Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.session_apis.data_transforms.behavior_ophys_data_transforms

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

import h5py
import matplotlib.image as mpimg  # NOQA: E402
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

import warnings

from allensdk.api.cache import memoize
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.metadata.behavior_ophys_metadata \
    import BehaviorOphysMetadata
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.event_detection import \
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.session_apis.abcs.\
    data_extractor_base.behavior_ophys_data_extractor_base import \
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.session_apis.abcs.\
    session_base.behavior_ophys_base import \

from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.sync import get_sync_data
from allensdk.brain_observatory.sync_dataset import Dataset
from allensdk.brain_observatory import sync_utilities
from allensdk.internal.brain_observatory.time_sync import OphysTimeAligner
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.rewards_processing import get_rewards
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.eye_tracking_processing import (
    load_eye_tracking_hdf, process_eye_tracking_data)
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.image_api import ImageApi
import allensdk.brain_observatory.roi_masks as roi
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.session_apis.data_transforms import (

[docs]class BehaviorOphysDataTransforms(BehaviorDataTransforms, BehaviorOphysBase): """This class provides methods that transform data extracted from LIMS or JSON data sources into final data products necessary for populating a BehaviorOphysSession. """ def __init__(self, extractor: BehaviorOphysDataExtractorBase, skip_eye_tracking: bool): super().__init__(extractor=extractor) # Type checker not able to resolve that self.extractor is a # BehaviorOphysDataExtractorBase. Explicitly adding as instance # attribute fixes the issue. self.extractor = extractor self._skip_eye_tracking = skip_eye_tracking self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def get_ophys_session_id(self): return self.extractor.get_ophys_session_id()
[docs] def get_ophys_experiment_id(self): return self.extractor.get_ophys_experiment_id()
[docs] def get_eye_tracking_rig_geometry(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._skip_eye_tracking: return None else: return self.extractor.get_eye_tracking_rig_geometry()
[docs] @memoize def get_cell_specimen_table(self): raw_cell_specimen_table = ( self.extractor.get_raw_cell_specimen_table_dict()) cell_specimen_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( raw_cell_specimen_table).set_index( 'cell_roi_id').sort_index() fov_shape = self.extractor.get_field_of_view_shape() fov_width = fov_shape['width'] fov_height = fov_shape['height'] # Convert cropped ROI masks to uncropped versions roi_mask_list = [] for cell_roi_id, table_row in cell_specimen_table.iterrows(): # Deserialize roi data into AllenSDK RoiMask object curr_roi = roi.RoiMask(image_w=fov_width, image_h=fov_height, label=None, mask_group=-1) curr_roi.x = table_row['x'] curr_roi.y = table_row['y'] curr_roi.width = table_row['width'] curr_roi.height = table_row['height'] curr_roi.mask = np.array(table_row['roi_mask']) roi_mask_list.append(curr_roi.get_mask_plane().astype(np.bool)) cell_specimen_table['roi_mask'] = roi_mask_list cell_specimen_table = cell_specimen_table[ sorted(cell_specimen_table.columns)] cell_specimen_table.index.rename('cell_roi_id', inplace=True) cell_specimen_table.reset_index(inplace=True) cell_specimen_table.set_index('cell_specimen_id', inplace=True) return cell_specimen_table
