Source code for allensdk.core.brain_observatory_nwb_data_set

# Allen Institute Software License - This software license is the 2-clause BSD
# license plus a third clause that prohibits redistribution for commercial
# purposes without further permission.
# Copyright 2017. Allen Institute. All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Redistributions for commercial purposes are not permitted without the
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# For purposes of this license, commercial purposes is the incorporation of the
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import functools
import dateutil
import re
import os
import six
import itertools
import logging
from pkg_resources import parse_version

import h5py
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import allensdk.brain_observatory.roi_masks as roi
from allensdk.brain_observatory.locally_sparse_noise import LocallySparseNoise
import allensdk.brain_observatory.stimulus_info as si

from allensdk.brain_observatory.brain_observatory_exceptions import (MissingStimulusException,
from allensdk.api.cache import memoize
from allensdk.core import h5_utilities 

from allensdk.brain_observatory.stimulus_info import mask_stimulus_template as si_mask_stimulus_template
from allensdk.brain_observatory.brain_observatory_exceptions import EpochSeparationException

_STIMULUS_PRESENTATION_PATH = 'stimulus/presentation'
_STIMULUS_PRESENTATION_PATTERNS = ('{}', '{}_stimulus',)

[docs]def get_epoch_mask_list(st, threshold, max_cuts=2): '''Convenience function to cut a stim table into multiple epochs :param st: input stimtable :param threshold: threshold on the max duration of a subepoch :param max_cuts: maximum number of allowed epochs to cut into :return: epoch_mask_list, a list of indices that define the start and end of sub-epochs ''' if threshold is None: raise NotImplementedError('threshold not set for this type of session') delta = (st.start.values[1:] - st.end.values[:-1]) cut_inds = np.where(delta > threshold)[0] + 1 epoch_mask_list = [] if len(cut_inds) > max_cuts: # See: # raise EpochSeparationException('more than 2 epochs cut', delta=delta) for ii in range(len(cut_inds)+1): if ii == 0: first_ind = st.iloc[0].start else: first_ind = st.iloc[cut_inds[ii-1]].start if ii == len(cut_inds): last_ind_inclusive = st.iloc[-1].end else: last_ind_inclusive = st.iloc[cut_inds[ii]-1].end epoch_mask_list.append((first_ind,last_ind_inclusive)) return epoch_mask_list
[docs]class BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet(object): PIPELINE_DATASET = 'brain_observatory_pipeline' SUPPORTED_PIPELINE_VERSION = "3.0" FILE_METADATA_MAPPING = { 'age': 'general/subject/age', 'sex': 'general/subject/sex', 'imaging_depth': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/imaging depth', 'targeted_structure': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/location', 'ophys_experiment_id': 'general/session_id', 'experiment_container_id': 'general/experiment_container_id', 'device_string': 'general/devices/2-photon microscope', 'excitation_lambda': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/excitation_lambda', 'indicator': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/indicator', 'fov': 'general/fov', 'genotype': 'general/subject/genotype', 'session_start_time': 'session_start_time', 'session_type': 'general/session_type', 'specimen_name': 'general/specimen_name', 'generated_by': 'general/generated_by' } STIMULUS_TABLE_TYPES = { 'abstract_feature_series': [si.DRIFTING_GRATINGS, si.STATIC_GRATINGS], 'indexed_time_series': [si.NATURAL_SCENES, si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE, si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_4DEG, si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_8DEG], 'repeated_indexed_time_series':[si.NATURAL_MOVIE_ONE, si.NATURAL_MOVIE_TWO, si.NATURAL_MOVIE_THREE] } # this array was moved before file versioning was in place MOTION_CORRECTION_DATASETS = [ "MotionCorrection/2p_image_series/xy_translations", "MotionCorrection/2p_image_series/xy_translation" ] def __init__(self, nwb_file): self.nwb_file = nwb_file self.pipeline_version = None if os.path.exists(self.nwb_file): meta = self.get_metadata() if meta and 'pipeline_version' in meta: pipeline_version_str = meta['pipeline_version'] self.pipeline_version = parse_version(pipeline_version_str) if self.pipeline_version > parse_version(self.SUPPORTED_PIPELINE_VERSION): logging.warning("File %s has a pipeline version newer than the version supported by this class (%s vs %s)." " Please update your AllenSDK." % (nwb_file, pipeline_version_str, self.SUPPORTED_PIPELINE_VERSION)) self._stimulus_search = None
