Example behavior and ophys data

The following example shows how to access behavioral data for a given recording session and how to align with corresponding neural data

The following assumes that the AllenSDK has been installed in your environment. If not, run:

pip install allensdk


Make notebook use full screen width

Look at a sample of the experiment table

here are all of the unique session types

Select an OPHYS_1_images_A experiment at random, load the experiment data

Look at the performance data

We can see that the d-prime metric, a measure of discrimination performance, peaked at 2.14 during this session, indicating mid-range performance.
(d' = 0 means no discrimination performance, d' is infinite for perfect performance, but is limited to about 4.5 this dataset due to trial count limitations).

We can build a trial dataframe that tells us about behavior events on every trial. This can be merged with a rolling performance dataframe, which calculates behavioral performance metrics over a rolling window of 100 trials (excluding aborted trials, or trials where the animal licks prematurely).

Now we can plot performance over the full experiment duration

Some key observations:

We can also look at a dataframe of stimulus presentations. This tells us the attributes of every stimulus that was shown in the session

Also note that there is an image name called 'omitted'. This represents the time that a stimulus would have been shown, had it not been omitted from the regular stimulus cadence. They are included here for ease of analysis, but it's important to note that they are not actually stimuli. They are the lack of expected stimuli.

For plotting purposes below, let's add a column that specifies a unique color for every unique image

There are also dataframes containing running speed, licks, eye tracking, and neural data:

running speed


eye tracking data

and deltaF/F values

we can convert the dff_traces to long-form (aka "tidy") as follows:

We can look at a few trials in some detail

First define a function to plot a number of data streams

here is a hit trial


here is a miss trial


here is a false alarm trial


And finally, a correct rejection
