Source code for allensdk.core.authentication

import os
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
import logging
from functools import wraps
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from allensdk.core.auth_config import CREDENTIAL_KEYS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DbCredentials = namedtuple("DbCredentials",
                           ["dbname", "user", "host", "port", "password"])

[docs]class CredentialProvider(ABC): METHOD = "custom"
[docs] @abstractmethod def provide(self, credential): pass
[docs]class EnvCredentialProvider(CredentialProvider): """ Provides credentials from environment variables for variables listed in CREDENTIAL_KEYS. """ METHOD = "env" def __init__(self, environ: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """ Parameters ---------- environ: dictionary or os.environ A dictionary that provides the values for keys in CREDENTIAL_KEYS. If not provided, defaults to os.environ to provide environment variables. """ if environ is None: environ = os.environ self.credentials = dict((k[0], environ.get(k[0], k[1])) for k in CREDENTIAL_KEYS)
[docs] def provide(self, credential): return self.credentials.get(credential)
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER = EnvCredentialProvider()
[docs]def set_credential_provider(provider):"Setting provider to method '{provider.METHOD}.") global CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER = provider
[docs]def get_credential_provider(): return CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER
[docs]def credential_injector(credential_map: Dict[str, Any], provider: Optional[CredentialProvider] = None): """ Decorator used to inject credentials from another source if not explicitly provided in the function call. This function will only supply values for keyword arguments. All keys defined in `credential_map` must correspond to keyword arguments in the function signature. PARAMETERS ---------- credential_map: Dict[Str: Any] Dictionary where the keys are the keyword of a credential kwarg passed to the decorated function, and the values are the name of the credential in the credential provider (see CREDENTIAL_KEYS). Example of credential_map for PostgresQueryMixin connecting to LIMS database: { "dbname": "LIMS_DBNAME", "user": "LIMS_USER", "host": "LIMS_HOST", "password": "LIMS_PASSWORD", "port": "LIMS_PORT" } provider: Optional[CredentialProvider] Subclass of CredentialProvider to provide credentials to the wrapped function. If left unspecified, will default to EnvCredentialProvider, which provides credentials from environment variables. """ if provider is None: provider = get_credential_provider() def injector_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for kw, credential in credential_map.items(): if kw not in kwargs.keys():"No explicit value provided for {kw}. " "Searching credential provider.") secret = provider.provide(credential) if secret is not None:"Found value in credential provider, " f"from '{provider.METHOD}' method.") kwargs.update({kw: provider.provide(credential)}) else: logger.warning( f"Value for {kw} was neither explicitly provided " "nor found in credential provider.") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return injector_decorator