Source code for allensdk.internal.model.glif.glif_optimizer_neuron

import logging
import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange
import scipy.interpolate as spi

import allensdk.model.glif.glif_neuron as glif_neuron

# TODO: license
# TODO: document

[docs]class GlifNeuronException( Exception ): """ Exception for catching simulation errors and reporting intermediate data. """ def __init__(self, message, data): super(Exception, self).__init__(message) = data
[docs]class GlifBadInitializationException( Exception ): """ Exception raised when voltage is above threshold at the beginning of a sweep. i.e. probably caused by the optimizer. """ def __init__(self, message, dv, step): super(Exception, self).__init__(message) self.dv = dv self.step=step
[docs]class GlifOptimizerNeuron( glif_neuron.GlifNeuron ): '''Contains methods for running the neuron model in a "forced-spike" paradigm used during optimization. ''' TYPE = "GLIF" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GlifOptimizerNeuron, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.extrapolation_method_name = kwargs.get('extrapolation_method_name', 'endpoints') if self.extrapolation_method_name == 'endpoints': self.extrapolation_method = extrapolate_model_spike_from_endpoints elif self.extrapolation_method_name == 'endpoints_single_tau': self.extrapolation_method = extrapolate_model_spike_from_endpoints_single_tau else: raise Exception('unknown extrapolation method: %s' % self.extrapolation_method_name) #TODO: what is this where is it comming from? self.dt_multiplier = kwargs.get('dt_multiplier', 1) self.El_reference = kwargs.get('El_reference',None)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): return cls(El = d['El'], dt = d['dt'], # tau = d['tau'], asc_tau_array=d['asc_tau_array'], R_input = d['R_input'], C = d['C'], asc_amp_array = d['asc_amp_array'], spike_cut_length = d['spike_cut_length'], th_inf = d['th_inf'], th_adapt=None, coeffs = d.get('coeffs', {}), AScurrent_dynamics_method = d['AScurrent_dynamics_method'], voltage_dynamics_method = d['voltage_dynamics_method'], threshold_dynamics_method = d['threshold_dynamics_method'], voltage_reset_method = d['voltage_reset_method'], AScurrent_reset_method = d['AScurrent_reset_method'], threshold_reset_method = d['threshold_reset_method'], init_voltage = d['init_voltage'], init_threshold = d['init_threshold'], init_AScurrents = d['init_AScurrents'], extrapolation_method_name = d.get('extrapolation_method_name', 'endpoints'), dt_multiplier = d.get('dt_multiplier',1), El_reference = d['El_reference'] )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict_legacy(cls, d): return cls(El = d['El'], dt = d['dt'], # tau = d['tau'], asc_tau_array=d['asc_tau_array'], R_input = d['R_input'], C = d['C'], asc_amp_array = d['asc_amp_array'], spike_cut_length = d['spike_cut_length'], th_inf = d['th_inf'], th_adapt=d['th_adapt'], coeffs = d.get('coeffs', {}), AScurrent_dynamics_method = d['AScurrent_dynamics_method'], voltage_dynamics_method = d['voltage_dynamics_method'], threshold_dynamics_method = d['threshold_dynamics_method'], voltage_reset_method = d['voltage_reset_method'], AScurrent_reset_method = d['AScurrent_reset_method'], threshold_reset_method = d['threshold_reset_method'], init_voltage = d['init_voltage'], init_threshold = d['init_threshold'], init_AScurrents = d['init_AScurrents'], extrapolation_method_name = d.get('extrapolation_method_name', 'endpoints'), dt_multiplier = d.get('dt_multiplier',1) )
[docs] def to_dict(self): curr_dict = super(GlifOptimizerNeuron, self).to_dict() curr_dict.update({'extrapolation_method_name':self.extrapolation_method_name, 'dt_multiplier':self.dt_multiplier, 'El_reference':self.El_reference}) return curr_dict
