Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.stimulus_analysis.stimulus_analysis

from six import string_types
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import warnings

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from ..ecephys_session import EcephysSession
from allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_session_api import EcephysNwbSessionApi

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

[docs]class StimulusAnalysis(object): def __init__(self, ecephys_session, trial_duration=None, **kwargs): """ :param ecephys_session: an EcephySession object or path to ece nwb file. """ # TODO: Create a set of a class methods. if isinstance(ecephys_session, EcephysSession): self._ecephys_session = ecephys_session elif isinstance(ecephys_session, string_types): nwb_version = kwargs.get('nwb_version', 2) self._ecephys_session = EcephysSession.from_nwb_path(path=ecephys_session, nwb_version=nwb_version) elif isinstance(ecephys_session, EcephysNwbSessionApi): # nwb_version = kwargs.get('nwb_version', 2) self._ecephys_session = EcephysSession(api=ecephys_session) else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to make a stimulus analysis object from a {type(ecephys_session)}") self._unit_ids = None self._unit_filter = kwargs.get('filter', None) self._params = kwargs.get('params', None) self._unit_count = None self._stim_table = None self._conditionwise_statistics = None self._presentationwise_statistics = None self._presentationwise_spikes = None self._conditionwise_psth = None self._stimulus_conditions = None self._spikes = None self._stim_table_spontaneous = None self._stimulus_key = kwargs.get('stimulus_key', None) self._running_speed = None # self._sweep_events = None # self._mean_sweep_events = None # self._sweep_p_values = None self._metrics = None # start and stop times of blocks for the relevant stimulus. Used by the overall_firing_rate functions that only # need to be calculated once, but not accessable to the user self._block_starts = None self._block_stops = None # self._module_name = None # TODO: Remove, .name() should be hardcoded self._psth_resolution = kwargs.get('psth_resolution', 0.001) # Duration a sponteous stimulus should last for before it gets included in the analysis. self._spontaneous_threshold = kwargs.get('spontaneous_threshold', 100.0) # Roughly the length of each stimulus duration, used for calculating spike statististics self._trial_duration = trial_duration # Keeps track of preferred stimulus_condition_id for each unit self._preferred_condition = {} @property def ecephys_session(self): return self._ecephys_session @property def unit_ids(self): """Returns a list of unit IDs for which to apply the analysis""" if self._unit_ids is None: units_df = self.ecephys_session.units if isinstance(self._unit_filter, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series)): # If the user passes a list/array of ids units_df = units_df.loc[self._unit_filter] elif isinstance(self._unit_filter, dict): if 'unit_id' in self._unit_filter.keys(): # If user wants to filter by the unit_id column which is actually the dataframe index units_df = units_df.loc[self._unit_filter['unit_id']] else: # Create a mask for all units that match the all of specified conditions. mask = True for col, val in self._unit_filter.items(): if isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray)): mask &= units_df[col].isin(val) else: mask &= units_df[col] == val units_df = units_df[mask] if units_df is None or units_df.empty: # If not units are found don't proceed. raise Exception('Could not find units for ecephys session.') self._unit_ids = units_df.index.values return self._unit_ids @property def unit_count(self): """Get the number of units.""" if not self._unit_count: self._unit_count = len(self.unit_ids) return self._unit_count @property def name(self): """ Return the stimulus name.""" return self._module_name @property def trial_duration(self): if self._trial_duration is None or self._trial_duration < 0.0: # TODO: Should we calculate trial_duration from min(stim_table['duration']) if not set by user/subclass? raise TypeError(f'Invalid value {self._trial_duration} for parameter "trial_duration".') return self._trial_duration @property def spikes(self): """Returns a dictionary of unit_id -> spike-times.""" # TODO: This may be unecessary since we already have the presentationwise_spike_times table. if self._spikes is None: self._spikes = self.ecephys_session.spike_times if len(self._spikes) > self.unit_count: # if a filter has been applied such that not all the cells are being used in the analysis self._spikes = {k: v for k, v in self._spikes.items() if k in self.unit_ids} return self._spikes @property def stim_table(self): # Stimulus table is already in EcephysSession object, just need to subselect presentations for this stimulus. if self._stim_table is None: if self._stimulus_key is None: stims_table = self.ecephys_session.stimulus_presentations self._stimulus_key = self._find_stimulus_key(stims_table) if self._stimulus_key is None: raise Exception('Could not find approipate stimulus_name key for current stimulus type. Please ' 'specify using the stimulus_key parameter.') self._stim_table = self.ecephys_session.get_stimulus_table( [self._stimulus_key] if isinstance(self._stimulus_key, string_types) else self._stimulus_key ) if self._stim_table.empty: raise Exception(f'Could not find stimulus data with "stimulus_key" {self._stimulus_key}') # TODO: Should we remove columns that are not relevant to the selected stimulus? If a feature for another # has random junk it can mess up stimulus_conditions table. return self._stim_table def _find_stimulus_key(self, stim_table): """Tries to guess the correct stimulus_key based on the data. :param stim_table: :return: """ known_keys_lc = [k.lower() for k in self.__class__.known_stimulus_keys()] for table_key in stim_table['stimulus_name'].unique(): if table_key.lower() in known_keys_lc: return table_key else: return None @property def known_spontaneous_keys(self): return ['spontaneous', "spontaneous_activity"] @property def total_presentations(self): """ Total nmber of presentations / trials""" return len(self.stim_table) @property def metrics_names(self): return [c[0] for c in self.METRICS_COLUMNS] @property def metrics_dtypes(self): return [c[1] for c in self.METRICS_COLUMNS] @property def METRICS_COLUMNS(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def stim_table_spontaneous(self): """Returns a stimulus table with only 'spontaneous' stimulus selected.""" # Used by sweep_p_events for creating null dist. # TODO: This may not be need anymore? Ask the scientists if sweep_p_events will be required in the future. if self._stim_table_spontaneous is None: stim_table = self.ecephys_session.get_stimulus_table(self.known_spontaneous_keys) # TODO: If duration does not exists in stim_table create it from stop and start times self._stim_table_spontaneous = stim_table[stim_table['duration'] > self._spontaneous_threshold] return self._stim_table_spontaneous @property def null_condition(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def conditionwise_psth(self): """For every unit and stimulus-condition construction a PSTH table. ie. the spike-counts at a each time-interval during a stimulus, averaged over all trials of the same stim condition. Each PSTH will count and average spikes over a time-window as determined by class parameter 'trial_duration' which ideally be a similar value as the duration of each stimulus (in seconds). The length of each time-bin is determined by the class parameter 'psth_resolution' (in seconds). Returns ------- conditionwise_psth xarray.DataArray An 3D table that contains the PSTH for every unit/condition, with the following coordinates - stimulus_condition_id - time_relative_to_stimulus_onset - unit_id """ if self._conditionwise_psth is None: if self._psth_resolution > self.trial_duration: warnings.warn('parameter "psth_resolution" > "trial_duration", PSTH will not be properly created.') # get the spike-counts for every stimulus_presentation_id dataset = self.ecephys_session.presentationwise_spike_counts( bin_edges=np.arange(0, self.trial_duration, self._psth_resolution), stimulus_presentation_ids=self.stim_table.index.values, unit_ids=self.unit_ids ) # replace the stimulus_presentation_id (which will be unique for every single stim) with the corresponding # stimulus_condition_id (which will be shared among presenations with the same conditions. da = dataset.assign_coords(stimulus_presentation_id=self.stim_table['stimulus_condition_id'].values) da = da.rename({'stimulus_presentation_id': 'stimulus_condition_id'}) # Average spike counts across each stimulus_condition_id. n_stimuli = len(da['stimulus_condition_id']) n_cond_ids = len(np.unique(da.coords['stimulus_condition_id'].values)) if n_stimuli == n_cond_ids: # If every condition_id is unique then calling groupby().mean() is unnecessary and will raise an error. self._conditionwise_psth = da else: self._conditionwise_psth = da.groupby('stimulus_condition_id').mean(dim='stimulus_condition_id') return self._conditionwise_psth @property def conditionwise_statistics(self): """Create a table of spike statistics, averaged and indexed by every unit_id, stimulus_condition_id pair. Returns ------- conditionwise_statistics: pd.DataFrame A dataframe indexed by unit_id and stimulus_condition containing spike_count, spike_mean, spike_sem, spike_std and stimulus_presentation_count information. """ if self._conditionwise_statistics is None: self._conditionwise_statistics = self.ecephys_session.conditionwise_spike_statistics( self.stim_table.index.values, self.unit_ids) return self._conditionwise_statistics @property def presentationwise_spike_times(self): """Constructs a table containing all the relevant spike_times plus the stimulus_presentation_id and unit_id for the given spike. Returns ------- presentationwise_spike_times : pd.DataFrame Indexed by spike_time, each spike containing the corresponding stimulus_presentation_id and unit_id """ if self._presentationwise_spikes is None: self._presentationwise_spikes = self.ecephys_session.presentationwise_spike_times( stimulus_presentation_ids=self.stim_table.index.values, unit_ids=self.unit_ids ) return self._presentationwise_spikes @property def presentationwise_statistics(self): """Returns a table of the spike-counts, stimulus-conditions and running speed for every stimulus_presentation_id , unit_id pair. Returns ------- presentationwise_statistics: pd.DataFrame MultiIndex : unit_id, stimulus_presentation_id Columns : spike_count, stimulus_condition_id, running_speed """ if self._presentationwise_statistics is None: # for each presentation_id and unit_id get the spike_counts across the entire duration. Since there is only # a single bin we can drop time_relative_to_stimulus_onset. df = self.ecephys_session.presentationwise_spike_counts( bin_edges=np.array([0.0, self.trial_duration]), stimulus_presentation_ids=self.stim_table.index.values, unit_ids=self.unit_ids ).to_dataframe().reset_index(level='time_relative_to_stimulus_onset', drop=True) # left join table with stimulus_condition_id and mean running_speed joined on stimulus_presentation_id df = df.join(self.stim_table.loc[df.index.levels[0].values]['stimulus_condition_id']) self._presentationwise_statistics = df.join(self.running_speed) return self._presentationwise_statistics @property def stimulus_conditions(self): """Returns a table of relevant stimulus_conditions. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Index : stimulus_condition_id Columns : stimulus parameter types """ if self._stimulus_conditions is None: condition_list = self.stim_table['stimulus_condition_id'].unique() self._stimulus_conditions = self.ecephys_session.stimulus_conditions[ self.ecephys_session.stimulus_conditions.index.isin(condition_list) ] return self._stimulus_conditions @property def running_speed(self): """Construct a dataframe with the averaged running speed for each stimulus_presenation_id Return ------- running_speed: pd.DataFrame: For each stimulus_presenation_id (index) contains the averaged running velocity. """ if self._running_speed is None: def get_velocity(presentation_id): """Helper function for getting avg. velocities for a given presenation_id""" pres_row = self.stim_table.loc[presentation_id] mask = (self.ecephys_session.running_speed['start_time'] >= pres_row['start_time']) \ & (self.ecephys_session.running_speed['start_time'] < pres_row['stop_time']) return self.ecephys_session.running_speed[mask]['velocity'].mean() self._running_speed = pd.DataFrame(index=self.stim_table.index.values, data={'running_speed': [get_velocity(i) for i in self.stim_table.index.values] }).rename_axis('stimulus_presentation_id') # TODO: The below is equivelent but uses numpy vectorization, profile to see if it's worth swapping out. # stim_times = np.zeros(len(self.stim_table)*2, dtype=np.float64) # stim_times[::2] = self.stim_table['start_time'].values # stim_times[1::2] = self.stim_table['stop_time'].values # sampled_indicies = np.where((self._ecephys_session.running_speed.start_time >= stim_times[0]) # & (self._ecephys_session.running_speed.start_time < stim_times[-1]))[0] # relevant_dxtimes = self._ecephys_session.running_speed.start_time[sampled_indicies] # relevant_dxcms = self._ecephys_session.running_speed.velocity[sampled_indicies] # # indices = np.searchsorted(stim_times, relevant_dxtimes.values, side='right') # rs_tmp_df = pd.DataFrame({'running_speed': relevant_dxcms, 'stim_indicies': indices}) # # # get averaged running speed for each stimulus # rs_tmp_df = rs_tmp_df.groupby('stim_indicies').agg('mean') # self._running_speed = rs_tmp_df.set_index(self.stim_table.index) return self._running_speed ''' @property def sweep_p_values(self): """mean sweeps taken from randomized 'spontaneous' trial data.""" if self._sweep_p_values is None: self._sweep_p_values = self._calc_sweep_p_values() return self._sweep_p_values def _calc_sweep_p_values(self, n_samples=10000, step_size=0.0001, offset=0.33): """ Calculates the probability, for each unit and stimulus presentation, that the number of spikes emitted by that unit during that presentation could have been produced by that unit's spontaneous activity. This is implemented as a permutation test using spontaneous activity (gray screen) periods as input data. Parameters ========== Returns ======= sweep_p_values : pd.DataFrame Each row is a stimulus presentation. Each column is a unit. Cells contain the probability that the unit's spontaneous activity could account for its observed spiking activity during that presentation (uncorrected for multiple comparisons). """ # TODO: Code is currently a speed bottle-neck and could probably be improved. # Recreate the mean-sweep-table but using randomly selected 'spontaneuous' stimuli. shuffled_mean = np.empty((self.unit_count, n_samples)) #print(self.stim_table_spontaneous) #exit() idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.stim_table_spontaneous['start_time'].iloc[0], self.stim_table_spontaneous['stop_time'].iloc[0], step_size), n_samples) # TODO: what step size for np.arange? for shuf in range(n_samples): for i, v in enumerate(self.spikes.keys()): spikes = self.spikes[v] shuffled_mean[i, shuf] = len(spikes[(spikes > idx[shuf]) & (spikes < (idx[shuf] + offset))]) sweep_p_values = pd.DataFrame(index=self.stim_table.index.values, columns=self.sweep_events.columns) for i, unit_id in enumerate(self.spikes.keys()): subset = self.mean_sweep_events[unit_id].values null_dist_mat = np.tile(shuffled_mean[i, :], reps=(len(subset), 1)) actual_is_less = subset.reshape(len(subset), 1) <= null_dist_mat p_values = np.mean(actual_is_less, axis=1) sweep_p_values[unit_id] = p_values return sweep_p_values ''' @property def metrics(self): """Returns a pandas DataFrame of the stimulus response metrics for each unit.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def empty_metrics_table(self): # pandas can have issues interpreting type and makes the column 'object' type, this should enforce the # correct data type for each column empty_array = np.empty(self.unit_count, dtype=np.dtype(self.METRICS_COLUMNS)) empty_array[:] = np.nan return pd.DataFrame(empty_array, index=self.unit_ids).rename_axis('unit_id')
def _find_stimuli(self): raise NotImplementedError() ## Helper functions for calling metrics of individual units. ## def _get_preferred_condition(self, unit_id): """Determines and caches the prefered stimulus_condition_id based on mean spikes, ignoring null conditions.""" # TODO: Should probably be renamed to preferred_condition_id so there is no confusion. if unit_id not in self._preferred_condition: # Use conditionwise_statistics 'spike_mean' column to find stimulus_condition_id that gives the highest # value. try: df = self.conditionwise_statistics.drop(index=self.null_condition, level=1) except (IndexError, NotImplementedError) as err: df = self.conditionwise_statistics # TODO: Calculated preferred condition_id once for all units and store in a table. self._preferred_condition[unit_id] = df.loc[unit_id]['spike_mean'].idxmax() return self._preferred_condition[unit_id] def _check_multiple_pref_conditions(self, unit_id, stim_cond_col, valid_conditions): # find all stimulus_condition