Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.nwb.nwb_utils

import pandas as pd
# All of the omitted stimuli have a duration of 250ms as defined
# by the Visual Behavior team. For questions about duration contact that
# team.

[docs]def get_column_name(table_cols: list, possible_names: set) -> str: """ This function returns a column name, given a table with unknown column names and a set of possible column names which are expected. The table column name returned should be the only name contained in the "expected" possible names. :param table_cols: the table columns to search for the possible name within :param possible_names: the names that could exist within the data columns :return: the first entry of the intersection between the possible names and the names of the columns of the stimulus table """ column_set = set(table_cols) column_names = list(column_set.intersection(possible_names)) if not len(column_names) == 1: raise KeyError("Table expected one name column in intersection, found:" f" {column_names}") return column_names[0]
[docs]def set_omitted_stop_time(stimulus_table: pd.DataFrame, omitted_time_duration: float=0.25) -> None: """ This function sets the stop time for a row that of a stimuli table that is a omitted stimuli. A omitted stimuli is a stimuli where a mouse is shown only a grey screen and these last for 250 milliseconds. These do not include a stop_time or end_frame as other stimuli in the stimulus table due to design choices. For these stimuli to be added they must have the stop_time calculated and put into the row as data before writing to NWB. :param stimulus_table: pd.DataFrame that contains the stimuli presented to an experiment subject :param omitted_time_duration: The duration in seconds of the expected length of the omitted stimuli :return: stimulus_table_row: returns the same dictionary as inputted but with an additional entry for stop_time. """ omitted_row_indexs = stimulus_table.index[stimulus_table['omitted']].tolist() for omitted_row_idx in omitted_row_indexs: row = stimulus_table.iloc[omitted_row_idx] start_time = row['start_time'] end_time = start_time + omitted_time_duration row['stop_time'] = end_time row['duration'] = omitted_time_duration stimulus_table.iloc[omitted_row_idx] = row