[docs] def get_stimulus_epoch_table(self): '''Returns a pandas dataframe that summarizes the stimulus epoch duration for each acquisition time index in the experiment Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample traces: 2D numpy array Fluorescence traces for each cell ''' # These are thresholds used by get_epoch_mask_list to set a maximum limit on the delta aqusistion frames to # count as different trials (rows in the stim table). This helps account for dropped frames, so that they dont # cause the cutting of an entire experiment into too many stimulus epochs. If these thresholds are too low, # the assert statment in get_epoch_mask_list will halt execution. In that case, make a bug report!. threshold_dict = {si.THREE_SESSION_A:32+7, si.THREE_SESSION_B:15, si.THREE_SESSION_C:7, si.THREE_SESSION_C2:7} stimulus_table_dict = {} for stimulus in self.list_stimuli(): stimulus_table_dict[stimulus] = self.get_stimulus_table(stimulus) if stimulus == si.SPONTANEOUS_ACTIVITY: stimulus_table_dict[stimulus]['frame'] = 0 interval_list = [] interval_stimulus_dict = {} for stimulus in self.list_stimuli(): stimulus_interval_list = get_epoch_mask_list(stimulus_table_dict[stimulus], threshold=threshold_dict.get(self.get_session_type(), None)) for stimulus_interval in stimulus_interval_list: interval_stimulus_dict[stimulus_interval] = stimulus interval_list += stimulus_interval_list interval_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) stimulus_signature_list = ['gap'] duration_signature_list = [int(interval_list[0][0])] interval_signature_list = [(0,int(interval_list[0][0]))] for ii, interval in enumerate(interval_list): stimulus_signature_list.append(interval_stimulus_dict[interval]) duration_signature_list.append(int(interval[1] - interval[0])) interval_signature_list.append((int(interval[0]), int(interval[1]))) if ii != len(interval_list)-1: stimulus_signature_list.append('gap') duration_signature_list.append((int(interval_list[ii+1][0] - interval_list[ii][1]))) interval_signature_list.append((int(interval_list[ii][1]), int(interval_list[ii+1][0]))) stimulus_signature_list.append('gap') interval_signature_list.append((int(interval_list[-1][1]), len(self.get_fluorescence_timestamps()))) duration_signature_list.append(interval_signature_list[-1][1]-interval_signature_list[-1][0]) interval_df = pd.DataFrame({'stimulus':stimulus_signature_list, 'duration':duration_signature_list, 'interval':interval_signature_list}) # Gaps are ininformative; remove them: interval_df = interval_df[interval_df.stimulus != 'gap'] interval_df['start'] = [x[0] for x in interval_df['interval'].values] interval_df['end'] = [x[1] for x in interval_df['interval'].values] interval_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) interval_df.drop(['interval', 'duration'], axis=1, inplace=True) return interval_df
[docs] def get_fluorescence_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of fluorescence traces for all ROI and the timestamps for each datapoint Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample traces: 2D numpy array Fluorescence traces for each cell ''' timestamps = self.get_fluorescence_timestamps() with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1']['data'] if cell_specimen_ids is None: cell_traces = ds.value else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) cell_traces = ds[inds, :] return timestamps, cell_traces
[docs] def get_fluorescence_timestamps(self): ''' Returns an array of timestamps in seconds for the fluorescence traces ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: timestamps = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1']['timestamps'].value return timestamps
[docs] def get_neuropil_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of neuropil fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample traces: 2D numpy array Neuropil fluorescence traces for each cell ''' timestamps = self.get_fluorescence_timestamps() with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: if self.pipeline_version >= parse_version("2.0"): ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1_neuropil_response']['data'] else: ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1']['neuropil_traces'] if cell_specimen_ids is None: np_traces = ds.value else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) np_traces = ds[inds, :] return timestamps, np_traces
[docs] def get_neuropil_r(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns a scalar value of r for neuropil correction of flourescence traces Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then results for all are returned Returns ------- r: 1D numpy array, len(r)=len(cell_specimen_ids) Scalar for neuropil subtraction for each cell ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: if self.pipeline_version >= parse_version("2.0"): r_ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1_neuropil_response']['r'] else: r_ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1']['r'] if cell_specimen_ids is None: r = r_ds.value else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) r = r_ds[inds] return r
[docs] def get_demixed_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of demixed fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample traces: 2D numpy array Demixed fluorescence traces for each cell ''' timestamps = self.get_fluorescence_timestamps() with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'Fluorescence']['imaging_plane_1_demixed_signal']['data'] if cell_specimen_ids is None: traces = ds.value else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) traces = ds[inds, :] return timestamps, traces
[docs] def get_corrected_fluorescence_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of demixed and neuropil-corrected fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample traces: 2D numpy array Corrected fluorescence traces for each cell ''' # starting in version 2.0, neuropil correction follows trace demixing if self.pipeline_version >= parse_version("2.0"): timestamps, cell_traces = self.get_demixed_traces(cell_specimen_ids) else: timestamps, cell_traces = self.get_fluorescence_traces(cell_specimen_ids) r = self.get_neuropil_r(cell_specimen_ids) _, neuropil_traces = self.get_neuropil_traces(cell_specimen_ids) fc = cell_traces - neuropil_traces * r[:, np.newaxis] return timestamps, fc
[docs] def get_cell_specimen_indices(self, cell_specimen_ids): ''' Given a list of cell specimen ids, return their index based on their order in this file. Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list of cell specimen ids ''' all_cell_specimen_ids = list(self.get_cell_specimen_ids()) try: inds = [list(all_cell_specimen_ids).index(i) for i in cell_specimen_ids] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Cell specimen not found (%s)" % str(e)) return inds
[docs] def get_dff_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of dF/F traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return data for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- timestamps: 2D numpy array Timestamp for each fluorescence sample dF/F: 2D numpy array dF/F values for each cell ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: dff_ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'DfOverF']['imaging_plane_1'] timestamps = dff_ds['timestamps'].value if cell_specimen_ids is None: cell_traces = dff_ds['data'].value else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) cell_traces = dff_ds['data'][inds, :] return timestamps, cell_traces
[docs] def get_roi_ids(self): ''' Returns an array of IDs for all ROIs in the file Returns ------- ROI IDs: list ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: roi_id = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'ImageSegmentation']['roi_ids'].value return roi_id
[docs] def get_cell_specimen_ids(self): ''' Returns an array of cell IDs for all cells in the file Returns ------- cell specimen IDs: list ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: cell_id = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'ImageSegmentation']['cell_specimen_ids'].value return cell_id
[docs] def get_session_type(self): ''' Returns the type of experimental session, presently one of the following: three_session_A, three_session_B, three_session_C Returns ------- session type: string ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: session_type = f['general/session_type'].value return session_type.decode('utf-8')
[docs] def get_max_projection(self): '''Returns the maximum projection image for the 2P movie. Returns ------- max projection: np.ndarray ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: max_projection = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET]['ImageSegmentation'][ 'imaging_plane_1']['reference_images']['maximum_intensity_projection_image']['data'].value return max_projection
