Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.ecephys_project_lims_api

from typing import Optional, Iterable, NamedTuple

import pandas as pd

from .ecephys_project_api import EcephysProjectApi, ArrayLike
from .http_engine import HttpEngine, AsyncHttpEngine
from .utilities import postgres_macros, build_and_execute

from allensdk.internal.api import PostgresQueryMixin
from allensdk.core.authentication import credential_injector, DbCredentials
from allensdk.core.auth_config import LIMS_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP

[docs]class EcephysProjectLimsApi(EcephysProjectApi): STIMULUS_TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE = "brain_observatory_1.1" def __init__(self, postgres_engine, app_engine): """ Downloads extracellular ephys data from the Allen Institute's internal Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). If you are on our network you can use this class to get bleeding-edge data into an EcephysProjectCache. If not, it won't work at all Parameters ---------- postgres_engine : used for making queries against the LIMS postgres database. Must implement: select : takes a postgres query as a string. Returns a pandas dataframe of results select_one : takes a postgres query as a string. If there is exactly one record in the response, returns that record as a dict. Otherwise returns an empty dict. app_engine : used for making queries agains the lims web application. Must implement: stream : takes a url as a string. Returns an iterable yielding the response body as bytes. Notes ----- You almost certainly want to construct this class by calling EcephysProjectLimsApi.default() rather than this constructor directly. """ self.postgres_engine = postgres_engine self.app_engine = app_engine
[docs] def get_session_data(self, session_id: int) -> Iterable[bytes]: """ Download an NWB file containing detailed data for an ecephys session. Parameters ---------- session_id : Download an NWB file for this session Returns ------- An iterable yielding an NWB file as bytes. """ nwb_response = build_and_execute( """ select, wkf.filename, wkf.storage_directory, wkf.attachable_id from well_known_files wkf join ecephys_analysis_runs ear on ( = wkf.attachable_id and wkf.attachable_type = 'EcephysAnalysisRun' ) join well_known_file_types wkft on = wkf.well_known_file_type_id where ear.current and = 'EcephysNwb' and ear.ecephys_session_id = {{session_id}} """,, session_id=session_id, ) if nwb_response.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError( f"expected exactly 1 current NWB file for session {session_id}, " f"found {nwb_response.shape[0]}: {pd.DataFrame(nwb_response)}" ) nwb_id = nwb_response.loc[0, "id"] return f"well_known_files/download/{nwb_id}?wkf_id={nwb_id}" )
[docs] def get_probe_lfp_data(self, probe_id: int) -> Iterable[bytes]: """ Download an NWB file containing detailed data for the local field potential recorded from an ecephys probe. Parameters ---------- probe_id : Download an NWB file for this probe's LFP Returns ------- An iterable yielding an NWB file as bytes. """ nwb_response = build_and_execute( """ select from well_known_files wkf join ecephys_analysis_run_probes earp on ( = wkf.attachable_id and wkf.attachable_type = 'EcephysAnalysisRunProbe' ) join ecephys_analysis_runs ear on = earp.ecephys_analysis_run_id join well_known_file_types wkft on = wkf.well_known_file_type_id where ~ 'EcephysLfpNwb' and ear.current and earp.ecephys_probe_id = {{probe_id}} """,, probe_id=probe_id ) if nwb_response.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError( f"expected exactly 1 current LFP NWB file for probe {probe_id}, " f"found {nwb_response.shape[0]}: {pd.DataFrame(nwb_response)}" ) nwb_id = nwb_response.loc[0, "id"] return f"well_known_files/download/{nwb_id}?wkf_id={nwb_id}" )
[docs] def get_units( self, unit_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, channel_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, probe_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, session_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, published_at: Optional[str] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download a table of records describing sorted ecephys units. Parameters ---------- unit_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for sorted ecephys units. If provided, only return records describing these units. channel_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys channels. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded from these channels. probe_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded from these probes. session_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded during these sessions. published_at : A date (rendered as "YYYY-MM-DD"). If provided, only units recorded during sessions published before this date will be returned. Returns ------- a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys channels. """ response = build_and_execute( """ {%- import 'postgres_macros' as pm -%} {%- import 'macros' as m -%} select, eu.ecephys_channel_id, eu.quality, eu.snr, eu.firing_rate, eu.isi_violations, eu.presence_ratio, eu.amplitude_cutoff, eu.isolation_distance, eu.l_ratio, eu.d_prime, eu.nn_hit_rate, eu.nn_miss_rate, eu.silhouette_score, eu.max_drift, eu.cumulative_drift, eu.epoch_name_quality_metrics, eu.epoch_name_waveform_metrics, eu.duration, eu.halfwidth, eu.\"PT_ratio\", eu.repolarization_slope, eu.recovery_slope, eu.amplitude, eu.spread, eu.velocity_above, eu.velocity_below from ecephys_units eu join ecephys_channels ec on = eu.ecephys_channel_id join ecephys_probes ep on = ec.ecephys_probe_id join ecephys_sessions es on = ep.ecephys_session_id where not es.habituation and ec.valid_data and ep.workflow_state != 'failed' and es.workflow_state != 'failed' {{pm.optional_not_null('es.published_at', published_at_not_null)}} {{pm.optional_le('es.published_at', published_at)}} {{pm.optional_contains('', unit_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', channel_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', probe_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', session_ids) -}} """, base=postgres_macros(),, unit_ids=unit_ids, channel_ids=channel_ids, probe_ids=probe_ids, session_ids=session_ids, **_split_published_at(published_at)._asdict() ) return response.set_index("id", inplace=False)
