Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.stimulus_processing

import pickle
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.stimulus_processing \
    .stimulus_templates import \
    StimulusTemplate, StimulusTemplateFactory
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.stimulus_processing.util import \
    convert_filepath_caseinsensitive, get_image_set_name

[docs]def load_pickle(pstream): return pickle.load(pstream, encoding="bytes")
[docs]def get_stimulus_presentations(data, stimulus_timestamps) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function retrieves the stimulus presentation dataframe and renames the columns, adds a stop_time column, and set's index to stimulus_presentation_id before sorting and returning the dataframe. :param data: stimulus file associated with experiment id :param stimulus_timestamps: timestamps indicating when stimuli switched during experiment :return: stimulus_table: dataframe containing the stimuli metadata as well as what stimuli was presented """ stimulus_table = get_visual_stimuli_df(data, stimulus_timestamps) # workaround to rename columns to harmonize with visual # coding and rebase timestamps to sync time stimulus_table.insert(loc=0, column='flash_number', value=np.arange(0, len(stimulus_table))) stimulus_table = stimulus_table.rename( columns={'frame': 'start_frame', 'time': 'start_time', 'flash_number': 'stimulus_presentations_id'}) stimulus_table.start_time = [stimulus_timestamps[int(start_frame)] for start_frame in stimulus_table.start_frame.values] end_time = [] for end_frame in stimulus_table.end_frame.values: if not np.isnan(end_frame): end_time.append(stimulus_timestamps[int(end_frame)]) else: end_time.append(float('nan')) stimulus_table.insert(loc=4, column='stop_time', value=end_time) stimulus_table.set_index('stimulus_presentations_id', inplace=True) stimulus_table = stimulus_table[sorted(stimulus_table.columns)] return stimulus_table
[docs]def get_images_dict(pkl) -> Dict: """ Gets the dictionary of images that were presented during an experiment along with image set metadata and the image specific metadata. This function uses the path to the image pkl file to read the images and their metadata from the pkl file and return this dictionary. Parameters ---------- pkl: The pkl file containing the data for the stimuli presented during experiment Returns ------- Dict: A dictionary containing keys images, metadata, and image_attributes. These correspond to paths to image arrays presented, metadata on the whole set of images, and metadata on specific images, respectively. """ # Sometimes the source is a zipped pickle: pkl_stimuli = pkl["items"]["behavior"]["stimuli"] metadata = {'image_set': pkl_stimuli["images"]["image_path"]} # Get image file name; # These are encoded case-insensitive in the pickle file :/ filename = convert_filepath_caseinsensitive(metadata['image_set']) image_set = load_pickle(open(filename, 'rb')) images = [] images_meta = [] ii = 0 for cat, cat_images in image_set.items(): for img_name, img in cat_images.items(): meta = dict( image_category=cat.decode("utf-8"), image_name=img_name.decode("utf-8"), orientation=np.NaN, phase=np.NaN, spatial_frequency=np.NaN, image_index=ii, ) images.append(img) images_meta.append(meta) ii += 1 images_dict = dict( metadata=metadata, images=images, image_attributes=images_meta, ) return images_dict
[docs]def get_gratings_metadata(stimuli: Dict, start_idx: int = 0) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function returns the metadata for each unique grating that was presented during the experiment. If no gratings were displayed during this experiment it returns an empty dataframe with the expected columns. Parameters ---------- stimuli: The stimuli field (pkl['items']['behavior']['stimuli']) loaded from the experiment pkl file. start_idx: The index to start index column Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the unique stimuli presented during an experiment. The columns contained in this DataFrame are 'image_category', 'image_name', 'image_set', 'phase', 'spatial_frequency', 'orientation', and 'image_index'. This returns empty if no gratings were presented. """ if 'grating' in stimuli: phase = stimuli['grating']['phase'] correct_freq = stimuli['grating']['sf'] set_logs = stimuli['grating']['set_log'] unique_oris = set([set_log[1] for set_log in set_logs]) image_names = [] for unique_ori in unique_oris: image_names.append(f"gratings_{float(unique_ori)}") grating_dict = { 'image_category': ['grating'] * len(unique_oris), 'image_name': image_names, 'orientation': list(unique_oris), 'image_set': ['grating'] * len(unique_oris), 'phase': [phase] * len(unique_oris), 'spatial_frequency': [correct_freq] * len(unique_oris), 'image_index': range(start_idx, start_idx + len(unique_oris), 1) } grating_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(grating_dict) else: grating_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['image_category', 'image_name', 'image_set', 'phase', 'spatial_frequency', 'orientation', 'image_index']) return grating_df
