Unit Quality Metrics

Tutorial overview

This Jupyter notebook will provide a detailed explanation of the unit quality metrics included in the Allen Institute Neuropixels Visual Coding dataset. It's important to pay attention to quality metrics, because failing to apply them correctly could lead to invalid scientific conclusions, or could end up hiding potentially useful data.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, this tutorial will explore how these metrics are calculated, how they can be biased, and how they should be applied to specific use cases. It's important to keep in mind that none of these metrics are perfect, and that the use of unit quality metrics for filtering ephys data is still an evolving area of research. More work is required in order to establish general-purpose best practices and standards in this domain.

This tutorial assumes you've already created a data cache, or are working with the files on AWS. If you haven't reached that step yet, we recommend going through the data access tutorial first.

Functions related to data analysis will be covered in other tutorials. For a full list of available tutorials, see the SDK documentation.

Why do we need quality metrics?

For a long time, converting continuous voltage traces to sorted spike times was one of the "dark arts" of neuroscience. Spikes were typically sorted by hand-drawing boundaries around clouds of dots, using heuristics learned from other lab members. The quality of the resulting clusters could be validated by looking at metrics such as ISI violations or isolation distance, but there were no standards governing how these metrics informed which units to include for further analysis.

Recent in advances in neural recording devices, such as Neuropixels, have made it practically impossible to sort spikes by hand. Fortunately, we now have access to powerful algorithms that use GPUs to sort spikes in approximately the same amount of time it took to record the data. All of the Allen Institute Neuropixels data has been sorted with Kilosort2, a template-matching algorithm developed by Marius Pachitariu at HHMI Janelia Research Campus.

For Neuropixels recordings with minimal electrode drift, Kilosort2 performs well enough that further manual curation is not necessary. Unlike the original version of Kilosort, which required a manual merging step, Kilosort2 attempts to merge units automatically. Sometimes it over-merges, leading to units that clearly combine spikes from multiple cells. But in the majority of cases, Kilosort2 makes merging decisions as well as a human would, and does so in a way that is highly reproducible.

Because there is no "ground truth" information available in these datasets, any sorting algorithm is bound to make mistakes. Quality metrics allow us to understand the types of mistakes that are occurring, and obtain an estimate of their severity. Some common errors that can be identified by quality metrics include:

These mistakes can occur even in units that appear to be extremely well isolated. It's misleading to conceive of units as existing in two distinct categories, one with perfectly clean "single units" and one with impure "multiunits." Instead, there's a gradient of qualities, with mostly complete, uncontaminated units at one end, and incomplete, highly contaminated units at the other.

Despite the fact that there's not a clear division between single-unit and multi-unit activity, we still have to make a binary decision in every analysis we carry out: should this unit be included or not? Ideally this decision should be based on objective metrics that will not bias the end results. By default, the AllenSDK uses three quality metrics, isi_violations, amplitude_cutoff, and presence_ratio, to filter out units that are likely to be highly contaminated or missing lots of spikes. However, the default values of these filters may not be appropriate for your analysis, or you may want to disable them entirely. Reading through this tutorial will give you a better understanding of how these (and other) metrics should be applied, so you can apply them effectively throughout your own explorations of this dataset.

Metrics covered in this tutorial:

How these metrics were calculated

The Python code used to calculate these metrics from the outputs of Kilosort2 is available in the ecephys_spike_sorting repository. A number of the metrics are based on the waveform principal components, which are not included in the data release. To recompute these metrics on your own, you'll need access to the raw data, which is available in the Allen Brain Observatory S3 Bucket on AWS.

This code was recently incorporated into the SpikeMetrics repository by the SpikeInterface team. It's now available as a PyPi package (pip install spikemetrics) if you'd like to try them out on your own data.

If you have any questions about the specific implementation of these metrics, or recommendations for new ones to include, we encourage you to submit an issue in either GitHub repository.

Accessing the metrics

Because these metrics are so important to interpreting your results, they are included in every DataFrame that stores information about individual units.

To take a look at the metrics for all units in the dataset, simply call get_units() on the EcephysProjectCache object.

By default, the AllenSDK applies filters so only units above a set of thresholds are returned.

The default filter values are as follows:

Let's disable these filters so we can see all of the available units:

Now we have a DataFrame that contains all of the units detected by Kilosort2 across 58 experiments. Importantly, this does not include units with invalid waveforms. Kilosort2 often detects "spikes" that are very clearly not associated with action potentials; these can result from electrical artifacts or lower-frequency voltage fluctuations that cross the spike detection threshold. The majority of these "noise" units are automatically filtered out via this module, followed by a manual inspection step to identify any remaining artifactual waveforms.

Let's look in more detail at the distribution of some quality metrics across 99,180 units. We'll start by creating a function for plotting each metric in an aesthetically pleasing way:

Firing rate

First, let's take a look at firing rate, which is the most straightforward metric to compute. Firing rate is equal to the total number of spikes divided by the number of seconds in the recording. We'll create a density plot of firing rate across all units in the dataset:

Since there are many units with low firing rates, let's use a log scale instead:

Based on this plot, you can clearly see the approximately lognormal distribution of firing rates, which has been described previously. However, there's more weight on the lower tail of the distribution, which is likely due to some units missing spikes as a result of thresholding or drift. If we filter out contaminated units using another metric, nn_hit_rate (more on what this means later), the distribution becomes almost perfectly lognormal:

Before we move on to the next metric, let's add one more feature to these plots. Displaying the metrics separately for different brain regions can be helpful for understanding the variation that results from the physiological features of the area we're recording from. The four main regions that are part of the Neuropixels Visual Coding dataset are cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, and midbrain. We'll use the Allen CCF structure acronyms to find the units that belong to each region.

We can see a clear separation in the distributions across areas; the thalamus has a lot of units that fire in the 8 Hz range (remember the log scale), while the midbrain has the most units with very high rates (>20 Hz).

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using firing_rate in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used

Presence ratio

Presence ratio is not a standard metric in the field, but it's straightforward to calculate and is an easy way to identify incomplete units. It measures the fraction of time during a session in which a unit is spiking, and ranges from 0 to 0.99 (an off-by-one error in the calculation ensures that it will never reach 1.0).

Let's look at the distribution of presence ratio across areas:

It's clear that most units have a presence ratio of 0.9 or higher, which means they are present for at least 90% of the recording. Units with lower presence ratio are likely to have drifted out of the recording, or had waveforms that changed so dramatically they were assigend to separate clusters.

Calculating the exact fraction of units with presence ratio above 0.9 is easy:

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using presence_ratio in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used

Amplitude cutoff

Amplitude cutoff provides another way to check for units that are missing spikes. Unlike presence ratio, which detects units that drift out of the recording, amplitude cutoff provides an estimate of the false negative rate—e.g., the fraction of spikes below the spike detection threshold. Thus, amplitude cutoff is a measure of unit "completeness" that is complementary to presence ratio.

Let's take a look at the distribution of values for amplitude cutoff across the dataset:

Amplitude cutoff is calculated from the distribution of spike amplitudes for each unit. This metric measures the degree to which this distribution is truncated, or "cut off," as a proxy for the fraction of missing spikes. So an amplitude cutoff of, say, 0.1 would indicate that approximately 10% of spikes are missing from this unit.

If the peak of the amplitude distribution occurs at its lowest value, it's impossible to estimate the fraction of missing spikes. In this case, the amplitude cutoff is set to 0.5. That explains why there are large peaks at both ends of the distribution, one around 0 and one at 0.5.

