Source code for allensdk.internal.api.behavior_data_lims_api

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, List, Any

from allensdk.core.exceptions import DataFrameIndexError
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.internal.behavior_base import (
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.rewards_processing import get_rewards
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.running_processing import (
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.stimulus_processing import (
    get_stimulus_presentations, get_stimulus_templates, get_stimulus_metadata)
from allensdk.brain_observatory.running_speed import RunningSpeed
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.metadata_processing import (
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.sync import frame_time_offset
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.trials_processing import get_trials
from allensdk.internal.core.lims_utilities import safe_system_path
from allensdk.internal.api import PostgresQueryMixin
from allensdk.api.cache import memoize
from allensdk.internal.api import (
    OneResultExpectedError, OneOrMoreResultExpectedError)
from allensdk.core.cache_method_utilities import CachedInstanceMethodMixin
from allensdk.core.authentication import DbCredentials, credential_injector
from allensdk.core.auth_config import (

[docs]class BehaviorDataLimsApi(CachedInstanceMethodMixin, BehaviorBase): def __init__(self, behavior_session_id: int, lims_credentials: Optional[DbCredentials] = None, mtrain_credentials: Optional[DbCredentials] = None): super().__init__() if mtrain_credentials: self.mtrain_db = PostgresQueryMixin( dbname=mtrain_credentials.dbname, user=mtrain_credentials.user,, port=mtrain_credentials.port, password=mtrain_credentials.password) else: self.mtrain_db = (credential_injector(MTRAIN_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP) (PostgresQueryMixin)()) if lims_credentials: self.lims_db = PostgresQueryMixin( dbname=lims_credentials.dbname, user=lims_credentials.user,, port=lims_credentials.port, password=lims_credentials.password) else: self.lims_db = (credential_injector(LIMS_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP) (PostgresQueryMixin)()) self.behavior_session_id = behavior_session_id ids = self._get_ids() self.ophys_experiment_ids = ids.get("ophys_experiment_ids") self.ophys_session_id = ids.get("ophys_session_id") self.behavior_training_id = ids.get("behavior_training_id") self.foraging_id = ids.get("foraging_id") self.ophys_container_id = ids.get("ophys_container_id") def _get_ids(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[int, List[int]]]]: """Fetch ids associated with this behavior_session_id. If there is no id, return None. :returns: Dictionary of ids with the following keys: behavior_training_id: int -- Only if was a training session ophys_session_id: int -- None if have behavior_training_id ophys_experiment_ids: List[int] -- only if have ophys_session_id foraging_id: int :rtype: dict """ # Get all ids from the behavior_sessions table query = f""" SELECT ophys_session_id, behavior_training_id, foraging_id FROM behavior_sessions WHERE = {self.behavior_session_id}; """ ids_response = if len(ids_response) > 1: raise OneResultExpectedError ids_dict = ids_response.iloc[0].to_dict() # Get additional ids if also an ophys session # (experiment_id, container_id) if ids_dict.get("ophys_session_id"): oed_query = f""" SELECT id FROM ophys_experiments WHERE ophys_session_id = {ids_dict["ophys_session_id"]}; """ oed = self.lims_db.fetchall(oed_query) if len(oed) == 0: oed = None container_query = f""" SELECT DISTINCT visual_behavior_experiment_container_id id FROM ophys_experiments_visual_behavior_experiment_containers WHERE ophys_experiment_id IN ({",".join(set(map(str, oed)))}); """ try: container_id = self.lims_db.fetchone(container_query, strict=True) except OneResultExpectedError: container_id = None ids_dict.update({"ophys_experiment_ids": oed, "ophys_container_id": container_id}) else: ids_dict.update({"ophys_experiment_ids": None, "ophys_container_id": None}) return ids_dict
[docs] def get_behavior_session_id(self) -> int: """Getter to be consistent with BehaviorOphysLimsApi.""" return self.behavior_session_id
[docs] def get_behavior_session_uuid(self) -> Optional[int]: data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() return data.get("session_uuid")
[docs] def get_behavior_stimulus_file(self) -> str: """Return the path to the StimulusPickle file for a session. :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT stim.storage_directory || stim.filename AS stim_file FROM well_known_files stim WHERE stim.attachable_id = {self.behavior_session_id} AND stim.attachable_type = 'BehaviorSession' AND stim.well_known_file_type_id IN ( SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'StimulusPickle'); """ return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
@memoize def _behavior_stimulus_file(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Helper method to cache stimulus file in memory since it takes about a second to load (and is used in many methods). """ return pd.read_pickle(self.get_behavior_stimulus_file())
[docs] def get_licks(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get lick data from pkl file. This function assumes that the first sensor in the list of lick_sensors is the desired lick sensor. If this changes we need to update to get the proper line. Since licks can occur outside of a trial context, the lick times are extracted from the vsyncs and the frame number in `lick_events`. Since we don't have a timestamp for when in "experiment time" the vsync stream starts (from self.get_stimulus_timestamps), we compute it by fitting a linear regression (frame number x time) for the `start_trial` and `end_trial` events in the `trial_log`, to true up these time streams. :returns: pd.DataFrame -- A dataframe containing lick timestamps """ # Get licks from pickle file instead of sync data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() stimulus_timestamps = self.get_stimulus_timestamps() lick_frames = (data["items"]["behavior"]["lick_sensors"][0] ["lick_events"]) lick_times = [stimulus_timestamps[frame] for frame in lick_frames] return pd.DataFrame({"time": lick_times})
[docs] def get_rewards(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get reward data from pkl file, based on pkl file timestamps (not sync file). :returns: pd.DataFrame -- A dataframe containing timestamps of delivered rewards. """ data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() offset = frame_time_offset(data) # No sync timestamps to rebase on, but do need to align to # trial events, so add the offset as the "rebase" function return get_rewards(data, lambda x: x + offset)
[docs] def get_running_data_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get running speed data. :returns: pd.DataFrame -- dataframe containing various signals used to compute running speed. """ stimulus_timestamps = self.get_stimulus_timestamps() data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() return get_running_df(data, stimulus_timestamps)
[docs] def get_running_speed(self) -> RunningSpeed: """Get running speed using timestamps from self.get_stimulus_timestamps. NOTE: Do not correct for monitor delay. :returns: RunningSpeed -- a NamedTuple containing the subject's timestamps and running speeds (in cm/s) """ running_data_df = self.get_running_data_df() if != "timestamps": raise DataFrameIndexError( f"Expected index to be named 'timestamps' but got " "'{}'.") return RunningSpeed(timestamps=running_data_df.index.values, values=running_data_df.speed.values)
[docs] def get_stimulus_frame_rate(self) -> float: stimulus_timestamps = self.get_stimulus_timestamps() return np.round(1 / np.mean(np.diff(stimulus_timestamps)), 0)
[docs] def get_stimulus_presentations(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get stimulus presentation data. NOTE: Uses timestamps that do not account for monitor delay. :returns: pd.DataFrame -- Table whose rows are stimulus presentations (i.e. a given image, for a given duration, typically 250 ms) and whose columns are presentation characteristics. """ stimulus_timestamps = self.get_stimulus_timestamps() data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() raw_stim_pres_df = get_stimulus_presentations( data, stimulus_timestamps) # Fill in nulls for image_name # This makes two assumptions: # 1. Nulls in `image_name` should be "gratings_<orientation>" # 2. Gratings are only present (or need to be fixed) when all # values for `image_name` are null. if pd.isnull(raw_stim_pres_df["image_name"]).all(): if ~pd.isnull(raw_stim_pres_df["orientation"]).all(): raw_stim_pres_df["image_name"] = ( raw_stim_pres_df["orientation"] .apply(lambda x: f"gratings_{x}")) else: raise ValueError("All values for 'orentation' and 'image_name'" " are null.") stimulus_metadata_df = get_stimulus_metadata(data) idx_name = stimulus_index_df = ( raw_stim_pres_df .reset_index() .merge(stimulus_metadata_df.reset_index(), on=["image_name"]) .set_index(idx_name)) stimulus_index_df = ( stimulus_index_df[["image_set", "image_index", "start_time"]] .rename(columns={"start_time": "timestamps"}) .sort_index() .set_index("timestamps", drop=True)) stim_pres_df = raw_stim_pres_df.merge( stimulus_index_df, left_on="start_time", right_index=True, how="left") if len(raw_stim_pres_df) != len(stim_pres_df): raise ValueError("Length of `stim_pres_df` should not change after" f" merge; was {len(raw_stim_pres_df)}, now " f" {len(stim_pres_df)}.") return stim_pres_df[sorted(stim_pres_df)]
[docs] def get_stimulus_templates(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Get stimulus templates (movies, scenes) for behavior session. Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] A dictionary containing the stimulus images presented during the session. Keys are data set names, and values are 3D numpy arrays. """ data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() return get_stimulus_templates(data)
[docs] def get_stimulus_timestamps(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get stimulus timestamps (vsyncs) from pkl file. Align to the (frame, time) points in the trial events. NOTE: Located with behavior_session_id. Does not use the sync_file which requires ophys_session_id. Returns ------- np.ndarray Timestamps associated with stimulus presentations on the monitor that do no account for monitor delay. """ data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() vsyncs = data["items"]["behavior"]["intervalsms"] cum_sum = np.hstack((0, vsyncs)).cumsum() / 1000.0 # cumulative time offset = frame_time_offset(data) return cum_sum + offset
[docs] def get_task_parameters(self) -> dict: """Get task parameters from pkl file. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing parameters used to define the task runtime behavior. """ data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() return get_task_parameters(data)