which share the same 'stim_cond_col' (eg TF, ORI, etc) value, calculate the avg # spiking similar_conditions = [self.stimulus_conditions.index[self.stimulus_conditions[stim_cond_col] == v].tolist() for v in valid_conditions] spike_means = [self.conditionwise_statistics.loc[unit_id].loc[condition_inds]['spike_mean'].mean() for condition_inds in similar_conditions] # Check if there is more than one stimulus condition that provokes a maximum response return len(np.argwhere(spike_means == np.amax(spike_means))) > 1 def _get_running_modulation(self, unit_id, preferred_condition, threshold=1.0): """Get running modulation for the preferred condition of a given unit""" subset = self.presentationwise_statistics[ self.presentationwise_statistics['stimulus_condition_id'] == preferred_condition ].xs(unit_id, level='unit_id') spike_counts = subset['spike_counts'].values running_speeds = subset['running_speed'].values return running_modulation(spike_counts, running_speeds, threshold) def _get_lifetime_sparseness(self, unit_id): """Computes lifetime sparseness of responses for one unit""" df = self.conditionwise_statistics.drop(index=self.null_condition, level=1) responses = df.loc[unit_id]['spike_count'].values return lifetime_sparseness(responses) def _get_reliability(self, unit_id, preferred_condition): # Reliability calculation goes here: # Depends on the trial-to-trial correlation of the smoothed response # What smoothing window is appropriate for ephys? We need to test this more # TODO: If not implemented soon should be removed return np.nan def _get_fano_factor(self, unit_id, preferred_condition): # See: subset = self.presentationwise_statistics[ self.presentationwise_statistics['stimulus_condition_id'] == preferred_condition ].xs(unit_id, level=1) spike_counts = subset['spike_counts'].values return fano_factor(spike_counts) def _get_time_to_peak(self, unit_id, preferred_condition): """Equal to the time of the maximum firing rate of the average PSTH at the preferred condition""" try: # TODO: Try to find a way to generalize that doesn't rely on conditionwise_psth psth = self.conditionwise_psth.sel(unit_id=unit_id, stimulus_condition_id=preferred_condition) peak_time = psth.where(psth == psth.max(), drop=True)['time_relative_to_stimulus_onset'][0].values except Exception as e: peak_time = np.nan return peak_time def _get_overall_firing_rate(self, unit_id): """ Average firing rate over the entire stimulus interval""" if self._block_starts is None: # For the stimulus, create a list of start and stop times for the given block of trials. Only needs to be # calculated once TODO: see if python allows for private property variables start_time_intervals = np.diff(self.stim_table['start_time']) interval_end_inds = np.concatenate((np.where(start_time_intervals > self.trial_duration * 2)[0], np.array([self.total_presentations-1]))) interval_start_inds = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.where(start_time_intervals > self.trial_duration * 2)[0] + 1)) self._block_starts = self.stim_table.iloc[interval_start_inds]['start_time'].values self._block_stops = self.stim_table.iloc[interval_end_inds]['stop_time'].values # TODO: Check start and start times that differences are positive return overall_firing_rate(start_times=self._block_starts, stop_times=self._block_stops, spike_times=self.ecephys_session.spike_times[unit_id])
[docs] def get_intrinsic_timescale(self, unit_ids): """Calculates the intrinsic timescale for a subset of units""" # TODO: Recently added by not yet being used, should indicate if/how it will be used! Maybe make protected? dataset = self.ecephys_session.presentationwise_spike_counts( bin_edges=np.arange(0, self.trial_duration, 0.025), stimulus_presentation_ids = self.stim_table.index.values, unit_ids=unit_ids ) rsc_time_matrix = calculate_time_delayed_correlation(dataset) t, y, y_std, a, intrinsic_timescale, c = fit_exp(rsc_time_matrix) return intrinsic_timescale
[docs] def plot_conditionwise_raster(self, unit_id): """ Plot a matrix of rasters for each condition (orientations x temporal frequencies) """ _ = [self.plot_raster(cond, unit_id) for cond in self.stimulus_conditions.index.values]