We can check the fraction of units with the maximum amplitude cutoff using the following code:

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using amplitude_cutoff in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used

ISI violations

Inter-spike-interval (ISI) violations are a classic measure of unit contamination. Because all neurons have a biophysical refractory period, we can assume that any spikes occurring in rapid succession (<1.5 ms intervals) come from two different neurons. Therefore, the more a unit is contaminated by spikes from multiple neurons, the higher its isi_violations value will be.

The calculation for ISI violations comes from Hill et al. (2011) J Neurosci 31: 8699-8705. Rather than reporting the fraction of spikes with ISI violations, their metric reports the relative firing rate of the hypothetical neurons that are generating these violations. You can interpret an ISI violations value of 0.5 as meaning that contamining spikes are occurring at roughly half the rate of "true" spikes for that unit. In cases of highly contaminated units, the ISI violations value can sometimes be even greater than 1.

Let's look at the distribution of ISI violations across the different regions in this dataset:

This one looks like a good candidate for plotting on a log scale:

A few things to note about this plot:

If we wanted to only include units with no ISI violations, what percentage would be available for analysis?

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using isi_violations in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used


Signal-to-noise ratio, or SNR, is another classic metric of unit quality. It measures the ratio of the maximum amplitude of the mean spike waveform to the standard deviation of the background noise on one channel. Even though it's widely used in the literature, we don't recommend using it on Neuropixels data for two reasons:

  1. It only takes into account the unit's peak channel, despite the fact that waveforms are often spread across a dozen channels or more.
  2. If the waveform changes due to drift, peak channel SNR can change dramatically, even though overall isolation quality remains consistent.

Nevertheless, it can still be helpful to look at the distribution of SNRs across areas:

We can clearly see an increase in overall SNR from hippocampus to cortex to thalamus and midbrain. These changes likely result from differences in the size, density, and orientation of cell bodies in these regions. A more explicit comparison between extracellular ephys signal quality and histological features would be an interesting research topic.

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using snr in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used

That said, a modified version of the SNR metric that is tolerant to electrode drift could be highly informative. Future Allen Institute data releases may include such a metric.

Isolation distance

Isolation distance is a metric based on the principal components (PCs) of a unit's waveforms. After the spike sorting step is complete, the waveforms for every spike are projected into a lower-dimensional principal component space. By default, Kilosort2 saves the top 3 PCs for 32 channels around each unit's peak channel—this is a huge amount of data, but it's greatly compressed compared to the original 60 samples x 350+ channels for each waveform. PC-based metrics are a useful way of validating cluster quality because, at least for Kilosort2, the original sorting process doesn't rely on the waveform's principal components.

You can imagine each unit's PCs a clusters in a 32 x 3 = 96-dimensional space. Isolation distance calculates the size of the 96-dimensional sphere that includes as many "other" spikes as are contained in the original unit's cluster, after normalizing the clusters by their standard deviation in each dimension (Mahalanobis distance). The higher the isolation distance, the more a unit is separated from its neighbors in PC space, and therefore the lower the likelihood that it's contamined by spikes from multiple units.

Let's look at the range of isolation distances across different brain regions:

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using isolation_distance in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used


Like isolation distance, d-prime is another metric calculated for the waveform PCs. It uses linear discriminant analysis to calculate the separability of one unit's PC cluster and all of the others. A higher d-prime value indicates that the unit is better isolated from its neighbors.

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using d_prime in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used

Nearest-neighbors hit rate

Nearest-neighbors hit rate is another PC-based quality metric. It's derived from the 'isolation' metric originally reported in Chung, Magland et al. (2017). This metric looks at the PCs for one unit and calculates the fraction of their nearest neighbors that fall within the same cluster. If a unit is highly contaminated, then many of the closest spikes will come from other units. Nearest-neighbors hit rate is nice because it always falls between 0 and 1, making it straightforward to compare across different datasets.

Here's a summary of things to keep in mind when using nn_hit_rate in your analysis:

How it can be biased

How it should be used


To summarize, let's take a look at the range of values that each of these metrics takes across the whole dataset: