, '.k', ms=16) ax2.set_ylabel('Voltage (mV)', fontsize=16) ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=16) ax2.set_xlim([2., 2.12]) ax3.plot(time_previous_spike, np.array(threshold)*1.e3, '.k', ms=16) ax3.set_ylabel('Threshold (mV)', fontsize=16) ax3.set_xlabel('Time since last spike (s)', fontsize=16) # ax3.set_title('Spiking component of threshold', fontsize=20) ax3.plot(time_previous_spike, fit_force*1.e3, 'r', lw=4)#, label="exp fit: k=%.3g, amp=%.3g" % (popt_force[1], popt_force[0])) ax3.legend() plt.tight_layout() const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset=popt_force[0] decay_const=popt_force[1] if decay_const >0: logging.critical('This neuron has an increasing decay value for the spike component of the threshold') if const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset<0: logging.critical('This neuron has a negative amplitude for the spike component of the threshold') #if the decay constant is positive, or the amplitute is negative set the amplitude to 0 so that there #will be no spike component of the threshold if decay_const >0 or const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset < 0: const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset=0 decay=-1.0 #note that this number doesnt matter since the amplitude is set to zero # This decay constant was originally forced to be positive (i.e. decay_const=abs(popt_force[1])) # and then it is negated everywhere it is utilized elsewhere in the code. Now things are forced in # a different way above. However the decay constant still needs to be negated here for use in the # rest of the code. decay_const=-decay_const except Exception as e: logging.error(e.message) const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset=None decay_const=None return const_to_add_to_thresh_for_reset, decay_const, thresh_inf
[docs]def fit_avoltage_bvoltage(x, v_trace_list, El_list, spike_cut_length, all_spikeInd_list, th_inf, dt, a_spike, b_spike, fake=False): '''This is a version of fit_avoltage_bvoltage_debug that does not require the th_trace, v_component_of_thresh_trace, and spike_component_of_thresh_trace needed for debugging. A test should be run to make sure the same output comes out from this and the debug function This function returns the squared error for the difference between the 'known' voltage component of the threshold obtained from the biological neuron and the voltage component of the threshold of the model obtained with the input parameters (so that the minimum can be searched for via fmin). The overall threshold is the sum of threshold infinity the spike component of the threshold and the voltage component of the threshold. Therefore threshold infinity and the spike component of the threshold must be subtracted from the threshold of the neuron in order to isolate the voltage component of the threshold. In the evaluation of the model the actual voltage of the neuron is used so that any errors in the other components of the model will not influence the fits here (for example, if a afterspike current was estimated incorrectly) Notes: * The spike component of the threshold is subtracted from the voltage which means that the voltage component of the threshold should only be added to rules. * b_spike was fit using a negative value in the function therefore the negative is placed in the equation. * values in this function are in 'real' voltage as opposed to voltage relative to resting potential. * current injection during the spike is not taken into account. This seems reasonable as the ion channels are open during this time and injected current may not greatly influence the neuron. x: numpy array x[0]=a_voltage input, x[1] is b_voltage_input, x[2] is th_inf v_trace_list: list of numpy arrays voltage traces (v_trace, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) El_list: list of floats reversal potential (v_trace, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) spike_cut_length: int number of indicies removed after initiation of a spike all_spikeInd_list: list of numpy arrays indicies of spike trains th_inf: float threshold infinity (v_trace, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) dt: float size of time step (SI units) a_spike: float amplitude of spike component of threshold. b_spike: float decay constant in spike component of the threshold fake: Boolean if True makes uses the voltage value of spike step-1 because there is not a voltage value at the spike step because it is set to nan in the simulator. ''' a_voltage=x[0] b_voltage=x[1] total_err=0 for v_trace, El, all_spikeInd in zip(v_trace_list, El_list, all_spikeInd_list): # Calculate values along the whole trace and then take the values at the spike ind