Source code for allensdk.internal.brain_observatory.demixer

import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import allensdk.internal.brain_observatory.mask_set as mask_set
import logging
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from allensdk.config.manifest import Manifest

[docs]def identify_valid_masks(mask_array): ms = mask_set.MaskSet(masks=mask_array.astype(bool)) valid_masks = np.ones(mask_array.shape[0]).astype(bool) # detect duplicates duplicates = ms.detect_duplicates(overlap_threshold=0.9) if len(duplicates) > 0: valid_masks[duplicates.keys()] = False # detect unions, only for remaining valid masks valid_idxs = np.where(valid_masks) ms = mask_set.MaskSet(masks=mask_array[valid_idxs].astype(bool)) unions = ms.detect_unions() if len(unions) > 0: un_idxs = unions.keys() valid_masks[valid_idxs[0][un_idxs]] = False return valid_masks
[docs]def demix_time_dep_masks(raw_traces, stack, masks): ''' :param raw_traces: extracted traces :param stack: movie (same length as traces) :param masks: binary roi masks :return: demixed traces ''' N, T = raw_traces.shape _, x, y = masks.shape P = x * y if len(stack.shape) == 3: stack = stack.reshape(T, P) num_pixels_in_mask = np.sum(masks, axis=(1, 2)) F = raw_traces.T * num_pixels_in_mask # shape (T,N) F = F.T flat_masks = masks.reshape(N, P) flat_masks = sparse.csr_matrix(flat_masks) drop_frames = [] demix_traces = np.zeros((N, T)) for t in range(T): weighted_mask_sum = F[:, t] drop_test = (weighted_mask_sum == 0) if np.sum(drop_test == 0): norm_mat = sparse.diags(num_pixels_in_mask / weighted_mask_sum, offsets=0) stack_t = sparse.diags(stack[t], offsets=0) flat_weighted_masks = overlap = # cast to dense numpy array for linear solver because solution is dense try: demix_traces[:, t] = linalg.solve(overlap, F[:, t]) except linalg.LinAlgError as e: logging.warning("singular matrix, using least squares") x, _, _, _ = linalg.lstsq(overlap, F[:, t]) demix_traces[:, t] = x drop_frames.append(False) else: drop_frames.append(True) return demix_traces, drop_frames
[docs]def plot_traces(raw_trace, demix_trace, roi_id, roi_ind, save_file): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(raw_trace, label='Fluoresence') ax.plot(demix_trace, label='Demixed') ax.set_title("ROI ID(%d) index (%d)" % (roi_id, roi_ind)) ax.legend() plt.savefig(save_file) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def find_zero_baselines(traces): means = traces.mean(axis=1) stds = traces.std(axis=1) return np.where((means-stds) < 0)
[docs]def plot_negative_baselines(raw_traces, demix_traces, mask_array, roi_ids_mask, plot_dir, ext='png'): N, T = raw_traces.shape _, x, y = mask_array.shape logging.debug("finding negative baselines") neg_inds = find_negative_baselines(demix_traces)[0] overlap_inds = set() logging.debug("detected negative baselines: %s", str(neg_inds)) for roi_ind in neg_inds: Manifest.safe_mkdir(plot_dir) save_file = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_negative.' + ext) plot_traces(raw_traces[roi_ind], demix_traces[roi_ind], roi_ids_mask[roi_ind], roi_ind, save_file) ''' plot overlapping masks ''' save_file = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_negative_masks.' + ext) roi_overlap_inds = plot_overlap_masks_lengthOne(roi_ind, mask_array, save_file) overlap_inds.update(roi_overlap_inds) zero_inds = find_zero_baselines(demix_traces)[0] logging.debug("detected zero baselines: %s", str(zero_inds)) overlap_inds.update(zero_inds) return list(overlap_inds)
[docs]def plot_negative_transients(raw_traces, demix_traces, valid_roi, mask_array, roi_ids_mask, plot_dir, ext='png'): N, T = raw_traces.shape _, x, y = mask_array.shape logging.debug("finding negative transients") trans_ind_list1 = [find_negative_transients_threshold(trace=demix_traces[n]) for n in range(N)] rois_with_trans1 = [i for i in range(N) if len(trans_ind_list1[i]) > 0] rois_with_trans = np.unique(rois_with_trans1) rois_with_trans = [r for r in rois_with_trans if len(trans_ind_list1[r][0]) > 0] logging.debug("plotting negative transients") flat_masks = mask_array.reshape(N, x*y) overlap = overlap ^= np.diag(np.diag(overlap)) for roi_ind in rois_with_trans: ''' plot biggest negative transient of this roi ''' trans_ind_list = trans_ind_list1[roi_ind] trans_ind_list = trans_ind_list[0] trans_list = [] for i in trans_ind_list: if i > 100 and i < T - 100: trans_list.append(demix_traces[roi_ind, i - 100:i + 100]) elif i > 100 and i >= T - 100: trans_list.append(demix_traces[roi_ind, i - 100:]) else: trans_list.append(demix_traces[roi_ind, :i + 100]) # trans_list = [demix_traces[roi_ind, i-100:i+100] for i in trans_ind_list if i > 100 and i < Nt] Ntrans = len(trans_list) biggest_trans = 0 for i in range(1, Ntrans): if np.amin(trans_list[i]) < np.amin(trans_list[biggest_trans]): biggest_trans = i trans_ind = trans_ind_list[biggest_trans] # trans_ind_list = np.concatenate((trans_ind_list1[roi_ind][0], trans_ind_list2[roi_ind][0])) # trans_list_min = np.where(demix_traces[roi_ind, trans_ind_list] == min(demix_traces[roi_ind, trans_ind_list]))[0] if np.sum(overlap[roi_ind]) > 0: if valid_roi[roi_ind]: savefile = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_transient_valid.' + ext) plot_transients(roi_ind, trans_ind, mask_array, raw_traces, demix_traces, savefile) ''' plot overlapping masks ''' savefile = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_masks_valid.' + ext) plot_overlap_masks_lengthOne(roi_ind, mask_array, savefile) # plot_overlap_masks(roi_ind, mask_test, savefile) else: savefile = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_transient_invalid.' + ext) plot_transients(roi_ind, trans_ind, mask_array, raw_traces, demix_traces, savefile) ''' plot overlapping masks ''' savefile = os.path.join(plot_dir, str(roi_ids_mask[roi_ind]) + '_masks_invalid.' + ext) plot_overlap_masks_lengthOne(roi_ind, mask_array, savefile) # plot_overlap_masks(roi_ind, mask_test, savefile) # else: continue return rois_with_trans
[docs]def rolling_window(trace, window=500): ''' :param trace: :param window: :return: ''' shape = trace.shape[:-1] + (trace.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = trace.strides + (trace.strides[-1], ) return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(trace, shape=shape, strides=strides)
[docs]def find_negative_baselines(trace): means = trace.mean(axis=1) stds = trace.std(axis=1) return np.where((means+stds) < 0)
[docs]def find_negative_transients_threshold(trace, window=500, length=10, std_devs=3): trace = np.pad(trace, pad_width=(window-1, 0), mode='constant', constant_values=[np.mean(trace[:window])]) rolling_mean = np.mean(rolling_window(trace, window), -1) rolling_std = np.std(rolling_window(trace, window), -1) below_thresh = (trace[window-1:] < rolling_mean - std_devs*rolling_std) below_thresh = np.pad(below_thresh, pad_width=(window-1, 0), mode='constant') trans_length = np.sum(rolling_window(below_thresh, length), -1) trans_length = trans_length[window-length:] trans_ind = np.where(trans_length == length) return trans_ind
[docs]def plot_overlap_masks_lengthOne(roi_ind, masks, savefile=None, weighted=False): masks = np.array(masks).astype(float) N, x, y = masks.shape if np.sum(masks[-1]) == x*y: masks = masks[:-1] N -= 1 flat_masks = masks.reshape(N, x*y) masks_overlap = ind_plot = np.where(masks_overlap[roi_ind, :] > 0)[0] # rois (k) that roi_ind overlaps with for i in ind_plot: # rois that overlap with each roi k ind_k = np.where(masks_overlap[i, :] > 0)[0] ind_plot = np.concatenate((ind_plot, ind_k)) ind_plot = np.unique(ind_plot) ind_plot = np.concatenate(([roi_ind], ind_plot[ind_plot!=roi_ind])) plt.figure() color_list = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] Ncol = len(color_list) for num, i in enumerate(ind_plot): mask_plot = masks[i] if not weighted: mask_plot = ((num % Ncol)+1)*[i], mask=(masks[i] == 0)) plt.imshow(mask_plot, clim=(1., Ncol+1), cmap=colors.ListedColormap(color_list), alpha=0.5, interpolation='nearest') # plt.imshow(mask_plot, clim=(1., len(ind_plot)), alpha=.5) elif weighted: mask_plot =[i], mask=(masks[i] == 0)) plt.imshow(mask_plot, cmap='gray_r', alpha=.5, interpolation='nearest') plt.text(np.mean(np.where(np.sum(mask_plot, axis=0))), np.mean(np.where(np.sum(mask_plot, axis=1))) ,str(i)) mask_tot = np.sum(masks[ind_plot, :, :], axis=0) mask_x = np.sum(mask_tot, axis=0) mask_y = np.sum(mask_tot, axis=1) plt.xlim((np.amin(np.where(mask_x))-5, np.amax(np.where(mask_x))+5)) plt.ylim((np.amin(np.where(mask_y))-5, np.amax(np.where(mask_y))+5)) plt.title('Masks') if savefile is not None: plt.savefig(savefile) plt.close() return ind_plot
[docs]def plot_transients(roi_ind, t_trans, masks, traces, demix_traces, savefile): masks = np.array(masks).astype(float) N, x, y = masks.shape _, Nt = traces.shape flat_masks = masks.reshape(N, x*y) masks_overlap = ind_plot = np.where(masks_overlap[roi_ind, :] > 0)[0] # rois (k) that roi_ind overlaps with for i in ind_plot: # rois that overlap with each roi k ind_k = np.where(masks_overlap[i, :] > 0)[0] ind_plot = np.concatenate((ind_plot, ind_k)) ind_plot = np.unique(ind_plot) ind_plot = np.concatenate(([roi_ind], ind_plot[ind_plot!=roi_ind])) if t_trans > 150 and t_trans < Nt - 150: plot_t = range(t_trans - 150, t_trans + 150) elif t_trans > 150 and t_trans >= Nt - 150: plot_t = range(t_trans - 150, Nt) else: plot_t = range(0, t_trans + 150) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True) color_list = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] Ncol = len(color_list) for num, i in enumerate(ind_plot): ax[0].plot(plot_t, traces[i, plot_t], label=str(i), color=color_list[(num % Ncol)]) ax[1].plot(plot_t, demix_traces[i, plot_t], label=str(i), color=color_list[(num % Ncol)]) ax[0].set_title('Raw') ax[0].set_ylabel('Fluorescence') ax[1].set_title('Demixed') ax[1].set_xlabel('Time') ax[0].legend(loc=0) plt.savefig(savefile) plt.close(fig)