Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.session_api_utils

import inspect
import warnings

from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def is_equal(a: Any, b: Any) -> bool: """Function to deal with checking if two variables of possibly mixed types have the same value.""" if type(a) != type(b): return False if isinstance(a, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): return a.equals(b) elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return np.array_equal(a, b) elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): for a_elem, b_elem in zip_longest(a, b): if not is_equal(a_elem, b_elem): return False return True elif isinstance(a, set): for a_elem, b_elem in zip_longest(sorted(a), sorted(b)): if not is_equal(a_elem, b_elem): return False return True elif isinstance(a, dict): for (a_k, a_v), (b_k, b_v) in zip_longest(sorted(a.items()), sorted(b.items())): if (a_k != b_k) or (not is_equal(a_v, b_v)): return False return True else: return bool(a == b)
[docs]class ParamsMixin: """This mixin adds parameter management functionality to the class it is mixed into. This mixin expects that the class it is mixed into will have an __init__ with type annotated parameters. It also expects for the class to have semi-private attributes of the __init__ type annotated parameters. Example: SomeClassWhereParamManagementIsDesired(ParamsMixin): # Managed params should be typed (with simple types if possible)! def __init__(self, param_to_ignore, a_param_1: int, a_param_2: float, b_param_1: list): # Parameters can be ignored by the mixin super().__init__(ignore={'param_to_ignore'}) # Pay attention to the naming scheme! self._a_param_1 = a_param_1 self._a_param_2 = a_param_2 self._b_param_1 = b_param_1 ... After being mixed in, methods like 'get_params', 'set_params', 'needs_data_refresh', and 'clear_updated_params' will be available. """ def __init__(self, ignore: set = {'api'}): self._updated_params: set = set() self._ignore = ignore @classmethod def _get_param_signatures(cls) -> List[inspect.Parameter]: init = getattr(cls, '__init__') if init is object.__init__: # Class has a default __init__ and thus no params return [] init_signature = inspect.signature(init) # Filter out 'self' and '**kwargs' params parameters = [p for p in init_signature.parameters.values() if ( != 'self') and (p.kind != p.VAR_KEYWORD)] return parameters @classmethod def _get_param_type_annotations(cls) -> Dict[str, type]: parameters = cls._get_param_signatures() return { p.annotation for p in parameters} @classmethod def _get_param_names(cls) -> List[str]: parameters = cls._get_param_signatures() return sorted([ for p in parameters])
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get managed params and their values""" out = dict() for param in self._get_param_names(): if param in self._ignore: continue value = getattr(self, f"_{param}") out.update({param: value}) return out
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set managed params""" valid_params = self.get_params().keys() param_types = self._get_param_type_annotations() current_params = self.get_params() for param, value in params.items(): if param in valid_params: current_value = current_params[param] if isinstance(value, param_types[param]): if not is_equal(current_value, value): setattr(self, f"_{param}", value) self._updated_params.add(param) else: warnings.warn(f"The value ({value}) for parameter " f"'{param}' should be of type " f"'{param_types[param]}' but is instead " f"{type(value)}. It will remain as: " f"{current_value} " f"({type(current_value)}).", stacklevel=2) else: warnings.warn(f"The parameter '{param}' is not valid " f"and is being ignored! " f"Possible params are: {valid_params}", stacklevel=2)
[docs] def needs_data_refresh(self, data_params: set) -> bool: """Check if specific params have been updated via `set_params()`""" return bool(data_params & self._updated_params)
[docs] def clear_updated_params(self, data_params: set): """This method clears 'updated params' whose data have been updated""" self._updated_params -= data_params