allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.ecephys_project_lims_api module

class allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.ecephys_project_lims_api.EcephysProjectLimsApi(postgres_engine, app_engine)[source]

Bases: allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.ecephys_project_api.EcephysProjectApi

STIMULUS_TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE = 'brain_observatory_1.1'
classmethod default(lims_credentials: Union[allensdk.core.authentication.DbCredentials, NoneType] = None, app_kwargs=None, asynchronous=True)[source]

Construct a “straightforward” lims api that can fetch data from lims2.

lims_credentials : DbCredentials

Credentials and configuration for postgres queries against the LIMS database. If left unspecified will attempt to provide credentials from environment variables.

app_kwargs : dict

High-level configuration for http requests. See allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.http_engine.HttpEngine and AsyncHttpEngine for details.

asynchronous : bool

If true, (http) queries will be made asynchronously.

get_channels(self, channel_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, probe_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, session_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, published_at: Union[str, NoneType] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Download a table of ecephys channel records.

channel_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys channels. If provided, results will be filtered to these channels.

probe_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to channels on these probes.

session_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to channels recorded from during these sessions.

published_at :

A date (rendered as “YYYY-MM-DD”). If provided, only channels recorded from during sessions published before this date will be returned.

a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys channels.
get_natural_movie_template(self, number: int) → Iterable[bytes][source]

Download a template for the natural movie stimulus. This is the actual movie that was shown during the recording session.

number :

idenfifier for this movie (note that this is an integer, so to get the template for natural_movie_three you should pass in 3)

An iterable yielding an npy file as bytes
get_natural_scene_template(self, number: int) → Iterable[bytes][source]

Download a template for the natural scene stimulus. This is the actual image that was shown during the recording session.

number :

idenfifier for this scene

An iterable yielding a tiff file as bytes.
get_probe_lfp_data(self, probe_id: int) → Iterable[bytes][source]

Download an NWB file containing detailed data for the local field potential recorded from an ecephys probe.

probe_id :

Download an NWB file for this probe’s LFP

An iterable yielding an NWB file as bytes.
get_probes(self, probe_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, session_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, published_at: Union[str, NoneType] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Download a table of ecephys probe records.

probe_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to these probes.

session_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to probes recorded from during these sessions.

published_at :

A date (rendered as “YYYY-MM-DD”). If provided, only probes recorded from during sessions published before this date will be returned.

a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys probes.
get_session_data(self, session_id: int) → Iterable[bytes][source]

Download an NWB file containing detailed data for an ecephys session.

session_id :

Download an NWB file for this session

An iterable yielding an NWB file as bytes.
get_sessions(self, session_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, published_at: Union[str, NoneType] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Download a table of ecephys session records.

session_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to these sessions.

published_at :

A date (rendered as “YYYY-MM-DD”). If provided, only sessions published before this date will be returned.

a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys sessions.
get_unit_analysis_metrics(self, unit_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, ecephys_session_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, session_types: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Fetch analysis metrics (stimulus set-specific characterizations of unit response patterns) for ecephys units. Note that the metrics returned depend on the stimuli that were presented during recording ( and thus on the session_type)

unit_ids :
integer identifiers for a set of ecephys units. If provided, the response will only include metrics calculated for these units
ecephys_session_ids :
integer identifiers for a set of ecephys sessions. If provided, the response will only include metrics calculated for units identified during these sessions
session_types :
string names identifying ecephys session types (e.g. “brain_observatory_1.1” or “functional_connectivity”)
a pandas dataframe indexed by ecephys unit id whose columns are
get_units(self, unit_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, channel_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, probe_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, session_ids: Union[~ArrayLike, NoneType] = None, published_at: Union[str, NoneType] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Download a table of records describing sorted ecephys units.

unit_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for sorted ecephys units. If provided, only return records describing these units.

channel_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys channels. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded from these channels.

probe_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys probes. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded from these probes.

session_ids :

A collection of integer identifiers for ecephys sessions. If provided, results will be filtered to units recorded during these sessions.

published_at :

A date (rendered as “YYYY-MM-DD”). If provided, only units recorded during sessions published before this date will be returned.

a pd.DataFrame whose rows are ecephys channels.
class allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_api.ecephys_project_lims_api.SplitPublishedAt(published_at, published_at_not_null)[source]

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1