Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.stimulus_analysis.receptive_field_mapping

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, leastsq
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ...chisquare_categorical import chisq_from_stim_table
from .stimulus_analysis import StimulusAnalysis

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ReceptiveFieldMapping(StimulusAnalysis): """ A class for computing single-unit metrics from the receptive field mapping stimulus of an ecephys session NWB file. To use, pass in a EcephysSession object:: session = EcephysSession.from_nwb_path('/path/to/my.nwb') rf_analysis = ReceptiveFieldMapping(session) or, alternatively, pass in the file path:: rf_analysis = ReceptiveFieldMapping('/path/to/my.nwb') You can also pass in a unit filter dictionary which will only select units with certain properties. For example to get only those units which are on probe C and found in the VISp area:: rf_analysis = ReceptiveFieldMapping(session, filter={'location': 'probeC', 'ecephys_structure_acronym': 'VISp'}) To get a table of the individual unit metrics ranked by unit ID:: metrics_table_df = rf_analysis.metrics() """ def __init__(self, ecephys_session, col_pos_x='x_position', col_pos_y='y_position', trial_duration=0.25, minimum_spike_count=10.0, mask_threshold=0.5, **kwargs): super(ReceptiveFieldMapping, self).__init__(ecephys_session, trial_duration=trial_duration, **kwargs) self._pos_x = None self._pos_y = None self._rf_matrix = None self._col_pos_x = col_pos_x self._col_pos_y = col_pos_y self._minimum_spike_count = minimum_spike_count self._mask_threshold = mask_threshold #if self._params is not None: # self._params = self._params['receptive_field_mapping'] # self._stimulus_key = self._params['stimulus_key'] # self._minimum_spike_count = self._params.get('minimum_spike_count', minimum_spike_count) # self._mask_threshold = self._params.get('mask_threshold', mask_threshold) @property def name(self): return 'Receptive Field Mapping' @property def elevations(self): """ Array of stimulus elevations """ if self._pos_y is None: self._get_stim_table_stats() return self._pos_y @property def azimuths(self): """ Array of stimulus azimuths """ if self._pos_x is None: self._get_stim_table_stats() return self._pos_x @property def number_elevations(self): """ Number of stimulus elevations """ if self._pos_y is None: self._get_stim_table_stats() return len(self._pos_y) @property def number_azimuths(self): """ Number of stimulus azimuths """ if self._pos_x is None: self._get_stim_table_stats() return len(self._pos_y) # TODO: Save this instead of calculating every time. @property def null_condition(self): """ Stimulus condition ID for null stimulus (not used, so set to -1) """ # TODO: Remove return -1 @property def receptive_fields(self): """ Spatial receptive fields for N units (9 x 9 x N matrix of responses) """ if self._rf_matrix is None: bin_edges = np.linspace(0, 0.249, 3) self.stim_table.loc[:, self._col_pos_y] = 40.0 - self.stim_table[self._col_pos_y] presentationwise_response_matrix = self.ecephys_session.presentationwise_spike_counts( bin_edges=bin_edges, stimulus_presentation_ids=self.stim_table.index.values, unit_ids=self.unit_ids, ) self._rf_matrix = self._response_by_stimulus_position(presentationwise_response_matrix, self.stim_table) return self._rf_matrix @property def METRICS_COLUMNS(self): return [('azimuth_rf', np.float64), ('elevation_rf', np.float64), ('width_rf', np.float64), ('height_rf', np.float64), ('area_rf', np.float64), ('p_value_rf', np.float64), ('on_screen_rf', bool), ('firing_rate_rf', np.float64), ('fano_rf', np.float64), ('time_to_peak_rf', np.float64), ('lifetime_sparseness_rf', np.float64), ('run_mod_rf', np.float64), ('run_pval_rf', np.float64) ] @property def metrics(self): if self._metrics is None:'Calculating metrics for ' + unit_ids = self.unit_ids metrics_df = self.empty_metrics_table() if len(self.stim_table) > 0: metrics_df.loc[:, ['azimuth_rf', 