[docs] def list_stimuli(self): ''' Return a list of the stimuli presented in the experiment. Returns ------- stimuli: list of strings ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: keys = list(f["stimulus/presentation/"].keys()) return [ k.replace('_stimulus', '') for k in keys ]
def _get_master_stimulus_table(self): ''' Builds a table for all stimuli by concatenating (vertically) the sub-tables describing presentation of each stimulus ''' epoch_table = self.get_stimulus_epoch_table() stimulus_table_dict = {} for stimulus in self.list_stimuli(): stimulus_table_dict[stimulus] = self.get_stimulus_table(stimulus) table_list = [] for stimulus in self.list_stimuli(): curr_stimtable = stimulus_table_dict[stimulus] for _, row in epoch_table[epoch_table['stimulus'] == stimulus].iterrows(): epoch_start_ind, epoch_end_ind = row['start'], row['end'] curr_subtable = curr_stimtable[(epoch_start_ind <= curr_stimtable['start']) & (curr_stimtable['end'] <= epoch_end_ind)].copy() curr_subtable['stimulus'] = stimulus table_list.append(curr_subtable) new_table = pd.concat(table_list, sort=True) new_table.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return new_table
[docs] def get_stimulus_table(self, stimulus_name): ''' Return a stimulus table given a stimulus name Notes ----- For more information, see: ''' if stimulus_name == 'master': return self._get_master_stimulus_table() with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as nwb_file: stimulus_group = _find_stimulus_presentation_group(nwb_file, stimulus_name) if stimulus_name in self.STIMULUS_TABLE_TYPES['abstract_feature_series']: datasets = h5_utilities.load_datasets_by_relnames( ['data', 'features', 'frame_duration'], nwb_file, stimulus_group) return _make_abstract_feature_series_stimulus_table( datasets['data'], h5_utilities.decode_bytes(datasets['features']), datasets['frame_duration']) if stimulus_name in self.STIMULUS_TABLE_TYPES['indexed_time_series']: datasets = h5_utilities.load_datasets_by_relnames(['data', 'frame_duration'], nwb_file, stimulus_group) return _make_indexed_time_series_stimulus_table(datasets['data'], datasets['frame_duration']) if stimulus_name in self.STIMULUS_TABLE_TYPES['repeated_indexed_time_series']: datasets = h5_utilities.load_datasets_by_relnames(['data', 'frame_duration'], nwb_file, stimulus_group) return _make_repeated_indexed_time_series_stimulus_table(datasets['data'], datasets['frame_duration']) if stimulus_name == 'spontaneous': datasets = h5_utilities.load_datasets_by_relnames(['data', 'frame_duration'], nwb_file, stimulus_group) return _make_spontaneous_activity_stimulus_table(datasets['data'], datasets['frame_duration']) raise IOError("Could not find a stimulus table named '%s'" % stimulus_name)
[docs] @memoize def get_stimulus_template(self, stimulus_name): ''' Return an array of the stimulus template for the specified stimulus. Parameters ---------- stimulus_name: string Must be one of the strings returned by list_stimuli(). Returns ------- stimulus table: pd.DataFrame ''' stim_name = stimulus_name + "_image_stack" with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: image_stack = f['stimulus']['templates'][stim_name]['data'].value return image_stack
[docs] def get_locally_sparse_noise_stimulus_template(self, stimulus, mask_off_screen=True): ''' Return an array of the stimulus template for the specified stimulus. Parameters ---------- stimulus: string Which locally sparse noise stimulus to retrieve. Must be one of: stimulus_info.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE stimulus_info.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_4DEG stimulus_info.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_8DEG mask_off_screen: boolean Set off-screen regions of the stimulus to LocallySparseNoise.LSN_OFF_SCREEN. Returns ------- tuple: (template, off-screen mask) ''' if stimulus not in si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_DIMENSIONS: raise KeyError("%s is not a known locally sparse noise stimulus" % stimulus) template = self.get_stimulus_template(stimulus) # build mapping from template coordinates to display coordinates template_shape = si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_DIMENSIONS[stimulus] template_shape = [ template_shape[1], template_shape[0] ] template_display_shape = (1260, 720) display_shape = (1920, 1200) scale = [ float(template_shape[0]) / float(template_display_shape[0]), float(template_shape[1]) / float(template_display_shape[1]) ] offset = [ -(display_shape[0] - template_display_shape[0]) * 0.5, -(display_shape[1] - template_display_shape[1]) * 0.5 ] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(display_shape[0]), np.arange( display_shape[1]), indexing='ij') template_display_coords = np.array([(x + offset[0]) * scale[0] - 0.5, (y + offset[1]) * scale[1] - 0.5], dtype=float) template_display_coords = np.rint(template_display_coords).astype(int) # build mask template_mask, template_frac = si_mask_stimulus_template( template_display_coords, template_shape) if mask_off_screen: template[:, ~template_mask.T] = LocallySparseNoise.LSN_OFF_SCREEN return template, template_mask.T
[docs] def get_roi_mask_array(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Return a numpy array containing all of the ROI masks for requested cells. If cell_specimen_ids is omitted, return all masks. Parameters ---------- cell_specimen_ids: list List of cell specimen ids. Default None. Returns ------- np.ndarray: NxWxH array, where N is number of cells ''' roi_masks = self.get_roi_mask(cell_specimen_ids) if len(roi_masks) == 0: raise IOError("no masks found for given cell specimen ids") roi_arr = roi.create_roi_mask_array(roi_masks) return roi_arr
[docs] def get_roi_mask(self, cell_specimen_ids=None): ''' Returns an array of all the ROI masks Parameters ---------- cell specimen IDs: list or array (optional) List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned Returns ------- List of ROI_Mask objects ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: mask_loc = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'ImageSegmentation']['imaging_plane_1'] roi_list = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'ImageSegmentation']['imaging_plane_1']['roi_list'].value inds = None if cell_specimen_ids is None: inds = range(self.number_of_cells) else: inds = self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids) roi_array = [] for i in inds: v = roi_list[i] roi_mask = mask_loc[v]["img_mask"].value m = roi.create_roi_mask(roi_mask.shape[1], roi_mask.shape[0], [0, 0, 0, 0], roi_mask=roi_mask, label=v) roi_array.append(m) return roi_array
@property def number_of_cells(self): '''Number of cells in the experiment''' # Replace here is there is a better way to get this info: return len(self.get_cell_specimen_ids())
[docs] def get_metadata(self): ''' Returns a dictionary of meta data associated with each experiment, including Cre line, specimen number, visual area imaged, imaging depth Returns ------- metadata: dictionary ''' meta = {} with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: for memory_key, disk_key in BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet.FILE_METADATA_MAPPING.items(): try: v = f[disk_key].value # convert numpy strings to python strings if v.dtype.type is np.string_: if len(v.shape) == 0: v = v.decode('UTF-8') elif len(v.shape) == 1: v = [ s.decode('UTF-8') for s in v ] else: raise Exception("Unrecognized metadata formatting for field %s" % disk_key) meta[memory_key] = v except KeyError as e: logging.warning("could not find key %s", disk_key) # extract cre line from genotype string genotype = meta.get('genotype') meta['cre_line'] = meta['genotype'].split(';')[0] if genotype else None imaging_depth = meta.pop('imaging_depth', None) meta['imaging_depth_um'] = int(imaging_depth.split()[0]) if imaging_depth else None ophys_experiment_id = meta.get('ophys_experiment_id') meta['ophys_experiment_id'] = int(ophys_experiment_id) if ophys_experiment_id else None experiment_container_id = meta.get('experiment_container_id') meta['experiment_container_id'] = int(experiment_container_id) if experiment_container_id else None # convert start time to a date object session_start_time = meta.get('session_start_time') if isinstance( session_start_time, six.string_types ): meta['session_start_time'] = dateutil.parser.parse(session_start_time) age = meta.pop('age', None) if age: # parse the age in days m = re.match("(.*?) days", age) if m: meta['age_days'] = int(m.groups()[0]) else: raise IOError("Could not parse age.") # parse the device string (ugly, sorry) device_string = meta.pop('device_string', None) if device_string: m = re.match("(.*?)\.\s(.*?)\sPlease*", device_string) if m: device, device_name = m.groups() meta['device'] = device meta['device_name'] = device_name else: raise IOError("Could not parse device string.") # file version generated_by = meta.pop('generated_by', None) version = generated_by[-1] if generated_by else "0.9" meta["pipeline_version"] = version return meta
