allensdk.brain_observatory.dff module

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.calculate_dff(traces, dff_computation_cb=None, save_plot_dir=None)[source]

Apply dF/F computation to a set of traces.

The default computation method is compute_dff_windowed_median() using default window parameters.

traces : np.ndarray

2D array of traces to be analyzed.

dff_computation_cb : function

Function that takes traces as an argument and returns an array of the same shape that is the calculated dF/F.

save_plot_dir : str

Directory to save dF/F plots to. By default no plots are saved.

dff : np.ndarray

2D array of dF/F traces.

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.compute_dff_windowed_median(traces, median_kernel_long=5401, median_kernel_short=101, noise_stds=None, n_small_baseline_frames=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute dF/F of a set of traces with median filter detrending.

The operation is basically:

T_long = windowed_median(T) # long timescale kernel

T_dff1 = (T - T_long) / elementwise_max(T_long, noise_std(T))

T_short = windowed_median(T_dff1) # short timescale kernel

T_dff = T_dff1 - elementwise_min(T_short, 2.5*noise_std(T_dff1))

traces : np.ndarray

2D array of traces to be analyzed.

median_kernel_long : int

Window size to use for long timescale median detrending.

median_kernel_short : int

Window size to use for short timescale median detrending.

noise_stds : list

List that will contain noise_std(T_dff1) for each trace. The value for each trace will be appended to the list if provided.

n_small_baseline_frames : list

List that will contain the number of frames for each trace where the long-timescale median window is less than noise_std(T). The value for each trace will be appended to the list if provided.


Additional keyword arguments are passed to noise_std() .

dff : np.ndarray

2D array of dF/F traces.

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.compute_dff_windowed_mode(traces, mode_kernelsize=5400, mean_kernelsize=3000)[source]

Compute dF/F of a set of traces using a low-pass windowed-mode operator.

The operation is basically:

T_mm = windowed_mean(windowed_mode(T))

T_dff = (T - T_mm) / T_mm

traces : np.ndarray

2D array of traces to be analyzed.

mode_kernelsize : int

Window size to use for windowed_mode.

mean_kernelsize : int

Window size to use for windowed_mean.

dff : np.ndarray

2D array of dF/F traces.

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.movingaverage(x, kernelsize, y)[source]

Compute the windowed average of an array.

x : np.ndarray

Array to be analyzed

kernelsize : int

Size of the moving window

y : np.ndarray

Output array to store the results

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.movingmode_fast(x, kernelsize, y)[source]

Compute the windowed mode of an array. A running mode is initialized with a histogram of values over the initial kernelsize/2 values. The mode is then updated as the kernel moves by adding and subtracting values from the histogram.

x : np.ndarray

Array to be analyzed

kernelsize : int

Size of the moving window

y : np.ndarray

Output array to store the results

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.noise_std(x, noise_kernel_length=31, positive_peak_scale=1.5, outlier_std_scale=2.5)[source]

Robust estimate of the standard deviation of the trace noise.

allensdk.brain_observatory.dff.plot_onetrace(dff, fc)[source]

Debug plotting function


Robust estimate of standard deviation.

Estimate of the standard deviation using the median absolute deviation of x.