[docs]def get_stimulus_templates(pkl: dict, grating_images_dict: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Optional[StimulusTemplate]: """ Gets images presented during experiments from the behavior stimulus file (*.pkl) Parameters ---------- pkl : dict Loaded pkl dict containing data for the presented stimuli. grating_images_dict : Optional[dict] Because behavior pkl files do not contain image versions of grating stimuli, they must be obtained from an external source. The grating_images_dict is a nested dictionary where top level keys correspond to grating image names (e.g. 'gratings_0.0', 'gratings_270.0') as they would appear in table returned by get_gratings_metadata(). Sub-nested dicts are expected to have 'warped' and 'unwarped' keys where values are numpy image arrays of aforementioned warped or unwarped grating stimuli. Returns ------- StimulusTemplate: StimulusTemplate object containing images that were presented during the experiment """ pkl_stimuli = pkl['items']['behavior']['stimuli'] if 'images' in pkl_stimuli: images = get_images_dict(pkl) image_set_filepath = images['metadata']['image_set'] image_set_name = get_image_set_name(image_set_path=image_set_filepath) image_set_name = convert_filepath_caseinsensitive( image_set_name) return StimulusTemplateFactory.from_unprocessed( image_set_name=image_set_name, image_attributes=images['image_attributes'], images=images['images'] ) elif 'grating' in pkl_stimuli: if (grating_images_dict is None) or (not grating_images_dict): raise RuntimeError("The 'grating_images_dict' param MUST " "be provided to get stimulus templates " "because this pkl data contains " "gratings presentations.") gratings_metadata = get_gratings_metadata( pkl_stimuli).to_dict(orient='records') unwarped_images = [] warped_images = [] for image_attrs in gratings_metadata: image_name = image_attrs['image_name'] grating_imgs_sub_dict = grating_images_dict[image_name] unwarped_images.append(grating_imgs_sub_dict['unwarped']) warped_images.append(grating_imgs_sub_dict['warped']) return StimulusTemplateFactory.from_processed( image_set_name='grating', image_attributes=gratings_metadata, unwarped=unwarped_images, warped=warped_images ) else: warnings.warn( "Could not determine stimulus template images from pkl file. " f"The pkl stimuli nested dict " "(pkl['items']['behavior']['stimuli']) contained neither " "'images' nor 'grating' but instead: " f"'{pkl_stimuli.keys()}'" ) return None
[docs]def get_stimulus_metadata(pkl) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Gets the stimulus metadata for each type of stimulus presented during the experiment. The metadata is return for gratings, images, and omitted stimuli. Parameters ---------- pkl: the pkl file containing the information about what stimuli were presented during the experiment Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: The dataframe containing a row for every stimulus that was presented during the experiment. The row contains the following data, image_category, image_name, image_set, phase, spatial_frequency, orientation, and image index. """ stimuli = pkl['items']['behavior']['stimuli'] if 'images' in stimuli: images = get_images_dict(pkl) stimulus_index_df = pd.DataFrame(images['image_attributes']) image_set_filename = convert_filepath_caseinsensitive( images['metadata']['image_set']) stimulus_index_df['image_set'] = get_image_set_name( image_set_path=image_set_filename) else: stimulus_index_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'image_name', 'image_category', 'image_set', 'phase', 'spatial_frequency', 'image_index']) # get the grating metadata will be empty if gratings are absent grating_df = get_gratings_metadata(stimuli, start_idx=len(stimulus_index_df)) stimulus_index_df = stimulus_index_df.append(grating_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) # Add an entry for omitted stimuli omitted_df = pd.DataFrame({'image_category': ['omitted'], 'image_name': ['omitted'], 'image_set': ['omitted'], 'orientation': np.NaN, 'phase': np.NaN, 'spatial_frequency': np.NaN, 'image_index': len(stimulus_index_df)}) stimulus_index_df = stimulus_index_df.append(omitted_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) stimulus_index_df.set_index(['image_index'], inplace=True, drop=True) return stimulus_index_df
def _resolve_image_category(change_log, frame): for change in (unpack_change_log(c) for c in change_log): if frame < change['frame']: return change['from_category'] return change['to_category'] def _get_stimulus_epoch(set_log: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, int], int, int]], current_set_index: int, start_frame: int, n_frames: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Gets the frame range for which a stimuli was presented and the transition to the next stimuli was ongoing. Returns this in the form of a tuple. Parameters ---------- set_log: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, int], int, int The List of Tuples in the form of (stimuli_type ('Image' or 'Grating'), stimuli_descriptor (image_name or orientation of grating in degrees), nonsynced_time_of_display (not sure, it's never used), display_frame (frame that stimuli was displayed)) current_set_index: int Index of stimuli set to calculate window start_frame: int frame where stimuli was set, set_log[current_set_index][3] n_frames: int number of frames for which stimuli were displayed Returns ------- Tuple[int, int]: A tuple where index 0 is start frame of stimulus window and index 1 is end frame of stimulus window """ try: next_set_event = set_log[current_set_index + 1] except IndexError: # assume this is the last set event next_set_event = (None, None, None, n_frames,) return start_frame, next_set_event[3] # end frame isn't inclusive def _get_draw_epochs(draw_log: List[int], start_frame: int, stop_frame: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Gets the frame numbers of the active frames within