Source code for allensdk.internal.brain_observatory.eye_calibration

import numpy as np
import logging

MONITOR_POSITION_OLD = np.array([17.0, 0.0, 0.0])
MONITOR_POSITION_NEW = np.array([11.86, 8.62, 3.16])
MONITOR_ROTATIONS = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

CAMERA_POSITION_OLD = np.array([13.0, 0, 0])
CAMERA_POSITION_NEW = np.array([10.28, 7.47, 2.74])
CAMERA_ROTATIONS_OLD = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 13.1*np.pi/180])
CAMERA_ROTATIONS_NEW = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.8*np.pi/180])

LED_POSITION_ORIGINAL = np.array([26.51, -3.93, 0.1])
LED_POSITION_OLD = np.array([25.89, -6.12, 3.21])
LED_POSITION_NEW = np.array([24.6, 9.23, 5.26])

EYE_RADIUS = 0.1682  # in cm
CM_PER_PIXEL = 10.2/10000.0

[docs]class EyeCalibration(object): '''Class for performing eye-tracking calibration. Provides methods for estimating the position of the pupil in 3D space and projecting the gaze onto the monitor in both 3D space and monitor space given the experimental geometry. Parameters ---------- monitor_position : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] position of monitor in cm. monitor_rotations : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] rotations of monitor in radians. led_position : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] position of LED in cm. camera_position : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] position of camera in cm. camera_rotations : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] rotations for camera in radians. X and Y must be 0. eye_radius : float Radius of the eye in cm. cm_per_pixel : float Pixel size of eye-tracking camera. ''' def __init__(self, monitor_position=MONITOR_POSITION_NEW, monitor_rotations=MONITOR_ROTATIONS, led_position=LED_POSITION_OLD, camera_position=CAMERA_POSITION_OLD, camera_rotations=CAMERA_ROTATIONS_OLD, eye_radius=EYE_RADIUS, cm_per_pixel=CM_PER_PIXEL): '''Constructor.''' self.eye_radius = eye_radius self.cm_per_pixel = cm_per_pixel self.monitor_position = monitor_position self.led_position = led_position self.camera_position = camera_position = self.cr_position_in_mouse_eye_coordinates(led_position, eye_radius) self.monitor_rotations = monitor_rotations if camera_rotations[0] != 0 or camera_rotations[1] != 0: logging.warning("Got nonzero x=%s,y=%s rotations for camera", camera_rotations[0], camera_rotations[1]) self.camera_rotation = camera_rotations[2]
[docs] def pupil_position_in_mouse_eye_coordinates(self, pupil_parameters, cr_parameters): '''Compute the 3D pupil position in mouse eye coordinates. Parameters ---------- pupil_parameters : numpy.ndarray Array of pupil parameters for each eye tracking frame. cr_paramaeters : numpy.ndarray Array of corneal reflection parameters for each eye tracking frame. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Pupil position estimates in eye coordinates. ''' # x, y are in screen coordinates, with y increasing towards the top delta_px = (pupil_parameters.T[0] - cr_parameters.T[0]) * \ self.cm_per_pixel delta_py = (cr_parameters.T[1] - pupil_parameters.T[1]) * \ self.cm_per_pixel # +y is down on image R_cam_to_eye = base_object_to_eye_rotation_matrix( self.camera_position) # camera frame is passed to us pointed at the eye, but the image # appears as if the camera were rotated 180 degrees about its y-axis R_cam = object_rotation_matrix(0, np.pi, self.camera_rotation) cr_cam =,, px_cam = cr_cam[0] + delta_px py_cam = cr_cam[1] + delta_py pz_cam = np.sqrt(self.eye_radius**2 - px_cam**2 - py_cam**2) # estimating a position outside the eyeball is impossible, bad data bad_idx = np.sqrt(px_cam**2 + py_cam**2) > self.eye_radius px_cam[bad_idx] = np.nan py_cam[bad_idx] = np.nan pz_cam[bad_idx] = np.nan p_cam = np.vstack([px_cam, py_cam, pz_cam]) # rotate estimates return,, p_cam)).T
[docs] @staticmethod def cr_position_in_mouse_eye_coordinates(led_position, eye_radius): '''Determine the 3D position of the corneal reflection. The eye is modeled as a spherical mirror, so the reflection appears to be half the radius of the eye from the origin along the eye-LED axis. Parameters ---------- led_position : numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] position of the LED in eye coordinates. eye_radius : float Radius of the eye in centimeters. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [x,y,z] location of the corneal reflection in eye coordinates. ''' return (eye_radius/(2*np.linalg.norm(led_position))) * led_position
[docs] def pupil_position_on_monitor_in_cm(self, pupil_parameters, cr_parameters): '''Compute the pupil position on the monitor in cm. Parameters ---------- pupil_parameters : numpy.ndarray Array of pupil parameters for each eye tracking frame. cr_paramaeters : numpy.ndarray Array of corneal reflection parameters for each eye tracking frame. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Pupil position estimates in eye coordinates. ''' pupil_positions = self.pupil_position_in_mouse_eye_coordinates( pupil_parameters, cr_parameters) monitor_normal = object_norm_eye_coordinates( self.monitor_position, self.monitor_rotations[0], self.monitor_rotations[1], self.monitor_rotations[2]) projected_positions = project_to_plane(monitor_normal, self.monitor_position, pupil_positions) monitor_positions = projected_positions - self.monitor_position R_monitor_to_eye = base_object_to_eye_rotation_matrix( self.monitor_position) R_monitor = object_rotation_matrix(self.monitor_rotations[0], self.monitor_rotations[1], self.monitor_rotations[2]) result =,, monitor_positions.T)) return result[:2].T