[docs] def get_running_speed(self): ''' Returns the mouse running speed in cm/s ''' with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: dx_ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'BehavioralTimeSeries']['running_speed'] dxcm = dx_ds['data'].value dxtime = dx_ds['timestamps'].value timestamps = self.get_fluorescence_timestamps() # v0.9 stored this as an Nx1 array instead of a flat 1-d array if len(dxcm.shape) == 2: dxcm = dxcm[:, 0] dxcm, dxtime = align_running_speed(dxcm, dxtime, timestamps) return dxcm, dxtime
[docs] def get_pupil_location(self, as_spherical=True): '''Returns the x, y pupil location. Parameters ---------- as_spherical : bool Whether to return the location as spherical (default) or not. If true, the result is altitude and azimuth in degrees, otherwise it is x, y in centimeters. (0,0) is the center of the monitor. Returns ------- (timestamps, location) Timestamps is an (Nx1) array of timestamps in seconds. Location is an (Nx2) array of spatial location. ''' if as_spherical: location_key = "pupil_location_spherical" else: location_key = "pupil_location" try: with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: eye_tracking = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'EyeTracking'][location_key] pupil_location = eye_tracking['data'].value pupil_times = eye_tracking['timestamps'].value except KeyError: raise NoEyeTrackingException("No eye tracking for this experiment.") return pupil_times, pupil_location
[docs] def get_pupil_size(self): '''Returns the pupil area in pixels. Returns ------- (timestamps, areas) Timestamps is an (Nx1) array of timestamps in seconds. Areas is an (Nx1) array of pupil areas in pixels. ''' try: with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: pupil_tracking = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET][ 'PupilTracking']['pupil_size'] pupil_size = pupil_tracking['data'].value pupil_times = pupil_tracking['timestamps'].value except KeyError: raise NoEyeTrackingException("No pupil tracking for this experiment.") return pupil_times, pupil_size
[docs] def get_motion_correction(self): ''' Returns a Panda DataFrame containing the x- and y- translation of each image used for image alignment ''' motion_correction = None with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f: pipeline_ds = f['processing'][self.PIPELINE_DATASET] # pipeline 0.9 stores this in xy_translations # pipeline 1.0 stores this in xy_translation for mc_ds_name in self.MOTION_CORRECTION_DATASETS: try: mc_ds = pipeline_ds[mc_ds_name] motion_log = mc_ds['data'].value motion_time = mc_ds['timestamps'].value motion_names = mc_ds['feature_description'].value motion_correction = pd.DataFrame(motion_log, columns=motion_names) motion_correction['timestamp'] = motion_time # break out if we found it break except KeyError as e: pass if motion_correction is None: raise KeyError("Could not find motion correction data.") # Python3 compatibility: rename_dict = {} for c in motion_correction.columns: if not isinstance(c, str): rename_dict[c] = c.decode("utf-8") motion_correction.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) return motion_correction
[docs] def save_analysis_dataframes(self, *tables): store = pd.HDFStore(self.nwb_file, mode='a') for k, v in tables: store.put('analysis/%s' % (k), v) store.close()
[docs] def save_analysis_arrays(self, *datasets): with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'a') as f: for k, v in datasets: if k in f['analysis']: del f['analysis'][k] f.create_dataset('analysis/%s' % k, data=v)
@property def stimulus_search(self): if self._stimulus_search is None: self._stimulus_search = si.StimulusSearch(self) return self._stimulus_search
[docs] def get_stimulus(self, frame_ind): search_result = if search_result is None or search_result[2]['stimulus'] == si.SPONTANEOUS_ACTIVITY: return None, None else: curr_stimulus = search_result[2]['stimulus'] if curr_stimulus in si.LOCALLY_SPARSE_NOISE_STIMULUS_TYPES + si.NATURAL_MOVIE_STIMULUS_TYPES + [si.NATURAL_SCENES]: curr_frame = search_result[2]['frame'] return search_result, self.get_stimulus_template(curr_stimulus)[int(curr_frame), :, :] elif curr_stimulus == si.STATIC_GRATINGS or curr_stimulus == si.DRIFTING_GRATINGS: return search_result, None