[docs] def get_channels( self, channel_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, probe_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, session_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, published_at: Optional[str] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download a table of ecephys channel records. Parameters ---------- channel_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys channels. If provided, results will be filtered to these channels. probe_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to channels on these probes. session_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to channels recorded from during these sessions. published_at : A date (rendered as "YYYY-MM-DD"). If provided, only channels recorded from during sessions published before this date will be returned. Returns ------- a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys channels. """ response = build_and_execute( """ {%- import 'postgres_macros' as pm -%} select, ec.ecephys_probe_id, ec.local_index, ec.probe_vertical_position, ec.probe_horizontal_position, ec.manual_structure_id as ecephys_structure_id, st.acronym as ecephys_structure_acronym, ec.anterior_posterior_ccf_coordinate, ec.dorsal_ventral_ccf_coordinate, ec.left_right_ccf_coordinate from ecephys_channels ec join ecephys_probes ep on = ec.ecephys_probe_id join ecephys_sessions es on = ep.ecephys_session_id left join structures st on ec.manual_structure_id = where not es.habituation and valid_data and ep.workflow_state != 'failed' and es.workflow_state != 'failed' {{pm.optional_not_null('es.published_at', published_at_not_null)}} {{pm.optional_le('es.published_at', published_at)}} {{pm.optional_contains('', channel_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', probe_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', session_ids) -}} """, base=postgres_macros(),, channel_ids=channel_ids, probe_ids=probe_ids, session_ids=session_ids, **_split_published_at(published_at)._asdict() ) return response.set_index("id")
[docs] def get_probes( self, probe_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, session_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, published_at: Optional[str] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download a table of ecephys probe records. Parameters ---------- probe_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to these probes. session_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to probes recorded from during these sessions. published_at : A date (rendered as "YYYY-MM-DD"). If provided, only probes recorded from during sessions published before this date will be returned. Returns ------- a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys probes. """ response = build_and_execute( """ {%- import 'postgres_macros' as pm -%} select, ep.ecephys_session_id,, ep.global_probe_sampling_rate as sampling_rate, ep.global_probe_lfp_sampling_rate as lfp_sampling_rate, ep.phase, ep.air_channel_index, ep.surface_channel_index, ep.use_lfp_data as has_lfp_data, ep.temporal_subsampling_factor as lfp_temporal_subsampling_factor from ecephys_probes ep join ecephys_sessions es on = ep.ecephys_session_id where not es.habituation and ep.workflow_state != 'failed' and es.workflow_state != 'failed' {{pm.optional_not_null('es.published_at', published_at_not_null)}} {{pm.optional_le('es.published_at', published_at)}} {{pm.optional_contains('', probe_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', session_ids) -}} """, base=postgres_macros(),, probe_ids=probe_ids, session_ids=session_ids, **_split_published_at(published_at)._asdict() ) return response.set_index("id")
[docs] def get_sessions( self, session_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, published_at: Optional[str] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download a table of ecephys session records. Parameters ---------- session_ids : A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to these sessions. published_at : A date (rendered as "YYYY-MM-DD"). If provided, only sessions published before this date will be returned. Returns ------- a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys sessions. """ response = build_and_execute( """ {%- import 'postgres_macros' as pm -%} {%- import 'macros' as m -%} select, es.specimen_id, es.stimulus_name as session_type, es.isi_experiment_id, es.date_of_acquisition, es.published_at, dn.full_genotype as genotype, as sex, ages.days as age_in_days, case when nwb_id is not null then true else false end as has_nwb from ecephys_sessions es join specimens sp on = es.specimen_id join donors dn on = sp.donor_id join genders gd on = dn.gender_id join ages on = dn.age_id left join ( select as ecephys_session_id, as nwb_id from ecephys_sessions join ecephys_analysis_runs ear on ( ear.ecephys_session_id = and ear.current ) join well_known_files wkf on ( wkf.attachable_id = and wkf.attachable_type = 'EcephysAnalysisRun' ) join well_known_file_types wkft on = wkf.well_known_file_type_id where = 'EcephysNwb' ) nwb on = nwb.ecephys_session_id where not es.habituation and es.workflow_state != 'failed' {{pm.optional_contains('', session_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_not_null('es.published_at', published_at_not_null)}} {{pm.optional_le('es.published_at', published_at)}} """, base=postgres_macros(),, session_ids=session_ids, **_split_published_at(published_at)._asdict() ) response.set_index("id", inplace=True) response["genotype"].fillna("wt", inplace=True) return response
