Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.schemas

from marshmallow import Schema, fields, RAISE
import numpy as np

STYPE_DICT = {fields.Float: 'float', fields.Int: 'int',
              fields.String: 'text', fields.List: 'text',
              fields.DateTime: 'text', fields.UUID: 'text'}
TYPE_DICT = {fields.Float: float, fields.Int: int, fields.String: str,
             fields.List: np.ndarray, fields.DateTime: str, fields.UUID: str}

[docs]class RaisingSchema(Schema):
[docs] class Meta: unknown = RAISE
[docs]class SubjectMetadataSchema(RaisingSchema): """This schema contains metadata pertaining to a subject in either a behavior or behavior + ophys experiment. """ neurodata_type = 'BehaviorSubject' neurodata_type_inc = 'Subject' neurodata_doc = "Metadata for an AIBS behavior or behavior + ophys subject" # Fields to skip converting to extension # In this case they already exist in the 'Subject' builtin pyNWB class neurodata_skip = {"age_in_days", "genotype", "sex", "subject_id"} age_in_days = fields.String( doc='Age of the specimen donor/subject (in days)', required=True, ) driver_line = fields.List( fields.String, doc="Driver line of subject", required=True, shape=(None,), ) # 'full_genotype' will be stored in pynwb Subject 'genotype' attr genotype = fields.String( doc='full genotype of subject', required=True, ) # 'mouse_id' will be stored in pynwb Subject 'subject_id' attr subject_id = fields.Int( doc='Mouse ID of subject', required=True, ) reporter_line = fields.String( doc="Reporter line of subject", required=True, ) sex = fields.String( doc='Sex of the specimen donor/subject', required=True, )
[docs]class BehaviorMetadataSchema(RaisingSchema): """This schema contains metadata pertaining to behavior. """ neurodata_type = 'BehaviorMetadata' neurodata_type_inc = 'LabMetaData' neurodata_doc = "Metadata for behavior and behavior + ophys experiments" neurodata_skip = {"date_of_acquisition"} behavior_session_id = fields.Int( doc='The unique ID for the behavior session', required=True ) behavior_session_uuid = fields.UUID( doc='MTrain record for session, also called foraging_id', required=True, ) stimulus_frame_rate = fields.Float( doc=('Frame rate (frames/second) of the ' 'visual_stimulus from the monitor'), required=True, ) session_type = fields.String( doc='Experimental session description', allow_none=True, required=True, ) # 'date_of_acquisition' will be stored in # pynwb NWBFile 'session_start_time' attr date_of_acquisition = fields.DateTime( doc='Date of the experiment (UTC, as string)', required=True, ) equipment_name = fields.String( doc='Name of behavior or optical physiology experiment rig', required=True, )
[docs]class NwbOphysMetadataSchema(RaisingSchema): """This schema contains fields that will be stored in pyNWB base classes pertaining to optical physiology.""" # 'emission_lambda' will be stored in # pyNWB OpticalChannel 'emission_lambda' attr emission_lambda = fields.Float( doc='Emission lambda of fluorescent indicator', required=True, ) # 'excitation_lambda' will be stored in the pyNWB ImagingPlane # 'excitation_lambda' attr excitation_lambda = fields.Float( doc='Excitation lambda of fluorescent indicator', required=True, ) # 'indicator' will be stored in the pyNWB ImagingPlane 'indicator' attr indicator = fields.String( doc='Name of optical physiology fluorescent indicator', required=True, ) # 'targeted_structure' will be stored in the pyNWB # ImagingPlane 'location' attr targeted_structure = fields.String( doc='Anatomical structure targeted for two-photon acquisition', required=True, ) # 'ophys_frame_rate' will be stored in the pyNWB ImagingPlane # 'imaging_rate' attr ophys_frame_rate = fields.Float( doc='Frame rate (frames/second) of the two-photon microscope', required=True, )