def _find_stimulus_presentation_group(nwb_file, stimulus_name, base_path=_STIMULUS_PRESENTATION_PATH, group_patterns=_STIMULUS_PRESENTATION_PATTERNS): ''' Searches an NWB file for a stimulus presentation group. Parameters ---------- nwb_file : h5py.File File to search stimulus_name : str Identifier for this stimulus. Corresponds to the relative name of its h5 group. base_path : str, optional Begin the search from here. Defaults to 'stimulus/presentation' group_patterns : array-like of str, optional Patterns for the relative name of the stimulus' h5 group. Defaults to the name, and the name suffixed by '_stimulus' Returns ------- h5py.Group, h5py.Dataset : h5 object found ''' group_candidates = [ pattern.format(stimulus_name) for pattern in group_patterns ] matcher = functools.partial(h5_utilities.h5_object_matcher_relname_in, group_candidates) matches = h5_utilities.locate_h5_objects(matcher, nwb_file, base_path) if len(matches) == 0: raise MissingStimulusException( 'Unable to locate stimulus: {}. ' 'Looked for this stimulus under the names: {} '.format(stimulus_name, group_candidates) ) if len(matches) > 1: raise MissingStimulusException( 'Unable to locate stimulus: {}. ' 'Found multiple matching stimuli: {}'.format(stimulus_name, [ for match in matches]) ) return matches[0]
[docs]def align_running_speed(dxcm, dxtime, timestamps): ''' If running speed timestamps differ from fluorescence timestamps, adjust by inserting NaNs to running speed. Returns ------- tuple: dxcm, dxtime ''' if dxtime[0] != timestamps[0]: adjust = np.where(timestamps == dxtime[0])[0][0] dxtime = np.insert(dxtime, 0, timestamps[:adjust]) dxcm = np.insert(dxcm, 0, np.repeat(np.NaN, adjust)) adjust = len(timestamps) - len(dxtime) if adjust > 0: dxtime = np.append(dxtime, timestamps[(-1 * adjust):]) dxcm = np.append(dxcm, np.repeat(np.NaN, adjust)) return dxcm, dxtime
def _make_abstract_feature_series_stimulus_table(stim_data, features, frame_dur): ''' Return the a stimulus table for an abstract feature series. Parameters ---------- stim_data : array-like Stimulus feature values at each interval features : array-like of str Stimulus feature labels frame_dur : array-like Start and end times of presentation intervals Returns ------- stimulus table : pd.DataFrame Describes the intervals of presentation of the stimulus Notes ----- For more information, see: ''' stimulus_table = pd.DataFrame(stim_data, columns=features) stimulus_table.loc[:, 'start'] = frame_dur[:, 0].astype(int) stimulus_table.loc[:, 'end'] = frame_dur[:, 1].astype(int) stimulus_table = stimulus_table.sort_values(['start', 'end']) return stimulus_table def _make_indexed_time_series_stimulus_table(inds, frame_dur): ''' Return the a stimulus table for an indexed time series. Parameters ---------- inds : frame_durations : np.ndarray start and stop times (s) of frames Returns ------- stimulus table : pd.DataFrame Describes the intervals of presentation of the stimulus Notes ----- For more information, see: ''' stimulus_table = pd.DataFrame(inds, columns=['frame']) stimulus_table.loc[:, 'start'] = frame_dur[:, 0].astype(int) stimulus_table.loc[:, 'end'] = frame_dur[:, 1].astype(int) stimulus_table = stimulus_table.sort_values(['start', 'end']) return stimulus_table def _make_repeated_indexed_time_series_stimulus_table(inds, frame_dur): stimulus_table = _make_indexed_time_series_stimulus_table(inds, frame_dur) a = stimulus_table.groupby(by='frame') # If this ever occurs, the repeat counter cant be trusted! assert np.floor(len(stimulus_table))/len(a) == int(len(stimulus_table))/len(a) stimulus_table['repeat'] = np.repeat(range(len(stimulus_table)//len(a)), len(a)) return stimulus_table def _make_spontaneous_activity_stimulus_table(events, frame_durations): ''' Builds a table describing the start and end times of the spontaneous viewing intervals. Parameters ---------- events : np.ndarray events data frame_durations : np.ndarray start and stop times (s) of frames Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Each row describes an interval of spontaneous viewing. Columns are start and end times. Notes ----- For more information, see: ''' start_inds = np.where(events == 1) stop_inds = np.where(events == -1) if len(start_inds) != len(stop_inds): raise Exception( "inconsistent start and time times in spontaneous activity stimulus table") stim_data = np.column_stack([ frame_durations[start_inds, 0].T, frame_durations[stop_inds, 0].T] ).astype(int) stimulus_table = pd.DataFrame(stim_data, columns=['start', 'end']) stimulus_table = stimulus_table.sort_values(['start', 'end']) return stimulus_table