[docs] def plot_raster(self, condition, unit_id): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def known_stimulus_keys(cls): """Used for discovering the correct stimulus_name key for a given StimulusAnalysis subclass (when stimulus_key is not explicity set). Should return a list of "stimulus_name" strings. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def running_modulation(spike_counts, running_speeds, speed_threshold=1.0): """Given a series of trials that include the spike-counts and (averaged) running-speed, does a statistical comparison to see if there was any difference in spike firing while running and while stationary. Requires at least 2 trials while the mouse is running and two when the mouse is stationary. Parameters ---------- spike_counts : array of floats of size N. The spike counts for each trial running_speeds: array floats of size N. The running velocities (cm/s) of each trial. speed_threshold: float The minimum threshold for which the animal can be considered running (default 1.0). Returns ------- p_value : float or Nan T-test p-value between the running and stationary trials. run_mod : float or Nan Relative difference between running and stationary mean firing rates. """ if(len(spike_counts) != len(running_speeds)): warnings.warn('spike_counts and running_speeds must be arrays of the same shape.') return np.NaN, np.NaN is_running = running_speeds >= speed_threshold # keep track of when the animal is and isn't running # Requires at-least two periods when the mouse is running and two when the mouse is not running. if 1 < np.sum(is_running) < (len(running_speeds) - 1): # calculate the relative differerence between mean running and stationary spike counts run = spike_counts[is_running] stat = spike_counts[np.invert(is_running)] run_mean = np.mean(run) stat_mean = np.mean(stat) if run_mean == stat_mean == 0: return np.NaN, np.NaN if run_mean > stat_mean: run_mod = (run_mean - stat_mean) / run_mean else: run_mod = -1 * (stat_mean - run_mean) / stat_mean # Get the p-value between the two populations. (_, p) = st.ttest_ind(run, stat, equal_var=False) return p, run_mod else: return np.NaN, np.NaN
[docs]def lifetime_sparseness(responses): """Computes the lifetime sparseness for one unit. See Olsen & Wilson 2008. Parameters ---------- responses : array of floats An array of a unit's spike-counts over the duration of multiple trials within a given session Returns ------- lifetime_sparsness : float The lifetime sparseness for one unit """ if len(responses) <= 1: # Unable to calculate, return nan warnings.warn('responses array must contain at least two or more values to calculate.') return np.nan coeff = 1.0/len(responses) return (1.0 - coeff*((np.power(np.sum(responses), 2)) / (np.sum(np.power(responses, 2))))) / (1.0 - coeff)
[docs]def fano_factor(spike_counts): """Computers the fano factor (var/mean) for the spike-counts across a series of trials. Parameters ---------- spike_counts : array The spike counts across a series of 2 or more trials Returns ------- fano_factor : float """ spike_count_mean = np.mean(spike_counts) if spike_count_mean == 0: return np.nan return np.var(spike_counts) / spike_count_mean
[docs]def overall_firing_rate(start_times, stop_times, spike_times): """Computes the global firing rate of a series of spikes, for only those values within the given start and stop times. Parameters ---------- start_times : array of N floats A series of stimulus block start times (seconds) stop_times : array of N floats Times when the stimulus block ends spike_times : array of floats A list of spikes for a given unit Returns ------- firing_rate : float """ if len(start_times) != len(stop_times): warnings.warn('start_times and stop_times must be arrays of the same length') return np.nan if len(spike_times) == 0: # No spikes, firing rate 0 return 0.0 total_time = np.sum(stop_times - start_times) if total_time <= 0: # Probably start and stop times got inverted. warnings.warn(f'The total duration was {total_time} seconds.') return np.nan return np.sum(spike_times.searchsorted(stop_times) - spike_times.searchsorted(start_times)) / total_time
