Source code for allensdk.internal.brain_observatory.ophys_session_decomposition

import numpy as np
import h5py

[docs]def open_view_on_binary(file_like, dtype=np.uint8, mode="r", offset=0, shape=None, order="C", strides=None): '''Open a view into a memory-mapped binary file. Parameters ---------- file_like : {string, file object} File to open. dtype : numpy.dtype Numpy dtype to open the memory-mapped array as. mode : string Mode to open the file in. offset : integer Offset (in bytes) into the file at which to start the memory map. shape : {tuple, list} Shape of the array. order : {"C", "F"} C or Fortran ordering. strides : {tuple, list} Strides along each axis for reading the array. Returns ------- numpy.memmap Strided view into memory-mapped array. ''' mapped = np.memmap(file_like, dtype, mode, offset, order=order) return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(mapped, shape=shape, strides=strides)
[docs]def read_strided(filename, dtype, offset, shape, strides): '''Load a frame without memory-mapping.''' frame_size = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) frame_size = arr.dtype.itemsize*np.product(shape[1:]) step = strides[0] - frame_size with open(filename, "rb") as f: for i in range(shape[0]): frame = np.frombuffer(, dtype=dtype) arr[i] = frame.reshape(shape[1:]), 1) return arr
[docs]def load_frame(raw_filename, json_meta, use_memmap=False): '''Load a frame of a multi-frame raw file.''' if use_memmap: arr = open_view_on_binary(raw_filename, dtype=json_meta["dtype"], offset=json_meta["byte_offset"], shape=json_meta["shape"], strides=json_meta["strides"]) else: arr = read_strided(raw_filename, dtype=json_meta["dtype"], offset=json_meta["byte_offset"], shape=json_meta["shape"], strides=json_meta["strides"]) return arr
[docs]def export_frame_to_hdf5(raw_filename, data_hdf5_filename, auxiliary_hdf5_filename, frame_meta, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9): '''Export a frame from raw to hdf5. Data with the channel_description `data` is stored in the data_hdf5_filename, while any other data is stored in the auxiliary_hdf5_filename ''' data_created = False aux_created = False for json_meta in frame_meta: # This is dirty, we should expand the metadata handoff to allow # real specification of ophys data versus auxiliary data mode = "a" if json_meta["channel_description"] == "data": filename = data_hdf5_filename if not data_created: data_created = True mode = "w" else: filename = auxiliary_hdf5_filename if not aux_created: aux_created = True mode = "w" data = load_frame(raw_filename, json_meta) chunks = (1, json_meta["shape"][1], json_meta["shape"][2]) with h5py.File(filename, mode) as f: f.create_dataset(json_meta["channel_description"], data=data, chunks=chunks, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts)