Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.behavior_data_session

from typing import Any, Optional, List, Dict, Type, Tuple
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import inspect

from allensdk.internal.api.behavior_data_lims_api import BehaviorDataLimsApi
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.internal import BehaviorBase
from allensdk.brain_observatory.running_speed import RunningSpeed

BehaviorDataApi = Type[BehaviorBase]

[docs]class BehaviorDataSession(object): def __init__(self, api: Optional[BehaviorDataApi] = None): self.api = api # Initialize attributes to be lazily evaluated self._licks = None self._rewards = None self._running_data_df = None self._running_speed = None self._raw_running_data_df = None self._raw_running_speed = None self._stimulus_presentations = None self._stimulus_templates = None self._stimulus_timestamps = None self._task_parameters = None self._trials = None self._metadata = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_lims(cls, behavior_session_id: int) -> "BehaviorDataSession": return cls(api=BehaviorDataLimsApi(behavior_session_id))
[docs] @classmethod def from_nwb_path( cls, nwb_path: str, **api_kwargs: Any) -> "BehaviorDataSession": return NotImplementedError
@property def behavior_session_id(self) -> int: """Unique identifier for this experimental session. :rtype: int """ return self.api.behavior_session_id @property def ophys_session_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """The unique identifier for the ophys session associated with this behavior session (if one exists) :rtype: int """ return self.api.ophys_session_id @property def ophys_experiment_ids(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: """The unique identifiers for the ophys experiment(s) associated with this behavior session (if one exists) :rtype: int """ return self.api.ophys_experiment_ids @property def licks(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get lick data from pkl file. Returns ------- np.ndarray A dataframe containing lick timestamps. """ if self._licks is None: self._licks = self.api.get_licks() return self._licks @licks.setter def licks(self, value): self._licks = value @property def rewards(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get reward data from pkl file. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing timestamps of delivered rewards. """ if self._rewards is None: self._rewards = self.api.get_rewards() return self._rewards @rewards.setter def rewards(self, value): self._rewards = value @property def raw_running_data_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get running speed data without the 10Hz low pass filter. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing various signals used to compute running speed, and the unfiltered speed. """ if self._raw_running_data_df is None: self._raw_running_data_df = self.api.get_running_data_df( lowpass=False) return self._raw_running_data_df @raw_running_data_df.setter def raw_running_data_df(self, value): self._raw_running_data_df = value @property def running_data_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get running speed data. By default applies a 10Hz low pass filter to the data. To get the running speed without the filter, use `raw_running_data_df`. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing various signals used to compute running speed, and the filtered speed. """ if self._running_data_df is None: self._running_data_df = self.api.get_running_data_df(lowpass=True) return self._running_data_df @running_data_df.setter def running_data_df(self, value): self._running_data_df = value @property def running_speed(self) -> RunningSpeed: """Get running speed using timestamps from self.get_stimulus_timestamps. Applies a 10Hz filter to the speed. To get the unfiltered speed, use `raw_running_speed`. NOTE: Do not correct for monitor delay. Returns ------- RunningSpeed (NamedTuple with two fields) timestamps : np.ndarray Timestamps of running speed data samples values : np.ndarray Running speed of the experimental subject (in cm / s). """ if self._running_speed is None: self._running_speed = self.api.get_running_speed(lowpass=True) return self._running_speed @running_speed.setter def running_speed(self, value): self._running_speed = value @property def raw_running_speed(self) -> RunningSpeed: """Get running speed using timestamps from self.get_stimulus_timestamps. Does not apply the 10Hz filter. NOTE: Do not correct for monitor delay. Returns ------- RunningSpeed (NamedTuple with two fields) timestamps : np.ndarray Timestamps of running speed data samples values : np.ndarray Running speed of the experimental subject (in cm / s). """ if self._raw_running_speed is None: self._raw_running_speed = self.api.get_running_speed(lowpass=False) return self._raw_running_speed @raw_running_speed.setter def raw_running_speed(self, value): self._raw_running_speed = value @property def stimulus_presentations(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get stimulus presentation data. NOTE: Uses timestamps that do not account for monitor delay. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Table whose rows are stimulus presentations (i.e. a given image, for a given duration, typically 250 ms) and whose columns are presentation characteristics. """ if self._stimulus_presentations is None: self._stimulus_presentations = ( self.api.get_stimulus_presentations()) return self._stimulus_presentations @stimulus_presentations.setter def stimulus_presentations(self, value): self._stimulus_presentations = value @property def stimulus_templates(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Get stimulus templates (movies, scenes) for behavior session. Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] A dictionary containing the stimulus images presented during the session. Keys are data set names, and values are 3D numpy arrays. """ if self._stimulus_templates is None: self._stimulus_templates = self.api.get_stimulus_templates() return self._stimulus_templates @stimulus_templates.setter def stimulus_templates(self, value): self._stimulus_templates = value @property def stimulus_timestamps(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get stimulus timestamps from pkl file. NOTE: Located with behavior_session_id Returns ------- np.ndarray Timestamps associated with stimulus presentations on the monitor that do no account for monitor delay. """ if self._stimulus_timestamps is None: self._stimulus_timestamps = self.api.get_stimulus_timestamps() return self._stimulus_timestamps @stimulus_timestamps.setter def stimulus_timestamps(self, value): self._stimulus_timestamps = value @property def task_parameters(self) -> dict: """Get task parameters from pkl file. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing parameters used to define the task runtime behavior. """ if self._task_parameters is None: self._task_parameters = self.api.get_task_parameters() return self._task_parameters @task_parameters.setter def task_parameters(self, value): self._task_parameters = value @property def trials(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get trials from pkl file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing behavioral trial start/stop times, and trial data """ if self._trials is None: self._trials = self.api.get_trials() return self._trials @trials.setter def trials(self, value): self._trials = value @property def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return metadata about the session. :rtype: dict """ if self._metadata is None: self._metadata = self.api.get_metadata() return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): self._metadata = value
[docs] def cache_clear(self) -> None: """Convenience method to clear the api cache, if applicable.""" try: self.api.cache_clear() except AttributeError: logging.getLogger("BehaviorOphysSession").warning( "Attempted to clear API cache, but method `cache_clear`" f" does not exist on {self.api.__class__.__name__}")
[docs] def list_api_methods(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Convenience method to expose list of API `get` methods. These methods can be accessed by referencing the API used to initialize this BehaviorDataSession via its `api` instance attribute. :rtype: list of tuples, where the first value in the tuple is the method name, and the second value is the method docstring. """ methods = [m for m in inspect.getmembers(self.api, inspect.ismethod) if m[0].startswith("get_")] docs = [inspect.getdoc(m[1]) or "" for m in methods] method_names = [m[0] for m in methods] return list(zip(method_names, docs))