Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.mtrain

from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from datetime import datetime, date
import numpy as np

[docs]def annotate_change_detect(trials): """ adds `change` and `detect` columns to dataframe Parameters ---------- trials : pandas DataFrame dataframe of trials inplace : bool, optional modify `trials` in place. if False, returns a copy. default: True See Also -------- io.load_trials """ trials['change'] = trials['trial_type'] == 'go' trials['detect'] = trials['response'] == 1.0 return trials
[docs]def assign_session_id(trials): """ adds a column with a unique ID for the session defined as a combination of the mouse ID and startdatetime Parameters ---------- trials : pandas DataFrame dataframe of trials inplace : bool, optional modify `trials` in place. if False, returns a copy. default: True See Also -------- io.load_trials """ trials['session_id'] = trials['mouse_id'] + '_' + trials['startdatetime'].map(lambda x: x.isoformat()) return trials
[docs]def fix_change_time(trials): """ forces `None` values in the `change_time` column to numpy NaN Parameters ---------- trials : pandas DataFrame dataframe of trials inplace : bool, optional modify `trials` in place. if False, returns a copy. default: True See Also -------- io.load_trials """ trials['change_time'] = trials['change_time'].map(lambda x: np.nan if x is None else x) return trials
[docs]def explode_response_window(trials): """ explodes the `response_window` column in lower & upper columns Parameters ---------- trials : pandas DataFrame dataframe of trials inplace : bool, optional modify `trials` in place. if False, returns a copy. default: True See Also -------- io.load_trials """ trials['response_window_lower'] = trials['response_window'].map(lambda x: x[0]) trials['response_window_upper'] = trials['response_window'].map(lambda x: x[1]) return trials
[docs]def annotate_trials(trials): """ performs multiple annotatations: - annotate_change_detect - fix_change_time - explode_response_window Parameters ---------- trials : pandas DataFrame dataframe of trials inplace : bool, optional modify `trials` in place. if False, returns a copy. default: True See Also -------- io.load_trials """ # build arrays for change detection trials = annotate_change_detect(trials) # assign a session ID to each row trials = assign_session_id(trials) # calculate reaction times trials = fix_change_time(trials) # unwrap the response window trials = explode_response_window(trials) return trials
[docs]class FriendlyDateTime(fields.DateTime): def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if isinstance(value, datetime): return value result = super(FriendlyDateTime, self)._deserialize(value, attr, data) return result
[docs]class FriendlyDate(fields.Date): def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if isinstance(value, date): return value result = super(FriendlyDate, self)._deserialize(value, attr, data) return result
[docs]class ExtendedTrialSchema(Schema): """ This schema describes the edf core trial structure """ index = fields.Int( description='Trial number in this session', required=True, ) startframe = fields.Int( description='frame when this trial starts', required=True, ) starttime = fields.Float( description='time in seconds when this trial starts', required=True, ) endframe = fields.Int( description='frame when this trial ends', required=True, ) endtime = fields.Float( description='time in seconds when this trial ends', required=True, ) trial_length = fields.Float( required=True, ) # timing paramters change_frame = fields.Float( description='The stimulus frame when the change occured on this trial', required=True, allow_nan=True, ) scheduled_change_time = fields.Float( description='The time when the change was scheduled to occur on this trial', required=True, ) change_time = fields.Float( description='The time when the change occured on this trial', required=True, allow_nan=True, ) # image parameters initial_image_category = fields.String( description='The category of the initial images on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) initial_image_name = fields.String( description='The name of the last initial image before the change on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) change_image_category = fields.String( description='The category of the change images on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) change_image_name = fields.String( description='The name of the first change image on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) # oriented gratings paramters initial_contrast = fields.Float( description='The contrast of the initial orientation on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) change_contrast = fields.Float( description='The contrast of the change orientation on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) initial_ori = fields.Float( description='The orientation of the initial orientation on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) change_ori = fields.Float( description='The orientation of the change orientation on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, allow_nan=True, ) delta_ori = fields.Float( description='The difference between the initial and change orientations on this trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) # licks lick_times = fields.List( fields.Float, description='times of licks on this trial', required=True, ) response_latency = fields.Float( description='The latency between the change and the first lick on this trial', required=True, allow_nan=True, ) response_time = fields.List( fields.Float, description='need to check this with Doug', required=True, ) reward_frames = fields.List( fields.Int, required=True, ) reward_times = fields.List( fields.Float, required=True, ) reward_volume = fields.Float( required=True, ) rewarded = fields.Bool( required=True, ) auto_rewarded = fields.Bool( description='whether this trial was an auto_rewarded trial', required=True, allow_none=True, ) cumulative_reward_number = fields.Int( description='the cumulative number of rewards in the session at trial end', required=True, ) cumulative_volume = fields.Float( description='the total volume of rewards in the session at trial end', required=True, ) # optogenetics optogenetics = fields.Bool( description='whether optogenetic stimulation was applied on this trial', required=True, ) blank_duration_range = fields.List( fields.Float, required=True, ) blank_screen_timeout = fields.Bool( required=True, ) color = fields.String( required=True, ) computer_name = fields.String( required=True, ) distribution_mean = fields.Float( required=True, ) LDT_mode = fields.String( required=True, ) lick_frames = fields.List( fields.Integer(strict=True), required=True, ) mouse_id = fields.String( required=True, ) number_of_rewards = fields.Integer( required=True, strict=True, ) prechange_minimum = fields.Float( required=True, ) response = fields.Float( required=True, ) response_type = fields.String( required=True, ) response_window = fields.List( fields.Float, required=True, ) reward_licks = fields.List( fields.Float, required=True, allow_none=True, ) reward_lick_count = fields.Integer( required=True, # strict=True, allow_none=True, ) reward_lick_latency = fields.Float( allow_none=True, allow_nan=True, ) reward_rate = fields.Float( allow_none=True, allow_nan=True, ) rig_id = fields.String( required=True, ) session_duration = fields.Float( required=True, ) stage = fields.String( required=True, ) stim_duration = fields.Float( required=True, ) stimulus = fields.String( required=True, ) stimulus_distribution = fields.String( required=True, ) task = fields.String( required=True, ) trial_type = fields.String( required=True, ) user_id = fields.String( required=True, ) startdatetime = FriendlyDateTime( required=True, strict=True, ) date = FriendlyDate( required=True, ) year = fields.Integer( strict=True ) month = fields.Integer( required=True, strict=True, ) day = fields.Integer( required=True, strict=True, ) hour = fields.Integer( required=True, strict=True, ) dayofweek = fields.Integer( strict=True, required=True, ) behavior_session_uuid = fields.UUID( required=True, )