[docs] def run_with_biological_spikes(self, stimulus, response, bio_spike_time_steps): """ Run the neuron simulation over a stimulus, but do not allow the model to spike on its own. Rather, force the simulation to spike and reset at a given set of spike indices. Dynamics rules are applied between spikes regardless of the simulated voltage and threshold values. Reset rules are applied only at input spike times. This is used during optimization to force the model to follow the spikes of biological data. The model is optimized in this way so that history effects due to spiking can be adequately modeled. For example, every time the model spikes a new set of afterspike currents will be initiated. To ensure that afterspike currents can be optimized, we force them to be initiated at the time of the biological spike. Parameters ---------- stimulus : np.ndarray vector of scalar current values respones : np.ndarray vector of scalar voltage values bio_spike_time_steps : list spike time step indices Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing: 'voltage': simulated voltage values, 'threshold': simulated threshold values, 'AScurrent_matrix': afterspike currents during the simulation, 'grid_model_spike_times': spike times of the model aligned to the simulation grid (when it would have spiked), 'interpolated_model_spike_times': spike times of the model linearly interpolated between time steps, 'grid_ISI': interspike interval between grid model spike times, 'interpolated_ISI': interspike interval between interpolated model spike times, 'grid_bio_spike_model_voltage': voltage of the model at biological/input spike times, 'grid_bio_spike_model_threshold': voltage of the model at biological/input spike times interpolated between time steps """ self.threshold_components = None #get rid of lingering threshold components voltage_t0 = self.init_voltage threshold_t0 = self.init_threshold AScurrents_t0 = self.init_AScurrents if voltage_t0>threshold_t0: raise GlifBadInitializationException("Voltage STARTS above threshold: voltage_t0 (%f) threshold_t0 (%f)" % ( voltage_t0, threshold_t0, voltage_t0 - threshold_t0, 10000000.0)) start_index = 0 end_index = 0 try: num_spikes = len(bio_spike_time_steps) # if there are no target spikes, just run until the model spikes if num_spikes == 0: start_index = 0 end_index = len(stimulus) # evaluate the model starting from the beginning until the model spikes run_data = self.run_until_biological_spike(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, stimulus, response, start_index, end_index, []) voltage = run_data['voltage'] threshold = run_data['threshold'] AScurrent_matrix = run_data['AScurrent_matrix'] if len(voltage) != len(stimulus): logging.warning('Your voltage output is not the same length as your stimulus') if len(threshold) != len(stimulus): logging.warning('Your threshold output is not the same length as your stimulus') if len(AScurrent_matrix) != len(stimulus): logging.warning('Your AScurrent_matrix output is not the same length as your stimulus') # do not keep track of the spikes in the model that spike if the target doesn't spike. grid_ISI = np.array([]) interpolated_ISI = np.array([]) grid_model_spike_times = np.array([]) interpolated_model_spike_times = np.array([]) grid_model_spike_voltages = np.array([]) interpolated_model_spike_voltages = np.array([]) grid_bio_spike_model_voltage = np.array([]) grid_bio_spike_model_threshold = np.array([]) else: # initialize the output arrays grid_ISI = np.empty(num_spikes) interpolated_ISI = np.empty(num_spikes) grid_model_spike_times = np.empty(num_spikes) interpolated_model_spike_times = np.empty(num_spikes) grid_model_spike_voltages = np.empty(num_spikes) interpolated_model_spike_voltages = np.empty(num_spikes) grid_bio_spike_model_voltage = np.empty(num_spikes) grid_bio_spike_model_threshold = np.empty(num_spikes) spikeIndStart = 0 voltage = np.empty(len(stimulus)) voltage[:] = np.nan threshold = np.empty(len(stimulus)) threshold[:] = np.nan AScurrent_matrix = np.empty(shape=(len(stimulus), len(AScurrents_t0))) AScurrent_matrix[:] = np.nan # run the simulation over the interspike intervals (starting at the beginning of the simulation). start_index = 0 for spike_num in range(num_spikes): if spike_num % 10 == 0: logging.debug("spike %d / %d" % (spike_num, num_spikes)) end_index = int(bio_spike_time_steps[spike_num]) assert start_index < end_index, Exception("start_index > end_index: this is probably because spike_cut_length is longer than the previous inter-spike interval") # run the simulation over this interspike interval # t0 = time.time() run_data = self.run_until_biological_spike(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, stimulus, response, start_index, end_index, bio_spike_time_steps) # print('fast', time.time() - t0) # curr_voltage = run_data_fast['voltage'] # curr_threshold = run_data_fast['threshold'] # voltage_scrubbed = curr_voltage[np.logical_not(np.isnan(curr_voltage))] # threshold_scrubbed = curr_threshold[np.logical_not(np.isnan(curr_threshold))] # # tmp_t = np.linspace(0,1,len(voltage_scrubbed)) # print(voltage_scrubbed) # plt.plot(tmp_t, voltage_scrubbed) # plt.plot(tmp_t, threshold_scrubbed) # # # sys.exit() # for key, val in run_data.items(): # print(key, val) # sys.exit() # assign the simulated data to the correct locations in the output arrays voltage[start_index:end_index] = run_data['voltage'] threshold[start_index:end_index] = run_data['threshold'] AScurrent_matrix[start_index:end_index,:] = run_data['AScurrent_matrix'] grid_ISI[spike_num] = run_data['grid_model_spike_time'] interpolated_ISI[spike_num] = run_data['interpolated_model_spike_time'] grid_model_spike_times[spike_num] = run_data['grid_model_spike_time'] + start_index * self.dt interpolated_model_spike_times[spike_num] = run_data['interpolated_model_spike_time'] + start_index * self.dt grid_model_spike_voltages[spike_num] = run_data['grid_model_spike_voltage'] interpolated_model_spike_voltages[spike_num] = run_data['interpolated_model_spike_voltage'] grid_bio_spike_model_voltage[spike_num] = run_data['grid_bio_spike_model_voltage'] grid_bio_spike_model_threshold[spike_num] = run_data['grid_bio_spike_model_threshold'] # update the voltage, threshold, and afterspike currents for the next interval voltage_t0 = run_data['voltage_t0'] threshold_t0 = run_data['threshold_t0'] AScurrents_t0 = run_data['AScurrents_t0'] start_index = end_index # if cutting spikes, jump forward the appropriate amount of time if self.spike_cut_length > 0: start_index += self.spike_cut_length # simulate the portion of the stimulus between the last spike and the end of the array. # no spikes are recorded from this time! run_data = self.run_until_biological_spike(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, stimulus, response, start_index, len(stimulus), bio_spike_time_steps) voltage[start_index:] = run_data['voltage'] threshold[start_index:] = run_data['threshold'] AScurrent_matrix[start_index:,:] = run_data['AScurrent_matrix'] # make sure that the output data has the correct number of spikes in it if ( len(interpolated_model_spike_times) != num_spikes or len(grid_model_spike_times) != num_spikes or len(grid_ISI) != num_spikes or len(interpolated_ISI) != num_spikes or len(grid_bio_spike_model_voltage) != num_spikes or len(grid_bio_spike_model_threshold) != num_spikes): raise Exception('The number of spikes in your output does not match your target') except GlifNeuronException as e: # if an exception was raised during run_until_spike, record any simulated data before exiting voltage[start_index:end_index] =['voltage'] threshold[start_index:end_index] =['threshold'] AScurrent_matrix[start_index:end_index,:] =['AScurrent_matrix'] out = { 'voltage': voltage, 'threshold': threshold, 'AScurrent_matrix': AScurrent_matrix, 'grid_ISI': grid_ISI, 'interpolated_ISI': interpolated_ISI, 'grid_model_spike_times': grid_model_spike_times, 'interpolated_model_spike_times': interpolated_model_spike_times, 'grid_model_spike_voltages': grid_model_spike_voltages, 'interpolated_model_spike_voltages': interpolated_model_spike_voltages, 'grid_bio_spike_model_voltage': grid_bio_spike_model_voltage, 'grid_bio_spike_model_threshold': grid_bio_spike_model_threshold } raise GlifNeuronException(e.message, out) return { 'voltage': voltage, 'threshold': threshold, 'AScurrent_matrix': AScurrent_matrix, 'grid_model_spike_times': grid_model_spike_times, 'interpolated_model_spike_times': interpolated_model_spike_times, 'grid_model_spike_voltages': grid_model_spike_voltages, 'interpolated_model_spike_voltages': interpolated_model_spike_voltages, 'grid_ISI': grid_ISI, 'interpolated_ISI': interpolated_ISI, 'grid_bio_spike_model_voltage': grid_bio_spike_model_voltage, 'grid_bio_spike_model_threshold': grid_bio_spike_model_threshold }