[docs]class OphysMetadataSchema(NwbOphysMetadataSchema): """This schema contains metadata pertaining to optical physiology (ophys). """ ophys_experiment_id = fields.Int( doc='Unique ID for the ophys experiment (aka imaging plane)', required=True ) ophys_session_id = fields.Int( doc='Unique ID for the ophys session', required=True ) experiment_container_id = fields.Int( doc='Container ID for the container that contains this ophys session', required=True, ) imaging_depth = fields.Int( doc=('Depth (microns) below the cortical surface ' 'targeted for two-photon acquisition'), required=True, ) field_of_view_width = fields.Int( doc='Width of optical physiology imaging plane in pixels', required=True, ) field_of_view_height = fields.Int( doc='Height of optical physiology imaging plane in pixels', required=True, ) imaging_plane_group = fields.Int( doc=('A numeric index which indicates the order that an imaging plane ' 'was acquired for a mesoscope experiment. Will be -1 for ' 'non-mesoscope data'), required=True ) imaging_plane_group_count = fields.Int( doc=('The total number of plane groups collected in a session ' 'for a mesoscope experiment. Will be 0 if the scope did not ' 'capture multiple concurrent imaging planes.'), required=True )
[docs]class OphysBehaviorMetadataSchema(BehaviorMetadataSchema, OphysMetadataSchema): """ This schema contains fields pertaining to ophys+behavior. It is used as a template for generating our custom NWB behavior + ophys extension. """ neurodata_type = 'OphysBehaviorMetadata' neurodata_type_inc = 'BehaviorMetadata' neurodata_doc = "Metadata for behavior + ophys experiments" # Fields to skip converting to extension # They already exist as attributes for the following pyNWB classes: # OpticalChannel, ImagingPlane, NWBFile neurodata_skip = {"emission_lambda", "excitation_lambda", "indicator", "targeted_structure", "date_of_acquisition", "ophys_frame_rate"}
[docs]class CompleteOphysBehaviorMetadataSchema(OphysBehaviorMetadataSchema, SubjectMetadataSchema): """This schema combines fields from behavior, ophys, and subject schemas. Metadata info is passed by the behavior+ophys session in a combined lump containing all the field types. """ pass
[docs]class BehaviorTaskParametersSchema(RaisingSchema): """This schema encompasses task parameters used for behavior or ophys + behavior. """ neurodata_type = 'BehaviorTaskParameters' neurodata_type_inc = 'LabMetaData' neurodata_doc = "Metadata for behavior or behavior + ophys task parameters" blank_duration_sec = fields.List( fields.Float, doc=('The lower and upper bound (in seconds) for a randomly chosen ' 'inter-stimulus interval duration for a trial'), required=True, shape=(2,), ) stimulus_duration_sec = fields.Float( doc='Duration of each stimulus presentation in seconds', required=True, allow_nan=True ) omitted_flash_fraction = fields.Float( doc='Fraction of flashes/image presentations that were omitted', required=True, allow_nan=True, ) response_window_sec = fields.List( fields.Float, doc=('The lower and upper bound (in seconds) for a randomly chosen ' 'time window where subject response influences trial outcome'), required=True, shape=(2,), ) reward_volume = fields.Float( doc='Volume of water (in mL) delivered as reward', required=True, ) auto_reward_volume = fields.Float( doc='Volume of water (in mL) delivered as an automatic reward', required=True, ) session_type = fields.String( doc='Stage of behavioral task', required=True, ) stimulus = fields.String( doc='Stimulus type', required=True, ) stimulus_distribution = fields.String( doc=("Distribution type of drawing change times " "(e.g. 'geometric', 'exponential')"), required=True, ) task = fields.String( doc='The name of the behavioral task', required=True, ) n_stimulus_frames = fields.Int( doc='Total number of stimuli frames', required=True, )
[docs]class EyeTrackingRigGeometry(RaisingSchema): """Eye tracking rig geometry""" values = fields.Float( doc='position/rotation with respect to (x, y, z)', required=True, shape=(3,) ) unit_of_measurement = fields.Str( doc='Unit of measurement for the data', required=True )
[docs]class OphysEyeTrackingRigMetadataSchema(RaisingSchema): """This schema encompasses metadata for ophys experiment rig """ neurodata_type = 'OphysEyeTrackingRigMetadata' neurodata_type_inc = 'NWBDataInterface' neurodata_doc = "Metadata for ophys experiment rig" equipment = fields.Str( doc='Description of rig', required=True ) monitor_position = fields.Nested( EyeTrackingRigGeometry, doc='position of monitor (x, y, z)', required=True ) camera_position = fields.Nested( EyeTrackingRigGeometry, doc='position of camera (x, y, z)', required=True ) led_position = fields.Nested( EyeTrackingRigGeometry, doc='position of LED (x, y, z)', required=True ) monitor_rotation = fields.Nested( EyeTrackingRigGeometry, doc='rotation of monitor (x, y, z)', required=True ) camera_rotation = fields.Nested( EyeTrackingRigGeometry, doc='rotation of camera (x, y, z)', required=True )