Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.write_nwb.extensions.stimulus_template.extension_builder

import os.path

from pynwb.spec import NWBNamespaceBuilder, export_spec, NWBGroupSpec, \

NAMESPACE = 'ndx-aibs-stimulus-template'

[docs]def main(): ns_builder = NWBNamespaceBuilder( doc="Stimulus images", name=f"""{NAMESPACE}""", version="""0.1.0""", author="""Allen Institute for Brain Science""", contact="""""" ) ns_builder.include_type('ImageSeries', namespace='core') ns_builder.include_type('TimeSeries', namespace='core') ns_builder.include_type('NWBDataInterface', namespace='core') stimulus_template_spec = NWBGroupSpec( neurodata_type_def='StimulusTemplate', neurodata_type_inc='ImageSeries', doc='Note: image names in control_description are referenced by ' 'stimulus/presentation table as well as intervals ' '\n' 'Each image shown to the animals is warped to account for ' 'distance and eye position relative to the monitor. This ' 'extension stores the warped images that were shown to the animal ' 'as well as an unwarped version of each image in which a mask has ' 'been applied such that only the pixels visible after warping are ' 'included', datasets=[ NWBDatasetSpec( name='unwarped', dtype='float', doc='Original image with mask applied such that only the ' 'pixels visible after warping are included', shape=(None, None, None) ) ] ) new_data_types = [stimulus_template_spec] # export the spec to yaml files in the spec folder output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))) export_spec(ns_builder, new_data_types, output_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": # usage: python main()