'elevation_rf', 'width_rf', 'height_rf', 'area_rf', 'p_value_rf', 'on_screen_rf', ]] = [self._get_rf_stats(unit) for unit in unit_ids] metrics_df['firing_rate_rf'] = [self._get_overall_firing_rate(unit) for unit in unit_ids] metrics_df['fano_rf'] = [self._get_fano_factor(unit, self._get_preferred_condition(unit)) for unit in unit_ids] metrics_df['time_to_peak_rf'] = [self._get_time_to_peak(unit, self._get_preferred_condition(unit)) for unit in unit_ids] metrics_df['lifetime_sparseness_rf'] = [self._get_lifetime_sparseness(unit) for unit in unit_ids] metrics_df.loc[:, ['run_pval_rf', 'run_mod_rf']] = \ [self._get_running_modulation(unit, self._get_preferred_condition(unit)) for unit in unit_ids] self._metrics = metrics_df return self._metrics
[docs] @classmethod def known_stimulus_keys(cls): return ['receptive_field_mapping', 'gabor', "gabors"]
def _find_stimulus_key(self, stim_table): known_keys_lc = [k.lower() for k in self.__class__.known_stimulus_keys()] for table_key in stim_table['stimulus_name'].unique(): table_key_lc = table_key.lower() for known_key in known_keys_lc: if table_key_lc.startswith(known_key): return table_key else: return None def _get_stim_table_stats(self): """ Extract azimuths and elevations from stimulus table.""" self._pos_y = np.sort(self.stimulus_conditions.loc[self.stimulus_conditions[self._col_pos_y] != 'null'][self._col_pos_y].unique()) self._pos_x = np.sort(self.stimulus_conditions.loc[self.stimulus_conditions[self._col_pos_x] != 'null'][self._col_pos_x].unique())
[docs] def get_receptive_field(self, unit_id): """ Alias for _get_rf """ return self._get_rf(unit_id)
def _get_rf(self, unit_id): """ Extract the receptive field for one unit Parameters ---------- unit_id : int unique ID for the unit of interest Returns ------- receptive_field : 9 x 9 numpy array """ return self.receptive_fields['spike_counts'].sel(unit_id=unit_id).data def _response_by_stimulus_position(self, dataset, presentations, row_key=None, column_key=None, unit_key='unit_id', time_key='time_relative_to_stimulus_onset', spike_count_key='spike_count'): """ Calculate the unit's response to different locations of the Gabor patch Returns ------- dataset : xarray dataset of receptive fields """ if row_key is None: row_key = self._col_pos_y if column_key is None: column_key = self._col_pos_x dataset = dataset.copy() dataset[spike_count_key] = dataset.sum(dim=time_key) dataset = dataset.drop(time_key) dataset[row_key] = presentations.loc[:, row_key] dataset[column_key] = presentations.loc[:, column_key] dataset = dataset.to_dataframe() dataset = dataset.reset_index(unit_key).groupby([row_key, column_key, unit_key]).sum() return dataset.to_xarray() def _get_rf_stats(self, unit_id): """ Calculate a variety of metrics for one unit's receptive field Parameters ---------- unit_id : int unique ID for the unit of interest Returns ------- azimuth : preferred azimuth in degrees, based on center of mass of thresholded RF elevation : preferred elevation in degrees, based on center of mass of thresholded RF width : receptive field width in degrees, based on Gaussian fit height : receptive field height in degrees, based on Gaussian fit area : receptive field area in degrees^2, based on thresholded RF area p_value : probability that a significant receptive field is present, based on categorical chi-square test on_screen : True if the receptive field is away from the screen edge, based on Gaussian fit """ rf = self._get_rf(unit_id) spikes_per_trial = self.presentationwise_statistics.xs(unit_id, level=1)['spike_counts'].values if np.sum(spikes_per_trial) < self._minimum_spike_count: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, False p_value = chisq_from_stim_table(self.stim_table, [self._col_pos_x, self._col_pos_y], np.expand_dims(spikes_per_trial,1)) #print(self._params) #exit() rf_thresh, azimuth, elevation, area = threshold_rf(rf, self._mask_threshold) if is_rf_inverted(rf_thresh): rf = invert_rf(rf) (peak_height, center_y, center_x, width_y, width_x), success = fit_2d_gaussian(rf) on_screen = rf_on_screen(rf, center_y, center_x) height_deg = convert_pixels_to_degrees(width_y) width_deg = convert_pixels_to_degrees(width_x) azimuth_deg = convert_azimuth_to_degrees(azimuth) elevation_deg = convert_elevation_to_degrees(elevation) area_deg = convert_pixel_area_to_degrees(area) return azimuth_deg, elevation_deg, width_deg, height_deg, area_deg, p_value[0], on_screen ## VISUALIZATION ##