internal_sp_comp_array=np.zeros(all_spikeInd[0]+spike_cut_length) left_over=0 #vector of spike component of of the threshold from each spike and previous spikes; note at first spike there is no spike component of threshold so initialized at zero #Note that care has to be taken here to get make sure the right amount of decay is left over for spike_number in range(1,len(all_spikeInd)): #skipping first spike since no residual spike component of threshold integration_length=all_spikeInd[spike_number]-all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]+1 #this is the amount of time that needs to be integrated over note that it is one longer than the interval because of the last value is added to the aspike for the next ISI local_spike_comp_of_threshold=spike_component_of_threshold_exact(a_spike+left_over, b_spike, np.arange(integration_length)*dt) internal_sp_comp_array=np.append(internal_sp_comp_array, local_spike_comp_of_threshold[:-1]) left_over=local_spike_comp_of_threshold[-1] # Compute voltage component of threshold at biological spike (subtract th_inf and spike component of threshold # from biological voltage values at spike initiation) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # NOTE THAT THERE IS AN ISSUE HERE USING FAKE DATA. THE -1 IS HERE BECAUSE THE NEURON CROSSES THRESHOLD SOMETIME BETWEEN TWO INDICIES. # FOR THE FAKE DATA THE TIME OF THE SPIKE (THE POINT FOLLOWING WHEN THE VOLTAGE CROSSES THRESHOLD) IS SET TO NAN. # THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE CAN BE USED BUT THEN THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE MUST BE CALCULATED FOR THE TRUE VOLTAGE # TRACE AND POSSIBLY IN THE INTEGRATION. if fake: v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd-1]-internal_sp_comp_array[all_spikeInd-1]-th_inf #USE THIS FOR FAKE DATA else: v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd]-internal_sp_comp_array[all_spikeInd]-th_inf #USE THIS FOR REAL DATA (although probably not necessary) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # For each ISI, calculate the difference between the voltage dependent component of the threshold # and the value that would be determined via a model that uses the actual voltage of neuron. sq_err = [] #list to store squared error between the model and biological threshold for spike_number in range(1, len(all_spikeInd)): #loop over all ISI's in data v_start_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]+int(spike_cut_length) #dont want to use voltage during a spike end_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number] v_in_ISI=v_trace[v_start_ind:end_ind] #voltage component of threshold at the beginning and end of the ISI #With fake data if go from one before fake data to fake data this should be exact theta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1] #this assumes that the voltage component of the threshold does not change over the time period of the spike # not sure this makes sense any moretheta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1]+sp_comp_of_offset_at_spike_list[spike_number-1] #use this is you want to add the biological component back on theta1=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number] tvec=np.arange(len(v_in_ISI))*dt #analytical solution should be exact with fake data--small differences could be because of the differences in the voltage at #spike indicies are off by one model=+theta0*np.exp(-b_voltage*dt*(end_ind-v_start_ind))+a_voltage*np.exp(-b_voltage*tvec[-1])*np.sum(dt*(v_in_ISI-El)*np.exp(b_voltage*tvec)) err = (theta1-model)**2 if ~np.isnan(err): sq_err.append(err) total_err+=np.sum(sq_err) return total_err
[docs]def fit_avoltage_bvoltage_th(x, v_trace_list, El_list, spike_cut_length, all_spikeInd_list, dt, a_spike, b_spike, fake=False): '''This is a version of fit_avoltage_bvoltage_th_debug that does not require the th_trace, v_component_of_thresh_trace, and spike_component_of_thresh_trace needed for debugging. A test should be run to make sure the same output comes out from this and the debug function This function returns the squared error for the difference between the 'known' voltage component of the threshold obtained from the biological neuron and the voltage component of the threshold of the model obtained with the input parameters (so that the minimum can be searched for via fmin). The overall threshold is the sum of threshold infinity the spike component of the threshold and the voltage component of the threshold. Therefore threshold infinity and the spike component of the threshold must be subtracted from the threshold of the neuron in order to isolate the voltage component of the threshold. In the evaluation of the model the actual voltage of the neuron is used so that any errors in the other components of