[docs]def get_fr(spikes, num_timestep_second=30, sweep_length=3.1, filter_width=0.1): """Uses a gaussian convolution to convert the spike-times into a contiguous firing-rate series. Parameters ---------- spikes : array An array of spike times (shifted to start at 0) num_timestep_second : float The sampling frequency sweep_length : float The lenght of the returned array filter_width: float The window of the gaussian method Returns ------- firing_rate : float A linear-spaced array of length num_timestep_second*sweep_length of the smoothed firing rates series. """ spikes = spikes.astype(float) spike_train = np.zeros((int(sweep_length*num_timestep_second))) spike_train[(spikes*num_timestep_second).astype(int)] = 1 filter_width = int(filter_width*num_timestep_second) fr = ndi.gaussian_filter(spike_train, filter_width) return fr
[docs]def reliability(unit_sweeps, padding=1.0, num_timestep_second=30, filter_width=0.1, window_beg=0, window_end=None): """Computes the trial-to-trial reliability for a set of sweeps for a given cell :param unit_sweeps: :param padding: :return: """ if isinstance(unit_sweeps, (list, tuple)): unit_sweeps = np.array([np.array(l) for l in unit_sweeps]) unit_sweeps = unit_sweeps + padding # DO NOT use the += as for python arrays that will do in-place modification corr_matrix = np.empty((len(unit_sweeps), len(unit_sweeps))) fr_window = slice(window_beg, window_end) for i in range(len(unit_sweeps)): fri = get_fr(unit_sweeps[i], num_timestep_second=num_timestep_second, filter_width=filter_width) for j in range(len(unit_sweeps)): frj = get_fr(unit_sweeps[j], num_timestep_second=num_timestep_second, filter_width=filter_width) # Warning: the pearson coefficient is likely to have a denominator of 0 for some cells/stimulus and give # a divide by 0 warning. r, p = st.pearsonr(fri[fr_window], frj[fr_window]) corr_matrix[i, j] = r inds = np.triu_indices(len(unit_sweeps), k=1) upper = corr_matrix[inds[0], inds[1]] return np.nanmean(upper)
[docs]def osi(orivals, tuning): """Computes the orientation selectivity of a cell. The calculation of the orientation is done using the normalized circular variance (CirVar) as described in Ringbach 2002 Parameters ---------- ori_vals : complex array of length N Each value the oriention of the stimulus. tuning : float array of length N Each value the (averaged) response of the cell at a different orientation. Returns ------- osi : float An N-dimensional array of the circular variance (scalar value, in radians) of the responses. """ if len(orivals) == 0 or len(orivals) != len(tuning): warnings.warn('orivals and tunings are of different lengths') return np.nan tuning_sum = tuning.sum() if tuning_sum == 0.0: return np.nan cv_top = tuning * np.exp(1j * 2 * orivals) return np.abs(cv_top.sum()) / tuning_sum
[docs]def dsi(orivals, tuning): """Computes the direction selectivity of a cell. See Ringbach 2002, Van Hooser 2014 Parameters ---------- ori_vals : complex array of length N Each value the oriention of the stimulus. tuning : float array of length N Each value the (averaged) response of the cell at a different orientation. Returns ------- osi : float An N-dimensional array of the circular variance (scalar value, in radians) of the responses. """ if len(orivals) == 0 or len(orivals) != len(tuning): warnings.warn('orivals and tunings are of different lengths') return np.nan tuning_sum = tuning.sum() if tuning_sum == 0.0: return np.nan cv_top = tuning * np.exp(1j * orivals) return np.abs(cv_top.sum()) / tuning_sum
[docs]def deg2rad(arr): """ Converts array-like input from degrees to radians""" # TODO: Is there any reason not to use np.deg2rad? return arr / 180 * np.pi
[docs]def fit_exp(rsc_time_matrix): intr = abs(rsc_time_matrix) tmp = np.nanmean(intr, axis=0) n=intr.shape[0] t = np.arange(len(tmp))[1:] y=gaussian_filter(np.nanmean(tmp, axis=0)[1:],0.8) p, amo = curve_fit(lambda t,a,b,c: a*np.exp(-1/b*t)+c, t, y, p0=(-4, 2, 1), maxfev = 1000000000) a=p[0] b=p[1] # this is the intrinsic timescale c=p[2] y_std = np.nanstd(tmp, axis=0)[1:]/np.sqrt(n) return t, y, y_std, a, b, c
[docs]def calculate_time_delayed_correlation(dataset): nbins = dataset.time_relative_to_stimulus_onset.size num_units = dataset.unit_id.size rsc_time_matrix = np.zeros((num_units, nbins, nbins)) * np.nan for unit_idx, unit in enumerate(dataset.unit_id): spikes_for_unit = dataset.sel(unit_id=unit).data for i in np.arange(nbins-1): for j in np.arange(i+1, nbins): good_trials = (spikes_for_unit[:,i] * spikes_for_unit[:,j]) > 0 # remove zero spike count bins r, p = st.pearsonr(spikes_for_unit[good_trials,i], spikes_for_unit[good_trials,j]) rsc_time_matrix[unit_idx, i, j] = r return rsc_time_matrix