[docs] def plot_raster(self, stimulus_condition_id, unit_id): """ Plot raster for one condition and one unit """ idx_elev = np.where(self.elevations == self.stimulus_conditions.loc[stimulus_condition_id][self._col_pos_y])[0] idx_azi = np.where(self.azimuths == self.stimulus_conditions.loc[stimulus_condition_id][self._col_pos_x])[0] if len(idx_elev) == len(idx_azi) == 1: presentation_ids = self.presentationwise_statistics.xs(unit_id, level=1)[ self.presentationwise_statistics.xs(unit_id, level=1)[ 'stimulus_condition_id'] == stimulus_condition_id].index.values df = self.presentationwise_spike_times[ \ (self.presentationwise_spike_times['stimulus_presentation_id'].isin(presentation_ids)) & \ (self.presentationwise_spike_times['unit_id'] == unit_id) ] x = df.index.values - self.stim_table.loc[df.stimulus_presentation_id].start_time _, y = np.unique(df.stimulus_presentation_id, return_inverse=True) idx_elev = self.number_elevations - idx_elev - 1 # reverse the elevation index so it matches the RF plt.subplot(self.number_elevations, self.number_azimuths, idx_elev*self.number_azimuths + idx_azi + 1) plt.scatter(x, y, c='k', s=1, alpha=0.25) plt.axis('off')
[docs] def plot_rf(self, unit_id): """ Plot the spike counts across conditions """ plt.imshow(self._get_rf(unit_id), cmap='Greys') plt.axis('off')
#### HELPER FUNCTIONS #### def _gaussian_function_2d(peak_height, center_y, center_x, width_y, width_x): """Returns a 2D Gaussian function Parameters ---------- peak_height : peak of distribution center_y : y-coordinate of distribution center center_x : x-coordinate of distribution center width_y : width of distribution along x-axis width_x : width of distribution along y-axis Returns ------- f(x,y) : function Returns the value of the distribution at a particular x,y coordinate """ return lambda x,y: peak_height \ * np.exp( \ -( \ ((center_y - y) / width_y)**2 \ + ((center_x - x) / width_x)**2 \ ) \ / 2 \ )
[docs]def gaussian_moments_2d(data): """Finds the moments of a 2D Gaussian distribution, given an input matrix Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 2D matrix Returns ------- peak_height : peak of distribution center_y : y-coordinate of distribution center center_x : x-coordinate of distribution center width_y : width of distribution along x-axis width_x : width of distribution along y-axis """ total = data.sum() height = data.max() Y, X = np.indices(data.shape) center_y = (Y*data).sum()/total center_x = (X*data).sum()/total if np.isnan(center_y) or np.isinf(center_y) or np.isnan(center_x) or np.isinf(center_x): return None col = data[:, int(center_x)] row = data[int(center_y), :] width_y = np.sqrt(np.abs((np.arange(row.size)-center_y)**2*row).sum()/row.sum()) width_x = np.sqrt(np.abs((np.arange(col.size)-center_x)**2*col).sum()/col.sum()) return height, center_y, center_x, width_y, width_x
[docs]def fit_2d_gaussian(matrix): """Fits a receptive field with a 2-dimensional Gaussian distribution Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray 2D matrix of spike counts Returns ------- parameters - tuple peak_height : peak of distribution center_y : y-coordinate of distribution center center_x : x-coordinate of distribution center width_y : width of distribution along x-axis width_x : width of distribution along y-axis success - bool True if a fit was found, False otherwise """ params = gaussian_moments_2d(matrix) if params is None: return (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), False errorfunction = lambda p: np.ravel(_gaussian_function_2d(*p)(*np.indices(matrix.shape)) - matrix) fit_params, ier = leastsq(errorfunction, params) success = True if ier < 5 else False return fit_params, success
[docs]def is_rf_inverted(rf_thresh): """Checks if the receptive field mapping timulus is suppressing or exciting the cell Parameters ---------- rf_thresh : matrix matrix of spike counts at each stimulus position Returns ------- if_rf_inverted : bool True if the receptive field is inverted """ edge_mask = np.zeros(rf_thresh.shape) edge_mask[:,0] = 1 edge_mask[:,-1] = 1 edge_mask[0,:] = 1 edge_mask[-1,:] = 1 num_edge_pixels = np.sum(rf_thresh * edge_mask) return num_edge_pixels > np.sum(edge_mask) / 2
[docs]def invert_rf(rf): """Creates an inverted version of the receptive field Parameters ---------- rf - matrix of spike counts at each stimulus position Returns ------- rf_inverted - new RF matrix """ return np.max(rf) - rf
[docs]def threshold_rf(rf, threshold): """Creates a spatial mask based on the receptive field peak, and returns the x, y coordinates of the center of mass, as well as the area. Parameters ---------- rf : numpy.ndarray 2D matrix of spike counts threshold : float Threshold as ratio of the RF's standard deviation Returns ------- threshold_rf : numpy.ndarray Thresholded version of the original RF center_x : float x-coordinate of mask center of mass center_y : float y-coordinate of mask center of mass area : float area of mask """ rf_filt = ndi.gaussian_filter(rf, 1) threshold_value = np.max(rf_filt) - np.std(rf_filt) * threshold rf_thresh = np.zeros(rf.shape, dtype='bool') rf_thresh[rf_filt > threshold_value] = True labels, num_features = ndi.label(rf_thresh) best_label = np.argmax(ndi.maximum(rf_filt, labels=labels, index=np.unique(labels))) labels[labels != best_label] = 0 labels[labels > 0] = 1 center_y, center_x = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(labels) area = float(np.sum(labels)) return labels, np.around(center_x, 4), np.around(center_y, 4), area
[docs]def rf_on_screen(rf, center_y, center_x): """Checks whether the receptive field is on the screen, given the center location.""" return 0 < center_y < rf.shape[0] and 0 < center_x < rf.shape[1]
[docs]def convert_elevation_to_degrees(elevation_in_pixels, elevation_offset_degrees=-30): """Converts a pixel-based elevation into degrees relative to center of gaze The receptive field computed by this class is oriented such that the pixel values are in the correct relative location when using matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(), which places (0,0) in the upper-left corner of the figure. Therefore, we need to invert the elevation value prior to converting to degrees. Parameters ---------- elevation_in_pixels : float elevation_offset_degrees: float Returns ------- elevation_in_degrees : float """ elevation_in_degrees = convert_pixels_to_degrees(8 - elevation_in_pixels) + elevation_offset_degrees return elevation_in_degrees
[docs]def convert_azimuth_to_degrees(azimuth_in_pixels, azimuth_offset_degrees=10): """Converts a pixel-based azimuth into degrees relative to center of gaze Parameters ---------- azimuth_in_pixels : float azimuth_offset_degrees: float Returns ------- azimuth_in_degrees : float """ azimuth_in_degrees = convert_pixels_to_degrees((azimuth_in_pixels)) + azimuth_offset_degrees return azimuth_in_degrees
[docs]def convert_pixels_to_degrees(value_in_pixels, degrees_to_pixels_ratio=10): """Converts a pixel-based distance into degrees Parameters ---------- value_in_pixels : float degrees_to_pixels_ratio: float Returns ------- value in degrees : float """ return value_in_pixels * degrees_to_pixels_ratio
[docs]def convert_pixel_area_to_degrees(area_in_pixels): """Converts a pixel-based area measure into degrees Each pixel is a square with side of length <degrees_to_pixels_ratio> So the area in degrees is area_in_pixels * <degrees to_pixels_ratio>^2 Parameters ---------- area_in_pixels : float Returns ------- area_in_degrees : float """ return area_in_pixels * pow(convert_pixels_to_degrees(1), 2)