[docs] def pupil_position_on_monitor_in_degrees(self, pupil_parameters, cr_parameters): '''Get pupil position on monitor measured in visual degrees. Parameters ---------- pupil_parameters : numpy.ndarray Array of pupil parameters for each eye tracking frame. cr_paramaeters : numpy.ndarray Array of corneal reflection parameters for each eye tracking frame. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Pupil position estimate in visual degrees. ''' mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.monitor_position**2)) pupil_pos = self.pupil_position_on_monitor_in_cm(pupil_parameters, cr_parameters) x = pupil_pos.T[0] y = pupil_pos.T[1] meridian = np.arctan(x/mag)*180/np.pi elevation = np.arctan(y/np.sqrt(mag**2 + x**2))*180/np.pi angles = np.vstack([meridian, elevation]).T return angles
[docs] def compute_area(self, pupil_parameters): '''Compute the area of the pupil. Assume the pupil is a circle, and that as it moves off-axis with the camera the observed ellipse major axis remains the diameter of the circle. Parameters ---------- pupil_parameters : numpy.ndarray [nx5] array of pupil parameters. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [nx1] array of pupil areas in estimated pixels. ''' r = np.maximum(pupil_parameters.T[3], pupil_parameters.T[4]) return np.pi*r*r
[docs]def project_to_plane(plane_normal, plane_point, points): '''Project from the origin through points onto a plane. Parameters ---------- plane_normal : numpy.ndarray [x, y, z] normal unit vector to the plane. plane_point : numpy.ndarray [x, y, z] point on the plane. points : numpy.ndarray [nx3] points in space through which to project. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [nx3] points projected on the plane. ''' factor = np.sum(plane_normal*plane_point) / \ np.sum(plane_normal*points, axis=1) return (factor*points.T).T
[docs]def object_norm_eye_coordinates(object_position, x_rotation, y_rotation, z_rotation): '''Get the normal vector for the object plane in eye coordinates. Parameters ---------- object_position : numpy.ndarray [x, y, z] location of the object in eye coordinates. x_rotation : float Rotation about the x-axis in radians. y_rotation : float Rotation about the y-axis in radians. z_rotation : float Rotation about the z-axis in radians. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Endpoint of the object plane vector in eye coordinates. ''' R_object_to_eye = base_object_to_eye_rotation_matrix(object_position) R_object_frame = object_rotation_matrix(x_rotation, y_rotation, z_rotation) return,, [0, 0, 1]))
[docs]def base_object_to_eye_rotation_matrix(object_position): '''Rotation matrix to rotate base object frame to eye coordinates. By convention, any other object's coordinate frame before rotations is set with positive Z pointing from the object's position back to the origin of the eye coordinate system, with X parallel to the eye X-Y plane. Parameters ---------- object_position : np.ndarray [x, y, z] position of object in eye coordinates. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [3x3] rotation matrix. ''' eye_norm = -object_position/np.linalg.norm(object_position) # rotate about eye-z to align eye-x to object-x theta_z = -(np.pi/2 + np.arctan2(eye_norm[1], eye_norm[0])) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(theta_z), -np.sin(theta_z), 0], [np.sin(theta_z), np.cos(theta_z), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) eye_norm_about_z =, eye_norm) # rotate about x' to align eye-z to object-z theta_x = np.pi/2 - np.arctan2(eye_norm_about_z[2], eye_norm_about_z[1]) Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(theta_x), -np.sin(theta_x)], [0, np.sin(theta_x), np.cos(theta_x)]]) R =, Rz).T return R
[docs]def object_rotation_matrix(x_rotation, y_rotation, z_rotation): '''Rotation matrix in object coordinate frame. The rotation matrix for rotating the object coordinate frame from the initial position. This is done by rotating around x, then around y', then around z''. Parameters ---------- x_rotation : float Rotation about x axis in radians. y_rotation : float Rotation about y axis in radians. z_rotation : float Rotation about z axis in radians. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [3x3] rotation matrix. ''' Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(x_rotation), -np.sin(x_rotation)], [0, np.sin(x_rotation), np.cos(x_rotation)]]) Ry = np.array([[np.cos(y_rotation), 0, np.sin(y_rotation)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(y_rotation), 0, np.cos(y_rotation)]]) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(z_rotation), -np.sin(z_rotation), 0], [np.sin(z_rotation), np.cos(z_rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) result =,, Rx)) return result