[docs] def run_until_biological_spike(self, voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, stimulus, response, start_index, after_end_index, bio_spike_time_steps): """ Run the neuron simulation over a segment of a stimulus given initial conditions for use in the "forced spike" optimization paradigm. [Note: the section of stimulus is meant to be between two biological neuron spikes. Thus the stimulus is during the interspike interval (ISI)]. The model is simulated until either the model spikes or the end of the segment is reached. If the model does not spike, a spike time is extrapolated past the end of the simulation segment. This function also returns the initial conditions for the subsequent stimulus segment. In the forced spike paradigm there are several ways Parameters ---------- voltage_t0 : float the current voltage of the neuron threshold_t0 : float the current spike threshold level of the neuron AScurrents_t0 : np.ndarray the current state of the afterspike currents in the neuron stimulus : np.ndarray the full stimulus array (not just the segment of data being simulated) response : np.ndarray the full response array (not just the segment of data being simulated) start_index : int index of global stimulus at which to start simulation after_end_index : int index of global stimulus *after* the last index to be simulated bio_spike_time_steps : list time steps of input spikes Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing: 'voltage': simulated voltage value 'threshold': simulated threshold values 'AScurrent_matrix': afterspike current values during the simulation 'grid_model_spike_time': model spike time (in units of dt) 'interpolated_model_spike_time': model spike time (in units of dt) interpolated between time steps 'voltage_t0': reset voltage value to be used in subsequent simulation interval 'threshold_t0': reset threshold value to be used in subsequent simulation interval 'AScurrents_t0': reset afterspike current value to be used in subsequent simulation interval 'grid_bio_spike_model_voltage': model voltage at the time of the input spike 'grid_bio_spike_model_threshold': model threshold at the time of the input spike """ grid_model_spike_time = None grid_model_spike_voltage = None interpolated_model_spike_time = None interpolated_model_spike_voltage = None # preallocate arrays and matricies num_time_steps_fine = after_end_index - start_index t_fine_grid = np.arange(num_time_steps_fine)*self.dt #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---Apply refinement factor to integrate over larger time steps (assumes--------- #---current within the steps can be averaged):---------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt_old = self.dt self.dt = self.dt*self.dt_multiplier # define the local course grain indicies note the last graining will be shorter and is appended to the end local_coarse_indicies=np.append(np.arange(num_time_steps_fine)[::self.dt_multiplier], after_end_index - start_index) #the last indicie in this array is still one longer than the last simulated index # convert the local coarse grained indicies into global incidies global_coarse_indicies=local_coarse_indicies+start_index # TODO: I dont think this does anything. if len(local_coarse_indicies)==2: pass num_time_steps_coarse = len(local_coarse_indicies) voltage_out_coarse_grid = np.empty(num_time_steps_coarse) voltage_out_coarse_grid[:] = np.nan threshold_out_coarse_grid = np.empty(num_time_steps_coarse) threshold_out_coarse_grid[:] = np.nan AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid = np.empty(shape=(num_time_steps_coarse, len(AScurrents_t0))) AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[:] = np.nan # these grid times are in the local frame of reference t_coarse_grid = np.arange(num_time_steps_coarse-1)*self.dt #subtracting the one off here because appending the actual last time that is not the same dt. t_coarse_grid = np.append(t_coarse_grid, t_fine_grid[-1]) dt_vector=t_coarse_grid[1:]-t_coarse_grid[:-1] #note that this vector is one index shorter than the t_course_grid # Define the coarse grain stimulus by taking the stimulus average between indicies. Note that since the initial input voltage is recorded in # the output vectors the stimulus average is indeed the input to the correct time step (i.e. current being fed in is the average current before the step) stimulus_coarse=[stimulus[global_coarse_indicies[ii]:global_coarse_indicies[ii+1]].mean() for ii in range(len(global_coarse_indicies)-1)] # step though time steps and calculate voltage values for time_step in range(len(local_coarse_indicies)-1): #minus 1 is needed to match vector sizes because initial inputs are recorded in output vectors. # update output values (Note: in general one can update values before or after the first time step. # Here the input starting value of voltage is recorded before a time step. This means the last value is not recorded.) voltage_out_coarse_grid[time_step] = voltage_t0 threshold_out_coarse_grid[time_step] = threshold_t0 AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[time_step,:] = np.matrix(AScurrents_t0) # record error in optimization if they are happening if np.isnan(voltage_t0) or np.isinf(voltage_t0) or np.isnan(threshold_t0) or np.isinf(threshold_t0) or any(np.isnan(AScurrents_t0)) or any(np.isinf(AScurrents_t0)): logging.error(self) logging.error('time step: %d / %d' % (time_step, num_time_steps_coarse)) logging.error(' voltage_t0: %f' % voltage_t0) logging.error(' voltage started the run at: %f' % voltage_out_coarse_grid[0]) logging.error(' voltage before: %s' % voltage_out_coarse_grid[time_step-20:time_step]) logging.error(' threshold_t0: %f' % threshold_t0) logging.error(' threshold started the run at: %f' % threshold_out_coarse_grid[0]) logging.error(' threshold before: %s' % threshold_out_coarse_grid[time_step-20:time_step]) logging.error(' AScurrents_t0: %s' % AScurrents_t0) if 'a_spike' in self.threshold_dynamics_method.params: logging.error(' a_spike: %s' % self.threshold_dynamics_method.params['a_spike']) if 'b_spike' in self.threshold_dynamics_method.params: logging.error(' b_spike: %s' % self.threshold_dynamics_method.params['b_spike']) # plot output in original index space temp_fine_grid_for_intp=np.arange(0,t_coarse_grid[time_step-1], dt_old) voltage_out_fine_grid = np.empty(num_time_steps_fine) voltage_out_fine_grid[:] = np.nan threshold_out_fine_grid = np.empty(num_time_steps_fine) threshold_out_fine_grid[:] = np.nan fv = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid[:time_step], voltage_out_coarse_grid[:time_step], assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=voltage_out_coarse_grid[-1]) ft = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid[:time_step], threshold_out_coarse_grid[:time_step], assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=threshold_out_coarse_grid[-1]) voltage_with_error = fv(temp_fine_grid_for_intp) threshold_with_error = ft(temp_fine_grid_for_intp) voltage_out_fine_grid[:len(voltage_with_error)]=voltage_with_error threshold_out_fine_grid[:len(threshold_with_error)]=threshold_with_error AScurrent_matrix = np.empty(shape=(num_time_steps_fine, len(AScurrents_t0))) AScurrent_matrix[:] = np.nan for ii in range(len(AScurrents_t0)): curr_fASc = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid[:time_step], AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[:time_step,ii], assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[-1,ii]) temp_asc=curr_fASc(temp_fine_grid_for_intp) AScurrent_matrix[:len(temp_asc),ii] = temp_asc raise GlifNeuronException('Invalid threshold, voltage, or after-spike current encountered.', { 'voltage': voltage_out_fine_grid, 