Source code for allensdk.internal.model.biophysical.deap_utils

from allensdk.model.biophys_sim.neuron.hoc_utils import HocUtils
from allensdk.ephys.ephys_extractor import EphysSweepFeatureExtractor
import logging

import numpy as np

[docs]class Utils(HocUtils): _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, description): super(Utils, self).__init__(description) self.stim = None self.stim_curr = None self.sampling_rate = None self.cell = self.h.cell()
[docs] def generate_morphology(self, morph_filename): h = self.h cell = self.cell swc = self.h.Import3d_SWC_read() swc.quiet = 1 swc.input(str(morph_filename)) imprt = self.h.Import3d_GUI(swc, 0) imprt.instantiate(cell) for seg in cell.soma[0]: seg.area() for sec in cell.all: sec.nseg = 1 + 2 * int(sec.L / 40) cell.simplify_axon() for sec in cell.axonal: sec.L = 30 sec.diam = 1 sec.nseg = 1 + 2 * int(sec.L / 40) cell.axon[0].connect(cell.soma[0], 0.5, 0) cell.axon[1].connect(cell.axon[0], 1, 0) h.define_shape()
[docs] def load_cell_parameters(self): cell = self.cell passive =['passive'][0] conditions =['conditions'][0] channels =['channels'] addl_params =['addl_params'] # Set passive properties for sec in cell.all: sec.Ra = passive['ra'] = passive['cm'][".")[1][:4]] sec.insert('pas') for seg in sec: seg.pas.e = passive["e_pas"] self.h.v_init = passive["e_pas"] # Insert channels and set parameters for c in channels: if c["mechanism"] != "": sections = [s for s in cell.all if".")[1][:4] == c["section"]] for sec in sections: sec.insert(c["mechanism"]) for ap in addl_params: if ap["mechanism"] != "": sections = [s for s in cell.all if".")[1][:4] == ap["section"]] for sec in sections: sec.insert(ap["mechanism"]) # Set reversal potentials for erev in conditions['erev']: sections = [s for s in cell.all if".")[1][:4] == erev["section"]] for sec in sections: sec.ena = erev["ena"] sec.ek = erev["ek"]
[docs] def set_normalized_parameters(self, params): channels_and_others =['channels'] +['addl_params'] for i, p in enumerate(params): c = channels_and_others[i] value = p * (c["max"] - c["min"]) + c["min"] sections = [s for s in self.cell.all if".")[1][:4] == c["section"]] for sec in sections: param_name = c["parameter"] if c["mechanism"] != "": param_name += "_" + c["mechanism"] setattr(sec, param_name, value)
[docs] def set_actual_parameters(self, params): channels_and_others =['channels'] +['addl_params'] for i, p in enumerate(params): c = channels_and_others[i] sections = [s for s in self.cell.all if".")[1][:4] == c["section"]] for sec in sections: param_name = c["parameter"] if c["mechanism"] != "": param_name += "_" + c["mechanism"] setattr(sec, param_name, p)
[docs] def normalize_actual_parameters(self, params): params_array = np.array(params) channels_and_others =['channels'] +['addl_params'] max_vals = np.array([c["max"] for c in channels_and_others]) min_vals = np.array([c["min"] for c in channels_and_others]) normalized_params = (params_array - min_vals) / (max_vals - min_vals) return normalized_params.tolist()
[docs] def actual_parameters_from_normalized(self, params): actual_params = [] channels_and_others =['channels'] +['addl_params'] for i, p in enumerate(params): c = channels_and_others[i] value = p * (c["max"] - c["min"]) + c["min"] actual_params.append(value) return actual_params
[docs] def insert_iclamp(self): self.stim = self.h.IClamp(self.cell.soma[0](0.5))
[docs] def set_iclamp_params(self, amp, delay, dur): self.stim.amp = amp self.stim.delay = delay self.stim.dur = dur
[docs] def calculate_feature_errors(self, t_ms, v, i): # Special case checks and penalty values minimum_num_spikes = 2 missing_penalty_value = 20.0 max_fail_penalty = 250.0 min_fail_penalty = 75.0 overkill_reduction = 0.75 variance_factor = 0.1 fail_trace = False delay = self.stim.delay * 1e-3 duration = self.stim.dur * 1e-3 t = t_ms * 1e-3 feature_names =['features'] # penalize for failing to return to rest start_index = np.flatnonzero(t >= delay)[0] if np.abs(v[-1] - v[:start_index].mean()) > 2.0: fail_trace = True else: swp = EphysSweepFeatureExtractor(t, v, i, start=0, end=delay, filter=None) swp.process_spikes() if swp.sweep_feature("avg_rate") > 0: fail_trace = True target_features =['target_features'] target_features_dict = {f["name"]: {"mean": f["mean"], "stdev": f["stdev"]} for f in target_features} if not fail_trace: swp = EphysSweepFeatureExtractor(t, v, i, start=delay, end=(delay + duration), filter=None) swp.process_spikes() if len(swp.spikes()) < minimum_num_spikes: # Enough spikes? fail_trace = True else: avg_per_spike_peak_error = np.mean([abs(spk["peak_v"] - target_features_dict["peak_v"]["mean"]) for spk in swp.spikes()]) avg_overall_error = abs(target_features_dict["peak_v"]["mean"] - swp.spike_feature("peak_v").mean()) if avg_per_spike_peak_error > 3.0 * avg_overall_error: # Weird bi-modality of spikes; 3.0 is arbitrary fail_trace = True if fail_trace: variance_start = np.flatnonzero(t >= delay - 0.1)[0] variance_end = np.flatnonzero(t >= (delay + duration) / 2.0)[0] trace_variance = v[variance_start:variance_end].var() error_value = max(max_fail_penalty - trace_variance * variance_factor, min_fail_penalty) errs = np.ones(len(feature_names)) * error_value else: errs = [] # Calculate additional features not done by swp.process_spikes() baseline_v = swp.sweep_feature("v_baseline") other_features = {} threshold_t = swp.spike_feature("threshold_t") fast_trough_t = swp.spike_feature("fast_trough_t") slow_trough_t = swp.spike_feature("slow_trough_t") delta_t = slow_trough_t - fast_trough_t delta_t[np.isnan(delta_t)] = 0. other_features["slow_trough_delta_time"] = np.mean(delta_t[:-1] / np.diff(threshold_t)) fast_trough_v = swp.spike_feature("fast_trough_v") slow_trough_v = swp.spike_feature("slow_trough_v") delta_v = fast_trough_v - slow_trough_v delta_v[np.isnan(delta_v)] = 0. other_features["slow_trough_delta_v"] = delta_v.mean() for f in feature_names: target_mean = target_features_dict[f]['mean'] target_stdev = target_features_dict[f]['stdev'] if target_stdev == 0: print("Feature with 0 stdev: ", f) if f in swp.spike_feature_keys(): model_mean = swp.spike_feature(f).mean() elif f in swp.sweep_feature_keys(): model_mean = swp.sweep_feature(f) elif f in other_features: model_mean = other_features[f] else: model_mean = np.nan if np.isnan(model_mean): errs.append(missing_penalty_value) else: errs.append(np.abs((model_mean - target_mean) / target_stdev)) errs = np.array(errs) return errs
[docs] def record_values(self): v_vec = self.h.Vector() t_vec = self.h.Vector() i_vec = self.h.Vector() v_vec.record(self.cell.soma[0](0.5)._ref_v) i_vec.record(self.stim._ref_amp) t_vec.record(self.h._ref_t) return v_vec, i_vec, t_vec