the model will not influence the fits here (for example, if a afterspike current was estimated incorrectly) Notes: * The spike component of the threshold is subtracted from the voltage which means that the voltage component of the threshold should only be added to rules. * b_spike was fit using a negative value in the function therefore the negative is placed in the equation. * values in this function are in 'real' voltage as opposed to voltage relative to resting potential. * current injection during the spike is not taken into account. This seems reasonable as the ion channels are open during this time and injected current may not greatly influence the neuron. x: numpy array x[0]=a_voltage input, x[1] is b_voltage_input, x[2] is th_inf v_trace_list: list of numpy arrays voltage traces (v_trace, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) El_list: list of floats reversal potential (v_trace, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) spike_cut_length: int number of indicies removed after initiation of a spike all_spikeInd_list: list of numpy arrays indicies of spike trains dt: float size of time step (SI units) a_spike: float amplitude of spike component of threshold. b_spike: float decay constant in spike component of the threshold fake: Boolean if True makes uses the voltage value of spike step-1 because there is not a voltage value at the spike step because it is set to nan in the simulator. ''' a_voltage=x[0] b_voltage=x[1] th_inf=x[2] total_err=0 for v_trace, El, all_spikeInd in zip(v_trace_list, El_list, all_spikeInd_list): # Calculate values along the whole trace and then take the values at the spike ind internal_sp_comp_array=np.zeros(all_spikeInd[0]+spike_cut_length) left_over=0 #vector of spike component of of the threshold from each spike and previous spikes; note at first spike there is no spike component of threshold so initialized at zero #Note that care has to be taken here to get make sure the right amount of decay is left over for spike_number in range(1,len(all_spikeInd)): #skipping first spike since no residual spike component of threshold integration_length=all_spikeInd[spike_number]-all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]+1 #this is the amount of time that needs to be integrated over note that it is one longer than the interval because of the last value is added to the aspike for the next ISI local_spike_comp_of_threshold=spike_component_of_threshold_exact(a_spike+left_over, b_spike, np.arange(integration_length)*dt) internal_sp_comp_array=np.append(internal_sp_comp_array, local_spike_comp_of_threshold[:-1]) left_over=local_spike_comp_of_threshold[-1] # Compute voltage component of threshold at biological spike (subtract th_inf and spike component of threshold # from biological voltage values at spike initiation) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # NOTE THAT THERE IS AN ISSUE HERE USING FAKE DATA. THE -1 IS HERE BECAUSE THE NEURON CROSSES THRESHOLD SOMETIME BETWEEN TWO INDICIES. # FOR THE FAKE DATA THE TIME OF THE SPIKE (THE POINT FOLLOWING WHEN THE VOLTAGE CROSSES THRESHOLD) IS SET TO NAN. # THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE CAN BE USED BUT THEN THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE MUST BE CALCULATED FOR THE TRUE VOLTAGE # TRACE AND POSSIBLY IN THE INTEGRATION. if fake: v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd-1]-internal_sp_comp_array[all_spikeInd-1]-th_inf #USE THIS FOR FAKE DATA else: v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd]-internal_sp_comp_array[all_spikeInd]-th_inf #USE THIS FOR REAL DATA (although probably not necessary) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # For each ISI, calculate the difference between the voltage dependent component of the threshold # and the value that would be determined via a model that uses the actual voltage of neuron. sq_err = [] #list to store squared error between the model and biological threshold for spike_number in range(1, len(all_spikeInd)): #loop over all ISI's in data v_start_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]+int(spike_cut_length) #dont want to use voltage during a spike end_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number] v_in_ISI=v_trace[v_start_ind:end_ind] #voltage component of threshold at the beginning and end of the ISI #With fake data if go from one before fake data to fake data this should be exact theta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1] #this assumes that the voltage component of the threshold does not change over the time period of the spike # not sure this makes sense any moretheta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1]+sp_comp_of_offset_at_spike_list[spike_number-1] #use this is you want to add the biological component back on theta1=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number] tvec=np.arange(len(v_in_ISI))*dt #analytical solution should be exact with fake data--small differences could be because of the differences in the voltage at #spike indicies are off by one model=+theta0*np.exp(-b_voltage*dt*(end_ind-v_start_ind))+a_voltage*np.exp(-b_voltage*tvec[-1])*np.sum(dt*(v_in_ISI-El)*np.exp(b_voltage*tvec)) err = (theta1-model)**2 if ~np.isnan(err): sq_err.append(err) total_err+=np.sum(sq_err) return total_err