[docs] @memoize def get_ophys_timestamps(self): ophys_timestamps = self.get_sync_data()['ophys_frames'] dff_traces = self.get_raw_dff_data() plane_group = self.extractor.get_imaging_plane_group() number_of_cells, number_of_dff_frames = dff_traces.shape # Scientifica data has extra frames in the sync file relative # to the number of frames in the video. These sentinel frames # should be removed. # NOTE: This fix does not apply to mesoscope data. # See if plane_group is None: # non-mesoscope num_of_timestamps = len(ophys_timestamps) if (number_of_dff_frames < num_of_timestamps): "Truncating acquisition frames ('ophys_frames') " f"(len={num_of_timestamps}) to the number of frames " f"in the df/f trace ({number_of_dff_frames}).") ophys_timestamps = ophys_timestamps[:number_of_dff_frames] elif number_of_dff_frames > num_of_timestamps: raise RuntimeError( f"dff_frames (len={number_of_dff_frames}) is longer " f"than timestamps (len={num_of_timestamps}).") # Mesoscope data # Resample if collecting multiple concurrent planes (e.g. mesoscope) # because the frames are interleaved else: group_count = self.extractor.get_plane_group_count() "Mesoscope data detected. Splitting timestamps " f"(len={len(ophys_timestamps)} over {group_count} " "plane group(s).") ophys_timestamps = self._process_ophys_plane_timestamps( ophys_timestamps, plane_group, group_count) num_of_timestamps = len(ophys_timestamps) if number_of_dff_frames != num_of_timestamps: raise RuntimeError( f"dff_frames (len={number_of_dff_frames}) is not equal to " f"number of split timestamps (len={num_of_timestamps}).") return ophys_timestamps
[docs] @memoize def get_sync_data(self): sync_path = self.extractor.get_sync_file() return get_sync_data(sync_path)
def _load_stimulus_timestamps_and_delay(self): """ Load the stimulus timestamps (uncorrected for monitor delay) and the monitor delay """ sync_path = self.extractor.get_sync_file() aligner = OphysTimeAligner(sync_file=sync_path) (self._stimulus_timestamps, delta) = aligner.clipped_stim_timestamps try: delay = aligner.monitor_delay except ValueError as ee: equipment_name = self.get_metadata().equipment_name warning_msg = 'Monitory delay calculation failed ' warning_msg += 'with ValueError\n' warning_msg += f' "{ee}"' warning_msg += '\nlooking monitor delay up from table ' warning_msg += f'for rig: {equipment_name} ' # see # # delay_lookup = {'CAM2P.1': 0.020842, 'CAM2P.2': 0.037566, 'CAM2P.3': 0.021390, 'CAM2P.4': 0.021102, 'CAM2P.5': 0.021192, 'MESO.1': 0.03613} if equipment_name not in delay_lookup: msg = warning_msg msg += f'\nequipment_name {equipment_name} not in lookup table' raise RuntimeError(msg) delay = delay_lookup[equipment_name] warning_msg += f'\ndelay: {delay} seconds' warnings.warn(warning_msg) self._monitor_delay = delay
[docs] def get_stimulus_timestamps(self): """ Return a numpy array of stimulus timestamps uncorrected for monitor delay (in seconds) """ if not hasattr(self, '_stimulus_timestamps'): self._load_stimulus_timestamps_and_delay() return self._stimulus_timestamps
[docs] def get_monitor_delay(self): """ Return the monitor delay (in seconds) """ if not hasattr(self, '_monitor_delay'): self._load_stimulus_timestamps_and_delay() return self._monitor_delay
@staticmethod def _process_ophys_plane_timestamps( ophys_timestamps: np.ndarray, plane_group: Optional[int], group_count: int): """ On mesoscope rigs each frame corresponds to a different imaging plane; the laser moves between N pairs of planes. So, every Nth 2P frame time in the sync file corresponds to a given plane (and its multiplexed pair). The order in which the planes are acquired dictates which timestamps should be assigned to which plane pairs. The planes are acquired in ascending order, where plane_group=0 is the first group of planes. If the plane group is None (indicating it does not belong to a plane group), then the plane was not collected concurrently and the data do not need to be resampled. This is the case for Scientifica 2p data, for example. Parameters ---------- ophys_timestamps: np.ndarray Array of timestamps for 2p data plane_group: int The plane group this experiment belongs to. Signals the order of acquisition. group_count: int The total number of plane groups acquired. """ if (group_count == 0) or (plane_group is None): return ophys_timestamps resampled = ophys_timestamps[plane_group::group_count] return resampled
[docs] @memoize def get_metadata(self) -> BehaviorOphysMetadata: """Return metadata about the session. :rtype: BehaviorOphysMetadata """ metadata = BehaviorOphysMetadata( extractor=self.extractor, stimulus_timestamps=self.get_stimulus_timestamps(), ophys_timestamps=self.get_ophys_timestamps(), behavior_stimulus_file=self._behavior_stimulus_file() ) return metadata
[docs] @memoize def get_cell_roi_ids(self): cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table() assert == 'cell_specimen_id' return cell_specimen_table['cell_roi_id'].values
