Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.dprime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from allensdk import one
from scipy.stats import norm


[docs]def get_go_responses(hit=None, miss=None, aborted=None): assert len(hit) == len(miss) == len(aborted) not_aborted = np.logical_not(np.array(aborted, dtype=bool)) hit = np.array(hit, dtype=bool)[not_aborted] miss = np.array(miss, dtype=bool)[not_aborted] # Go responses are nan when catch (aborted are masked out); 0 for miss, 1 # for hit. This allows pd.Series.rolling to ignore non-go trial data go_responses = np.empty_like(hit, dtype="float") go_responses.fill(float("nan")) go_responses[hit] = 1 go_responses[miss] = 0 return go_responses
[docs]def get_hit_rate( hit=None, miss=None, aborted=None, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW ): go_responses = get_go_responses(hit=hit, miss=miss, aborted=aborted) hit_rate = ( pd.Series(go_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .mean() .values ) return hit_rate
[docs]def get_trial_count_corrected_hit_rate( hit=None, miss=None, aborted=None, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW ): go_responses = get_go_responses(hit=hit, miss=miss, aborted=aborted) go_responses_count = ( pd.Series(go_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .count() ) hit_rate = ( pd.Series(go_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .mean() .values ) trial_count_corrected_hit_rate = np.vectorize(trial_number_limit)( hit_rate, go_responses_count ) return trial_count_corrected_hit_rate
[docs]def get_catch_responses(correct_reject=None, false_alarm=None, aborted=None): assert len(correct_reject) == len(false_alarm) == len(aborted) not_aborted = np.logical_not(np.array(aborted, dtype=bool)) correct_reject = np.array(correct_reject, dtype=bool)[not_aborted] false_alarm = np.array(false_alarm, dtype=bool)[not_aborted] # Catch responses are nan when go (aborted are masked out); 0 for # correct-rejection, 1 for false-alarm This allows pd.Series.rolling to # ignore non-catch trial data catch_responses = np.empty_like(correct_reject, dtype="float") catch_responses.fill(float("nan")) catch_responses[false_alarm] = 1 catch_responses[correct_reject] = 0 return catch_responses
[docs]def get_false_alarm_rate( correct_reject=None, false_alarm=None, aborted=None, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW, ): catch_responses = get_catch_responses( correct_reject=correct_reject, false_alarm=false_alarm, aborted=aborted ) false_alarm_rate = ( pd.Series(catch_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .mean() .values ) return false_alarm_rate
[docs]def get_trial_count_corrected_false_alarm_rate( correct_reject=None, false_alarm=None, aborted=None, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW, ): catch_responses = get_catch_responses( correct_reject=correct_reject, false_alarm=false_alarm, aborted=aborted ) catch_responses_count = ( pd.Series(catch_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .count() ) false_alarm_rate = ( pd.Series(catch_responses) .rolling(window=sliding_window, min_periods=0) .mean() .values ) trial_count_corrected_false_alarm_rate = np.vectorize(trial_number_limit)( false_alarm_rate, catch_responses_count ) return trial_count_corrected_false_alarm_rate
[docs]def get_rolling_dprime( rolling_hit_rate, rolling_fa_rate, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW ): return np.array( [ get_dprime(hr, far, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW) for hr, far in zip(rolling_hit_rate, rolling_fa_rate) ] )
[docs]def get_dprime(hit_rate, fa_rate, sliding_window=SLIDING_WINDOW): """calculates the d-prime for a given hit rate and false alarm rate Parameters ---------- hit_rate : float rate of hits in the True class fa_rate : float rate of false alarms in the False class limits : tuple, optional limits on extreme values, which distort. default: (0.01,0.99) Returns ------- d_prime """ limits = (1 / SLIDING_WINDOW, 1 - 1 / SLIDING_WINDOW) assert limits[0] > 0.0, "limits[0] must be greater than 0.0" assert limits[1] < 1.0, "limits[1] must be less than 1.0" Z = norm.ppf # Limit values in order to avoid d' infinity hit_rate = np.clip(hit_rate, limits[0], limits[1]) fa_rate = np.clip(fa_rate, limits[0], limits[1]) d_prime = Z(pd.Series(hit_rate)) - Z(pd.Series(fa_rate)) return one(d_prime)
[docs]def trial_number_limit(p, N): if N == 0: return np.nan if not pd.isnull(p): p = np.max((p, 1.0 / (2 * N))) p = np.min((p, 1 - 1.0 / (2 * N))) return p