#TODO: depricate confirmed use of fit_avoltage_bvoltage_th #def err_fix_th(x, v_trace, El, spike_cut_length, all_spikeInd, th_inf, dt, a_spike, b_spike): # '''This function returns the squared error for the difference between the 'known' voltage # component of the threshold obtained from the biological neuron and the voltage component # of the threshold of the model obtained with the input parameters (so that the minimum can be # searched for via fmin). The overall threshold is the sum of threshold infinity the spike component # of the threshold and the voltage component of the threshold. Therefore threshold infinity and # the spike component of the threshold must be subtracted from the threshold of the neuron in order # to isolate the voltage component of the threshold. In the evaluation of the model the actual # voltage of the neuron is used so that any errors in the other components of the model will not # influence the fits here (for example if a afterspike current was estimated incorrectly) # # Notes: # * The spike component of the threshold is subtracted from the # voltage which means that the voltage component of the threshold should only be added to rules. # * b_spike was fit using a negative value in the function therefore the negative is placed in the # equation. # * values in this function are in 'real' voltage as opposed to voltage # relative to resting potential. # * current injection during the spike is not taken into account. This seems reasonable as the # ion channels are open during this time and injected current may not greatly influence the neuron. # # x: numpy array # x[0]=a_voltage input, x[1] is b_voltage_input # voltage: numpy array # voltage trace (voltage, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) # El: float # reversal potential (voltage, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) # spike_cut_length: int # number of indicies removed after initiation of a spike # all_spikeInd: numpy array # indicies of spike train # th_inf: float # threshold infinity (voltage, El, and th_inf must be in the same frame of reference) # dt: float # size of time step (SI units) # a_spike: float # amplitude of spike component of threshold. # b_spike: float # decay constant in spike component of the threshold # ''' # a_voltage=x[0] # b_voltage=x[1] # # effect of the spike component of the threshold from each spike and previous spikes # sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector=[0] #vector of spike component of of the threshold from each spike and previous spikes; note at first spike there is no spike component of threshold so initialized at zero # for spike_number in range(1,len(all_spikeInd)): #skipping first spike since no residual spike component of threshold # t=(all_spikeInd[spike_number]-all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]-spike_cut_length)*dt #spike ISI # sp_comp_of_th_offset_local = spike_component_of_threshold_exact(a_spike, b_spike, t) #spike component of threshold at each ISI for each individual spike # #I THINK THE LINE BELOW MIGHT JUST BE WRONG BECAUSE THE OLD OFF SET WOULD DECAY AND I DONT THINK IT IS HERE:THIS IS WHAT IS BEING USED ## sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector.append(sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector[-1] + sp_comp_of_th_offset_local) #keeping track of residual spike component of threshold at each spike # left_over_decay=spike_component_of_threshold_exact(sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector[-1], b_spike, t) # sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector.append(left_over_decay + sp_comp_of_th_offset_local) #keeping track of spike component of threshold with residuals at each spike # # # # Compute v_trace component of threshold at biological spike (subtract th_inf and spike component of threshold # # from biological v_trace values at spike initiation) # #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # NOTE THAT THERE IS AN ISSUE HERE USING FAKE DATA. THE -1 IS HERE BECAUSE THE NEURON CROSSES THRESHOLD SOMETIME BETWEEN TWO INDICIES. # # FOR THE FAKE DATA THE TIME OF THE SPIKE (THE POINT FOLLOWING WHEN THE VOLTAGE CROSSES THRESHOLD) IS SET