'threshold': threshold_out_fine_grid, 'AScurrent_matrix': AScurrent_matrix }) # changing dt be the dt of the coarse bin (which is variable for the last bin) self.dt=dt_vector[time_step] (voltage_t1, threshold_t1, AScurrents_t1) = self.dynamics(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, stimulus_coarse[time_step], time_step+start_index, bio_spike_time_steps) #TODO fix list versus array # updating the input values voltage_t0=voltage_t1 threshold_t0=threshold_t1 AScurrents_t0=AScurrents_t1 # Inserting the last values into the nan at the end of the matricies so that when do the interpolation the end of the vector will not be nans # Note this should not mess with any of the outputs because is the interploated values that are the output. voltage_out_coarse_grid[time_step+1] = voltage_t0 threshold_out_coarse_grid[time_step+1] = threshold_t0 AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[time_step+1,:] = np.matrix(AScurrents_t0) # Reset dt to previous value: self.dt = dt_old fv = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid, voltage_out_coarse_grid, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=voltage_out_coarse_grid[-1]) ft = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid, threshold_out_coarse_grid, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=threshold_out_coarse_grid[-1]) voltage_out = fv(t_fine_grid) threshold_out = ft(t_fine_grid) # initalize after spike current matrix AScurrent_matrix = np.empty(shape=(num_time_steps_fine, len(AScurrents_t0))) AScurrent_matrix[:] = np.nan for ii in range(len(AScurrents_t0)): curr_fASc = spi.interp1d(t_coarse_grid, AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[:,ii], assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=AScurrent_matrix_coarse_grid[-1,ii]) AScurrent_matrix[:,ii] = curr_fASc(t_fine_grid) # find where model voltage crosses model threshold grid_model_spike_time, grid_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_time, interpolated_model_spike_voltage = find_first_model_spike(voltage_out, threshold_out, voltage_t1, threshold_t1, self.dt) # if the model never spiked, extrapolate to guess when it would have spiked if grid_model_spike_time is None: grid_model_spike_time, grid_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_time, interpolated_model_spike_voltage = self.extrapolation_method(self, voltage_out, threshold_out, voltage_t1, threshold_t1, self.dt) # when the target spikes, reset so that next round will start at reset but not recording it in the voltage here. # note that at the last section of the stimulus where there is no current injected the model will be reset even if # the biological neuron doesn't spike. However, this doesnt matter as it won't be recorded. num_spikes = len(bio_spike_time_steps) if num_spikes > 0: if after_end_index<len(stimulus): #TODO: ????????????????????????????????WHAT IS THIS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #I CANT FIGURE OUT WHY THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE if == 'adapt_sum_slow_fast': voltage_t1 = threshold_t1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------below is an option you choose for reseting based on values of model at the biological spike----------------- #---------or at the time where model voltage crosses model threshold-------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0) = self.reset(interpolated_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_voltage, AScurrents_t1) #USE THIS IF YOU WANT TO USE USE MODEL VALUES AT MODEL SPIKE (voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, bad_reset_flag) = self.reset(voltage_t1, threshold_t1, AScurrents_t1) #USE THIS IF YOU WANT TO USE MODEL VALUES AT TIME OF BIOLOGICAL SPIKE #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else: (voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0) = None, None, None return { 'voltage': voltage_out, 'threshold': threshold_out, 'AScurrent_matrix': AScurrent_matrix, 'grid_model_spike_time': grid_model_spike_time, 'interpolated_model_spike_time': interpolated_model_spike_time, 'grid_model_spike_voltage': grid_model_spike_voltage, 'interpolated_model_spike_voltage': interpolated_model_spike_voltage, 'voltage_t0': voltage_t0, 'threshold_t0': threshold_t0, 'AScurrents_t0': AScurrents_t0, 'grid_bio_spike_model_voltage': voltage_t1, 'grid_bio_spike_model_threshold': threshold_t1 }