a stimulus window. Stimulus epochs come in the form [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] where the stimulus is active for some amount of time in the window indicated by int 1 at that frame. This function returns the ranges for which the set_log is 1 within the draw_log window. Parameters ---------- draw_log: List[int] A list of ints indicating for what frames stimuli were active start_frame: int The start frame to search within the draw_log for active values stop_frame: int The end frame to search within the draw_log for active values Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, int]] A list of tuples indicating the start and end frames of every contiguous set of active values within the specified window of the draw log. """ draw_epochs = [] current_frame = start_frame while current_frame <= stop_frame: epoch_length = 0 while current_frame < stop_frame and draw_log[current_frame] == 1: epoch_length += 1 current_frame += 1 else: current_frame += 1 if epoch_length: draw_epochs.append( (current_frame - epoch_length - 1, current_frame - 1,) ) return draw_epochs
[docs]def unpack_change_log(change): (from_category, from_name), (to_category, to_name,), time, frame = change return dict( frame=frame, time=time, from_category=from_category, to_category=to_category, from_name=from_name, to_name=to_name, )
[docs]def get_visual_stimuli_df(data, time) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function loads the stimuli and the omitted stimuli into a dataframe. These stimuli are loaded from the input data, where the set_log and draw_log contained within are used to calculate the epochs. These epochs are used as start_frame and end_frame and converted to times by input stimulus timestamps. The omitted stimuli do not have a end_frame by design though there duration is always 250ms. :param data: the behavior data file :param time: the stimulus timestamps indicating when each stimuli is displayed :return: df: a pandas dataframe containing the stimuli and omitted stimuli that were displayed with their frame, end_frame, start_time, and duration """ stimuli = data['items']['behavior']['stimuli'] n_frames = len(time) visual_stimuli_data = [] for stimuli_group_name, stim_dict in stimuli.items(): for idx, (attr_name, attr_value, _time, frame,) in \ enumerate(stim_dict["set_log"]): orientation = attr_value if attr_name.lower() == "ori" else np.nan image_name = attr_value if attr_name.lower() == "image" else np.nan stimulus_epoch = _get_stimulus_epoch( stim_dict["set_log"], idx, frame, n_frames, ) draw_epochs = _get_draw_epochs( stim_dict["draw_log"], *stimulus_epoch ) for idx, (epoch_start, epoch_end,) in enumerate(draw_epochs): # visual stimulus doesn't actually change until start of # following frame, so we need to bump the # epoch_start & epoch_end to get the timing right epoch_start += 1 epoch_end += 1 visual_stimuli_data.append({ "orientation": orientation, "image_name": image_name, "frame": epoch_start, "end_frame": epoch_end, "time": time[epoch_start], "duration": time[epoch_end] - time[epoch_start], # this will always work because an epoch # will never occur near the end of time "omitted": False, }) visual_stimuli_df = pd.DataFrame(data=visual_stimuli_data) # Add omitted flash info: try: omitted_flash_frame_log = \ data['items']['behavior']['omitted_flash_frame_log'] except KeyError: # For sessions for which there were no omitted flashes omitted_flash_frame_log = dict() omitted_flash_list = [] for _, omitted_flash_frames in omitted_flash_frame_log.items(): stim_frames = visual_stimuli_df['frame'].values omitted_flash_frames = np.array(omitted_flash_frames) # Test offsets of omitted flash frames # to see if they are in the stim log offsets = np.arange(-3, 4) offset_arr = np.add( np.repeat(omitted_flash_frames[:, np.newaxis], offsets.shape[0], axis=1), offsets) matched_any_offset = np.any(np.isin(offset_arr, stim_frames), axis=1) # Remove omitted flashes that also exist in the stimulus log was_true_omitted = np.logical_not(matched_any_offset) # bool omitted_flash_frames_to_keep = omitted_flash_frames[was_true_omitted] # Have to remove frames that are double-counted in omitted log omitted_flash_list += list(np.unique(omitted_flash_frames_to_keep)) omitted = np.ones_like(omitted_flash_list).astype(bool) time = [time[fi] for fi in omitted_flash_list] omitted_df = pd.DataFrame({'omitted': omitted, 'frame': omitted_flash_list, 'time': time, 'image_name': 'omitted'}) df = pd.concat((visual_stimuli_df, omitted_df), sort=False).sort_values('frame').reset_index() return df
[docs]def is_change_event(stimulus_presentations: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """ Returns whether a stimulus is a change stimulus A change stimulus is defined as the first presentation of a new image_name Omitted stimuli are ignored The first stimulus in the session is ignored :param stimulus_presentations The stimulus presentations table :return: is_change: pd.Series indicating whether a given stimulus is a change stimulus """ stimuli = stimulus_presentations['image_name'] # exclude omitted stimuli stimuli = stimuli[~stimulus_presentations['omitted']] prev_stimuli = stimuli.shift() # exclude first stimulus stimuli = stimuli.iloc[1:] prev_stimuli = prev_stimuli.iloc[1:] is_change = stimuli != prev_stimuli # reset back to original index is_change = is_change \ .reindex(stimulus_presentations.index) \ .rename('is_change') # Excluded stimuli are not change events is_change = is_change.fillna(False) return is_change