TO NAN. # # THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE CAN BE USED BUT THEN THE INTERPOLATED VOLTAGE MUST BE CALCULATED FOR THE TRUE VOLTAGE # # TRACE AND POSSIBLY IN THE INTEGRATION. # v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd-1]-np.array(sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector)-th_inf #USE THIS FOR FAKE DATA ## v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data=v_trace[all_spikeInd]-np.array(sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector)-th_inf #THIS IS PROBABLY APPROPRIATE FOR REAL DATA # #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # # For each ISI, calculate the difference between the v_trace dependent component of the threshold # # and the value that would be determined via a model that uses the actual v_trace of neuron. # sq_err = [] #list to store squared error between the model and biological threshold # for spike_number in range(1, len(all_spikeInd)): #loop over all ISI's in data # v_start_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number-1]+int(spike_cut_length) #dont want to use voltage during a spike # end_ind = all_spikeInd[spike_number] # v_in_ISI=v_trace[v_start_ind:end_ind] # #v_trace component of threshold at the beginning and end of the ISI # # theta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1] #this assumes that the voltage component of the threshold does not change over the time period of the spike # # not sure this makes sense any moretheta0=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number-1]+sp_comp_of_offset_sum_vector[spike_number-1] #use this is you want to add the biological component back on # theta1=v_comp_of_th_at_each_spike_via_data[spike_number] # tvec=np.arange(len(v_in_ISI))*dt # # #need to prove this--NOTE THAT THIS SHOULD BE EXACT DURING FAKE DATA--DIFFERENCES COULD BE DUE TO GETTING VALUES AT DIFFERENT INDICIES # model=+theta0*np.exp(-b_voltage*dt*(end_ind-v_start_ind))+a_voltage*np.exp(-b_voltage*tvec[-1])*np.sum(dt*(v_in_ISI-El)*np.exp(b_voltage*tvec)) # err = (theta1-model)**2 # if ~np.isnan(err): # sq_err.append(err) # # return np.sum(sq_err) # TODO: can depricate, using sdk now #def find_multiblip_spikes(multi_SS_i, multi_SS_v, dt): # '''artifacts caused by turning stimulus on and off created artifacts that # created problems for the standard spike detection algorithm. Several alterations # were made so that the algorithm would detect spikes appropriately. Please see multiblip # spike cutting documentation for more information on how the code differs from the SDK # version and what was needed to solve specific issues. # input: # multi_SS_i: list of arrays # each array corresponds to the current stimulation of one triblip stimulus # multi_SS_v: list of arrays # each array corresponds to the voltage trace of triblip simulus # dt: float # ''' # artifact_ave_window_time_s=0.0003 # # window_indicies_to_ave_len=int(artifact_ave_window_time_s/dt) # out_spk_idxs_list=[] # for current, voltage in zip(multi_SS_i, multi_SS_v): # #--Find the beginning and end of stimuli so that we can average the voltage traces at that time # up_blip_index=np.where(np.diff(np.greater_equal(current, 1e-10).astype(int)) == 1)[0]#Note 1e-10 is larger than test pulse so it will not pick up test pulse # down_blip_index=np.where(np.diff(np.less_equal(current, 1e-10).astype(int)) == 1)[0] # potential_artifact_indexes=np.sort(np.append(up_blip_index, down_blip_index)) # artifact_removed_voltage=copy.deepcopy(voltage) # window_boarders_index=[] # #--remove artifacts # for index in potential_artifact_indexes: # smooth_window=range(index,index+window_indicies_to_ave_len+1) # # # interpolate in the smoothing window # blah=interp1d([smooth_window[0], smooth_window[-1]], [artifact_removed_voltage[smooth_window[0]], artifact_removed_voltage[smooth_window[-1]]]) # artifact_removed_voltage[smooth_window]=blah(smooth_window) # # #windows boarders are just for plotting ## window_boarders_index.append(smooth_window[0]) ## window_boarders_index.append(smooth_window[-1]) ## plt.figure() ## plt.plot(voltage, 'b', lw=4) ## plt.plot(artifact_removed_voltage, 'r', lw=2) ## plt.plot(window_boarders_index, artifact_removed_voltage[window_boarders_index], '|g', ms=10) ## plt.xlim([40400, 41000]) ## ## ## t = np.arange(0, len()) * dt # # # keeping the smooth_v convention of the SDK find spike code. However in the SDK code # # this is used to name data potentially smoothed by a bessel filter # smooth_v = artifact_removed_voltage # dv = np.diff(smooth_v) # dvdt = dv / dt # dvv = np.diff(dvdt) # # v=smooth_v[:-1] #truncating the end of v so it has the same dimensions as dvdt for time plotting # # spikes = [] # out_spk_idxs = [] # # peaks=get_peaks(v) # find potential spikes by