[docs] def get_unit_analysis_metrics( self, unit_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, ecephys_session_ids: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, session_types: Optional[ArrayLike] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fetch analysis metrics (stimulus set-specific characterizations of unit response patterns) for ecephys units. Note that the metrics returned depend on the stimuli that were presented during recording ( and thus on the session_type) Parameters --------- unit_ids : integer identifiers for a set of ecephys units. If provided, the response will only include metrics calculated for these units ecephys_session_ids : integer identifiers for a set of ecephys sessions. If provided, the response will only include metrics calculated for units identified during these sessions session_types : string names identifying ecephys session types (e.g. "brain_observatory_1.1" or "functional_connectivity") Returns ------- a pandas dataframe indexed by ecephys unit id whose columns are metrics. """ response = build_and_execute( """ {%- import 'postgres_macros' as pm -%} {%- import 'macros' as m -%} select, eumb.ecephys_unit_id from ecephys_unit_metric_bundles eumb join ecephys_analysis_runs ear on eumb.ecephys_analysis_run_id = join ecephys_units eu on eumb.ecephys_unit_id = join ecephys_channels ec on eu.ecephys_channel_id = join ecephys_probes ep on ec.ecephys_probe_id = join ecephys_sessions es on = ep.ecephys_session_id where ear.current {{pm.optional_contains('', unit_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('', ecephys_session_ids) -}} {{pm.optional_contains('es.stimulus_name', session_types, True) -}} """, base=postgres_macros(),, unit_ids=unit_ids, ecephys_session_ids=ecephys_session_ids, session_types=session_types ) data = pd.DataFrame(response.pop("data").values.tolist(), index=response.index) response = pd.merge(response, data, left_index=True, right_index=True) response.set_index("ecephys_unit_id", inplace=True) return response
def _get_template(self, name, namespace): """ Identify the WellKnownFile record associated with a stimulus template and stream its data if present. """ try: well_known_file = build_and_execute( f""" select st.well_known_file_id from stimuli st join stimulus_namespaces sn on = st.stimulus_namespace_id where = '{name}' and = '{namespace}' """, base=postgres_macros(), engine=self.postgres_engine.select_one ) wkf_id = well_known_file["well_known_file_id"] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise ValueError(f"expected exactly 1 template for {name}") download_link = f"well_known_files/download/{wkf_id}?wkf_id={wkf_id}" return
[docs] def get_natural_movie_template(self, number: int) -> Iterable[bytes]: """ Download a template for the natural movie stimulus. This is the actual movie that was shown during the recording session. Parameters ---------- number : idenfifier for this movie (note that this is an integer, so to get the template for natural_movie_three you should pass in 3) Returns ------- An iterable yielding an npy file as bytes """ return self._get_template( f"natural_movie_{number}", self.STIMULUS_TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE )
[docs] def get_natural_scene_template(self, number: int) -> Iterable[bytes]: """ Download a template for the natural scene stimulus. This is the actual image that was shown during the recording session. Parameters ---------- number : idenfifier for this scene Returns ------- An iterable yielding a tiff file as bytes. """ return self._get_template( f"natural_scene_{int(number)}", self.STIMULUS_TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE )
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls, lims_credentials: Optional[DbCredentials] = None, app_kwargs=None, asynchronous=False): """ Construct a "straightforward" lims api that can fetch data from lims2. Parameters ---------- lims_credentials : DbCredentials Credentials and configuration for postgres queries against the LIMS database. If left unspecified will attempt to provide credentials from environment variables. app_kwargs : dict High-level configuration for http requests. See allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.http_engine.HttpEngine and AsyncHttpEngine for details. asynchronous : bool If true, (http) queries will be made asynchronously. Returns ------- EcephysProjectLimsApi """ _app_kwargs = {"scheme": "http", "host": "lims2", "asynchronous": asynchronous} if app_kwargs is not None: if "asynchronous" in app_kwargs: raise TypeError("please specify asynchronicity option at the api level rather than for the http engine") _app_kwargs.update(app_kwargs) app_engine_cls = AsyncHttpEngine if _app_kwargs["asynchronous"] else HttpEngine app_engine = app_engine_cls(**_app_kwargs) if lims_credentials is not None: pg_engine = PostgresQueryMixin( dbname=lims_credentials.dbname, user=lims_credentials.user,, password=lims_credentials.password, port=lims_credentials.port) else: # Currying is equivalent to decorator syntactic sugar pg_engine = (credential_injector(LIMS_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP) (PostgresQueryMixin)()) return cls(pg_engine, app_engine)
[docs]class SplitPublishedAt(NamedTuple): published_at: Optional[str] published_at_not_null: Optional[bool]
def _split_published_at(published_at: Optional[str]) -> SplitPublishedAt: """ LIMS queries that filter on published_at need a couple of reformattings of the argued date string. """ return SplitPublishedAt( published_at=f"'{published_at}'" if published_at is not None else None, published_at_not_null=None if published_at is None else True )