[docs] def get_raw_dff_data(self): dff_path = self.extractor.get_dff_file() # guarantee that DFF traces are ordered the same # way as ROIs in the cell_specimen_table cell_roi_id_list = self.get_cell_roi_ids() dt = cell_roi_id_list.dtype with h5py.File(dff_path, 'r') as raw_file: raw_dff_traces = np.asarray(raw_file['data']) roi_names = np.asarray(raw_file['roi_names']).astype(dt) if not np.in1d(roi_names, cell_roi_id_list).all(): raise RuntimeError("DFF traces contains ROI IDs that " "are not in cell_specimen_table.cell_roi_id") if not np.in1d(cell_roi_id_list, roi_names).all(): raise RuntimeError("cell_specimen_table contains ROI IDs " "that are not in DFF traces file") dff_traces = np.zeros(raw_dff_traces.shape, dtype=float) for raw_trace, roi_id in zip(raw_dff_traces, roi_names): idx = np.where(cell_roi_id_list == roi_id)[0][0] dff_traces[idx, :] = raw_trace return dff_traces
[docs] @memoize def get_dff_traces(self): dff_traces = self.get_raw_dff_data() cell_roi_id_list = self.get_cell_roi_ids() df = pd.DataFrame({'dff': [x for x in dff_traces]}, index=pd.Index(cell_roi_id_list, name='cell_roi_id')) cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table() df = cell_specimen_table[['cell_roi_id']].join(df, on='cell_roi_id') return df
[docs] @memoize def get_sync_licks(self): lick_times = self.get_sync_data()['lick_times'] return pd.DataFrame({'time': lick_times})
[docs] @memoize def get_rewards(self): data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() timestamps = self.get_stimulus_timestamps() return get_rewards(data, timestamps)
[docs] @memoize def get_corrected_fluorescence_traces(self): demix_file = self.extractor.get_demix_file() cell_roi_id_list = self.get_cell_roi_ids() dt = cell_roi_id_list.dtype with h5py.File(demix_file, 'r') as in_file: corrected_fluorescence_traces = in_file['data'][()] corrected_fluorescence_roi_id = in_file['roi_names'][()].astype(dt) if not np.in1d(corrected_fluorescence_roi_id, cell_roi_id_list).all(): raise RuntimeError("corrected_fluorescence_traces contains ROI " "IDs not present in cell_specimen_table") if not np.in1d(cell_roi_id_list, corrected_fluorescence_roi_id).all(): raise RuntimeError("cell_specimen_table contains ROI IDs " "not present in corrected_fluorescence_traces") ophys_timestamps = self.get_ophys_timestamps() num_trace_timepoints = corrected_fluorescence_traces.shape[1] assert num_trace_timepoints == ophys_timestamps.shape[0] df = pd.DataFrame( {'corrected_fluorescence': list(corrected_fluorescence_traces)}, index=pd.Index(corrected_fluorescence_roi_id, name='cell_roi_id')) cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table() df = cell_specimen_table[['cell_roi_id']].join(df, on='cell_roi_id') return df
[docs] @memoize def get_max_projection(self, image_api=None): if image_api is None: image_api = ImageApi maxInt_a13_file = self.extractor.get_max_projection_file() pixel_size = self.extractor.get_surface_2p_pixel_size_um() max_projection = mpimg.imread(maxInt_a13_file) return ImageApi.serialize(max_projection, [pixel_size / 1000., pixel_size / 1000.], 'mm')
[docs] @memoize def get_average_projection(self, image_api=None): if image_api is None: image_api = ImageApi avgint_a1X_file = ( self.extractor.get_average_intensity_projection_image_file()) pixel_size = self.extractor.get_surface_2p_pixel_size_um() average_image = mpimg.imread(avgint_a1X_file) return ImageApi.serialize(average_image, [pixel_size / 1000., pixel_size / 1000.], 'mm')
[docs] @memoize def get_motion_correction(self): motion_corr_file = self.extractor.get_rigid_motion_transform_file() motion_correction = pd.read_csv(motion_corr_file) return motion_correction[['x', 'y']]