[docs] def get_trials(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get trials from pkl file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing behavioral trial start/stop times, and trial data """ licks = self.get_licks() data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() rewards = self.get_rewards() stimulus_presentations = self.get_stimulus_presentations() # Pass a dummy rebase function since we don't have two time streams, # and the frame times are already aligned to trial events in their # respective getters trial_df = get_trials(data, licks, rewards, stimulus_presentations, lambda x: x) return trial_df
[docs] @memoize def get_birth_date(self) -> """Returns the birth date of the animal. :rtype: """ query = f""" SELECT d.date_of_birth FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d on = bs.donor_id WHERE = {self.behavior_session_id} """ return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True).date()
[docs] @memoize def get_sex(self) -> str: """Returns sex of the animal (M/F) :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT AS sex FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON bs.donor_id = JOIN genders g ON = d.gender_id WHERE = {self.behavior_session_id}; """ return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
[docs] @memoize def get_age(self) -> str: """Returns age code of the subject. :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT AS age FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON = bs.donor_id JOIN ages a ON = d.age_id WHERE = {self.behavior_session_id}; """ return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
[docs] @memoize def get_rig_name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the experimental rig. :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT AS device_name FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN equipment e ON = bs.equipment_id WHERE = {self.behavior_session_id}; """ return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
[docs] @memoize def get_stimulus_name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the stimulus set used for the session. :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN stages ON = bs.state_id WHERE = '{self.foraging_id}' """ return self.mtrain_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
[docs] @memoize def get_reporter_line(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the genotype name(s) of the reporter line(s). :rtype: list """ query = f""" SELECT AS reporter_line FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON JOIN donors_genotypes dg ON JOIN genotypes g ON JOIN genotype_types gt ON AND = 'reporter' WHERE{self.behavior_session_id}; """ result = self.lims_db.fetchall(query) if result is None or len(result) < 1: raise OneOrMoreResultExpectedError( f"Expected one or more, but received: '{result}' " f"from query:\n'{query}'") return result
[docs] @memoize def get_driver_line(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the genotype name(s) of the driver line(s). :rtype: list """ query = f""" SELECT AS driver_line FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON JOIN donors_genotypes dg ON JOIN genotypes g ON JOIN genotype_types gt ON AND = 'driver' WHERE{self.behavior_session_id}; """ result = self.lims_db.fetchall(query) if result is None or len(result) < 1: raise OneOrMoreResultExpectedError( f"Expected one or more, but received: '{result}' " f"from query:\n'{query}'") return result
[docs] @memoize def get_external_specimen_name(self) -> int: """Returns the LabTracks ID :rtype: int """ # TODO: Should this even be included? # Found sometimes there were entries with NONE which is # why they are filtered out; also many entries in the table # match the donor_id, which is why used DISTINCT query = f""" SELECT DISTINCT(sp.external_specimen_name) FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON JOIN specimens sp ON WHERE{self.behavior_session_id} AND sp.external_specimen_name IS NOT NULL; """ return int(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
[docs] @memoize def get_full_genotype(self) -> str: """Return the name of the subject's genotype :rtype: str """ query = f""" SELECT d.full_genotype FROM behavior_sessions bs JOIN donors d ON WHERE {self.behavior_session_id}; """ return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
[docs] @memoize def get_experiment_date(self) -> datetime: """Return timestamp the behavior stimulus file began recording in UTC :rtype: datetime """ data = self._behavior_stimulus_file() # Assuming file has local time of computer (Seattle) tz = pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles") return tz.localize(data["start_time"]).astimezone(pytz.utc)
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return metadata about the session. :rtype: dict """ if self.get_behavior_session_uuid() is None: bs_uuid = None else: bs_uuid = uuid.UUID(self.get_behavior_session_uuid()) metadata = { "rig_name": self.get_rig_name(), "sex": self.get_sex(), "age": self.get_age(), "ophys_experiment_id": self.ophys_experiment_ids, "experiment_container_id": self.ophys_container_id, "stimulus_frame_rate": self.get_stimulus_frame_rate(), "session_type": self.get_stimulus_name(), "experiment_datetime": self.get_experiment_date(), "reporter_line": self.get_reporter_line(), "driver_line": self.get_driver_line(), "LabTracks_ID": self.get_external_specimen_name(), "full_genotype": self.get_full_genotype(), "behavior_session_uuid": bs_uuid, "foraging_id": self.foraging_id, "behavior_session_id": self.behavior_session_id, "behavior_training_id": self.behavior_training_id, } return metadata