finding peak over zero mv # # # Etay defines spike as time of threshold crossing. Threshold is defined as the time at which dvdt is some percent of maximum threshold. # # TODO: figure out how maximum threshold is defined in original code so I can say why I don't use it # for spk_n, peak_idx in enumerate(peaks): # #---------find spike peak---------------------------- # spk = {} # # spk["peak_idx"] = peak_idx # upstroke_idx = np.argmax(dvdt[peak_idx-int(.001/dt):peak_idx]) + peak_idx-int(.001/dt) # spk["upstroke"] = dvdt[upstroke_idx] # spk["upstroke_idx"] = upstroke_idx # spk["upstroke_v"] = v[upstroke_idx] # # # Define threshold where dvdt = 5% * max upstroke # dvdt_thr_target = THRESH_PCT_MULTIBLIP * spk["upstroke"] # #print 'spk[upstroke]', spk["upstroke"], 'dvdt_thr_target', dvdt_thr_target # prev_idx = peak_idx-int(.0035/dt) # #check to make sure prev_idx is not before or in a window where the stimulus blip comes on because # #it will errorniously trip the threshold dvdt # for index in up_blip_index: # if prev_idx<=index+int(.0005/dt) and prev_idx>= index-int(.0035/dt): # prev_idx=index+int(.0005/dt) # # mean_dvv= [np.mean(dvv[pv-2:pv+3]) for pv in range(prev_idx,upstroke_idx)] #makes sure dv2/dt2 isnt spuriously going down by averaging 5 points # find_thresh_idxs = np.where(np.logical_and(dvdt[prev_idx:upstroke_idx] >= dvdt_thr_target, np.greater(mean_dvv,0)))[0] # # if len(find_thresh_idxs) < 1: # Can't find a good threshold value - probably a bad simulation case # # Fall back to the upstroke value # threshold_idx = upstroke_idx # else: # threshold_idx = find_thresh_idxs[0] + prev_idx # # spk["threshold_idx"] = threshold_idx # spk["threshold_v"] = v[threshold_idx] # # # Check for things that are probably not spikes: # # # if the "spike" is less than 2 mV from threshold to peak, don't count it # if v[peak_idx] - v[threshold_idx] < 0.002: # print("\tnot counting spike is closer to peak than 2 mV") # continue # # #NOTE: because threshold doesnt decay to zero in the multiblip this doesnt get rid of the situation that usually is only in the first spike of a stimulus # # if the spike is less the -30mV, don't count it # if v[peak_idx] < -0.04: # print("\tnot counting spike: peak is too small") # continue # # spikes.append(spk) # # #----figure out if I should still find a global threshold and then do it all again # # # find global threshold which is an average of the individual thresholds # # if len(spikes) > 0: # # dvdt_thr_target = np.array([spk["upstroke"] for spk in spikes]).mean() * THRESH_PCT_MULTIBLIP # # else: # if there weren't any spikes, move along # # return np.array([]) # # out_spk_idxs.append(spk["threshold_idx"]) # # out_spk_idxs_list.append(np.array(out_spk_idxs)) # ## time_vector=np.arange(len(v))*dt ## plt.figure() ## # plt.subplot(3,1,1) ## # plt.plot(time_vector, ddv) ## # plt.plot(time_vector[out_spk_idxs], ddv[out_spk_idxs], '.r', ms=16) ## # plt.xlim([40300, 42000]) ## # plt.ylabel('ddv') ## plt.subplot(2,1,1) ## plt.plot(time_vector, dvdt) ## plt.plot(time_vector[out_spk_idxs], dvdt[out_spk_idxs], '.r', ms=16) ## plt.plot(time_vector[potential_artifact_indexes], dvdt[potential_artifact_indexes], 'b|', ms=24, lw=4) ## plt.xlim([40300*dt, 42000*dt]) ## plt.ylabel('dvdt') ## plt.subplot(2,1,2) ## plt.plot(time_vector, v) ## plt.plot(time_vector[out_spk_idxs], v[out_spk_idxs], 'r.', ms=16, label='threshold') ## plt.xlim([40300*dt, 42000*dt]) ## plt.ylabel('voltage (V)') ## plt.plot(time_vector[peaks], v[peaks], '.g', ms=16, label='peaks') ## plt.plot(time_vector[[spikes[ii]['upstroke_idx'] for ii in range(len(spikes))]], [spikes[ii]['upstroke_v'] for ii in range(len(spikes))], '.c', ms=16, label = 'max upstroke') ## plt.plot(time_vector[potential_artifact_indexes], v[potential_artifact_indexes], 'b|', ms=24, lw=4) ## plt.legend() ## # # return out_spk_idxs_list
[docs]def get_peaks(voltage, aboveValue=0): '''This function was written by Corinne Teeter and calculates the action potential peaks of a voltage equation" inputs voltage: numpy array of voltages aboveValue: scalar voltage value over which voltage is considered a spike. outputs: peakInd: array of indicies of peaks''' VshiftR=np.concatenate(([0], voltage[0:voltage.size-2])) VshiftL=voltage[1:voltage.size] IndShiftR=np.where(voltage[0:voltage.size-1]>VshiftR) IndShiftL=np.where(voltage[0:voltage.size-1]>VshiftL) greatThanThresh=np.where(voltage>aboveValue) #finds indicies greater than the value provided peakInd=np.intersect1d(np.intersect1d(IndShiftL[0], IndShiftR[0]), greatThanThresh[0]) #find the indicies of the peak return peakInd
[docs]def exp_force_c(t_const, a1, k1): (t, const) = t_const return a1*(np.exp(k1*t))+const
[docs]def exp_fit_c(t, a1, k1, const): return a1*(np.exp(k1*t))+const