[docs] @memoize def get_eye_tracking(self, z_threshold: float = 3.0, dilation_frames: int = 2) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Gets corneal, eye, and pupil ellipse fit data Parameters ---------- z_threshold : float, optional The z-threshold when determining which frames likely contain outliers for eye or pupil areas. Influences which frames are considered 'likely blinks'. By default 3.0 dilation_frames : int, optional Determines the number of additional adjacent frames to mark as 'likely_blink', by default 2. Returns ------- Optional[pd.DataFrame] *_area *_center_x *_center_y *_height *_phi *_width likely_blink where "*" can be "corneal", "pupil" or "eye" Will return None if class attr _skip_eye_tracking is True. """ if self._skip_eye_tracking: return None"Getting eye_tracking_data with " f"'z_threshold={z_threshold}', " f"'dilation_frames={dilation_frames}'") filepath = Path(self.extractor.get_eye_tracking_filepath()) sync_path = Path(self.extractor.get_sync_file()) eye_tracking_data = load_eye_tracking_hdf(filepath) frame_times = sync_utilities.get_synchronized_frame_times( session_sync_file=sync_path, sync_line_label_keys=Dataset.EYE_TRACKING_KEYS, trim_after_spike=False) eye_tracking_data = process_eye_tracking_data(eye_tracking_data, frame_times, z_threshold, dilation_frames) return eye_tracking_data
[docs] def get_events(self, filter_scale: float = 2, filter_n_time_steps: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns events in dataframe format Parameters ---------- filter_scale: float See filter_events_array for description filter_n_time_steps: int See filter_events_array for description See for return type """ events_file = self.extractor.get_event_detection_filepath() with h5py.File(events_file, 'r') as f: events = f['events'][:] lambdas = f['lambdas'][:] noise_stds = f['noise_stds'][:] roi_ids = f['roi_names'][:] filtered_events = filter_events_array( arr=events, scale=filter_scale, n_time_steps=filter_n_time_steps) # Convert matrix to list of 1d arrays so that it can be stored # in a single column of the dataframe events = [x for x in events] filtered_events = [x for x in filtered_events] df = pd.DataFrame({ 'events': events, 'filtered_events': filtered_events, 'lambda': lambdas, 'noise_std': noise_stds, 'cell_roi_id': roi_ids }) # Set index as cell_specimen_id from cell_specimen_table cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table() cell_specimen_table = cell_specimen_table.reset_index() df = cell_specimen_table[['cell_roi_id', 'cell_specimen_id']]\ .merge(df, on='cell_roi_id') df = df.set_index('cell_specimen_id') return df
[docs] def get_roi_masks_by_cell_roi_id( self, cell_roi_ids: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None): """ Obtains boolean masks indicating the location of one or more ROIs in this session. Parameters ---------- cell_roi_ids : array-like of int, optional ROI masks for these rois will be returned. The default behavior is to return masks for all rois. Returns ------- result : xr.DataArray dimensions are: - roi_id : which roi is described by this mask? - row : index within the underlying image - column : index within the image values are 1 where an ROI was present, otherwise 0. Notes ----- This method helps Allen Institute scientists to look at sessions that have not yet had cell specimen ids assigned. You probably want to use get_roi_masks instead. """ cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table() if cell_roi_ids is None: cell_roi_ids = cell_specimen_table["cell_roi_id"].unique() elif isinstance(cell_roi_ids, int): cell_roi_ids = np.array([int(cell_roi_ids)]) elif np.issubdtype(type(cell_roi_ids), np.integer): cell_roi_ids = np.array([int(cell_roi_ids)]) else: cell_roi_ids = np.array(cell_roi_ids) table = cell_specimen_table.copy() table.set_index("cell_roi_id", inplace=True) table = table.loc[cell_roi_ids, :] full_image_shape = table.iloc[0]["roi_mask"].shape output = np.zeros((len(cell_roi_ids), full_image_shape[0], full_image_shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) for ii, (_, row) in enumerate(table.iterrows()): output[ii, :, :] = row["roi_mask"] # Pixel spacing and units of mask image will match either the # max or avg projection image of 2P movie. max_projection_image = ImageApi.deserialize(self.get_max_projection()) # Spacing is in (col_spacing, row_spacing) order # Coordinates also start spacing_dim / 2 for first element in a # dimension. See: # pixel_spacing = max_projection_image.spacing unit = max_projection_image.unit return xr.DataArray( data=output, dims=("cell_roi_id", "row", "column"), coords={ "cell_roi_id": cell_roi_ids, "row": (np.arange(full_image_shape[0]) * pixel_spacing[1] + (pixel_spacing[1] / 2)), "column": (np.arange(full_image_shape[1]) * pixel_spacing[0] + (pixel_spacing[0] / 2)) }, attrs={ "spacing": pixel_spacing, "unit": unit } ).squeeze(drop=True)