[docs]def find_first_model_spike(voltage, threshold, voltage_t1, threshold_t1, dt): num_time_steps = len(voltage) for time_step in xrange(num_time_steps): if voltage[time_step] > threshold[time_step]: grid_model_spike_time = dt * (time_step-1) grid_model_spike_voltage = voltage[time_step-1] interpolated_model_spike_time = glif_neuron.interpolate_spike_time(dt, time_step-1, threshold[time_step-1], threshold[time_step], voltage[time_step-1], voltage[time_step]) interpolated_model_spike_voltage = interpolate_spike_voltage(dt, time_step-1, threshold[time_step-1], threshold[time_step], voltage[time_step-1], voltage[time_step]) return grid_model_spike_time, grid_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_time, interpolated_model_spike_voltage # if the last voltage is above threshold and there hasn't already been a spike if voltage_t1 > threshold_t1: grid_model_spike_time = dt * ( num_time_steps - 1 ) grid_model_spike_voltage = voltage_t1 interpolated_model_spike_time = glif_neuron.interpolate_spike_time(dt, num_time_steps - 1, threshold[num_time_steps-1], threshold_t1, voltage[num_time_steps-1], voltage_t1) interpolated_model_spike_voltage = interpolate_spike_voltage(dt, num_time_steps, threshold[-1], threshold_t1, voltage[-1], voltage_t1) return grid_model_spike_time, grid_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_time, interpolated_model_spike_voltage return None, None, None, None
[docs]def extrapolate_model_spike_from_endpoints(neuron, voltage, threshold, voltage_t1, threshold_t1, dt): #--extrapolate using first point in ISI and last point in ISI num_time_steps = len(voltage) interpolated_model_spike_time = extrapolate_spike_time(dt, num_time_steps, threshold[0], threshold_t1, voltage[0], voltage_t1) interpolated_model_spike_voltage = extrapolate_spike_voltage(dt, num_time_steps, threshold[0], threshold_t1, voltage[0], voltage_t1) grid_model_spike_time = np.ceil(interpolated_model_spike_time / dt) * dt # grid spike time based off extrapolated spike time grid_model_spike_voltage = interpolated_model_spike_voltage result = grid_model_spike_time, grid_model_spike_voltage, interpolated_model_spike_time, interpolated_model_spike_voltage return result
[docs]def extrapolate_model_spike_from_endpoints_single_tau(neuron, voltage, threshold, voltage_t1, threshold_t1, dt): tau_m = neuron.tau_m num_time_steps = len(voltage) ii = np.floor(tau_m/dt) starting_ind = max(0,(num_time_steps - ii)) result = extrapolate_model_spike_from_endpoints(neuron, voltage[starting_ind:], threshold[starting_ind:], voltage_t1, threshold_t1, dt) return result
[docs]def extrapolate_spike_time(dt, num_time_steps, threshold_t0, threshold_t1, voltage_t0, voltage_t1): """ Given two voltage and threshold values and an interval between them, extrapolate a spike time by intersecting lines the thresholds and voltages. """ return glif_neuron.line_crossing_x(dt * num_time_steps, voltage_t0, voltage_t1, threshold_t0, threshold_t1)
[docs]def extrapolate_spike_voltage(dt, num_time_steps, threshold_t0, threshold_t1, voltage_t0, voltage_t1): """ Given two voltage and threshold values and an interval between them, extrapolate a spike time by intersecting lines the thresholds and voltages. """ return glif_neuron.line_crossing_y(dt * num_time_steps, voltage_t0, voltage_t1, threshold_t0, threshold_t1)
[docs]def interpolate_spike_voltage(dt, time_step, threshold_t0, threshold_t1, voltage_t0, voltage_t1): """ Given two voltage and threshold values, the dt between them and the initial time step, interpolate a spike time within the dt interval by intersecting the two lines. """ return time_step*dt + glif_neuron.line_crossing_y(dt, voltage_t0, voltage_t1, threshold_t0, threshold_t1)