allensdk.internal.api.queries.utils module

allensdk.internal.api.queries.utils.build_in_list_selector_query(col: str, valid_list: Union[List[allensdk.core.SupportsStr], NoneType] = None, operator: str = 'WHERE', valid: bool = True) → str[source]

Filter for rows where the value of a column is contained in a list (or, if valid=False, where the value is not contained in that list). If no list is specified in valid_list, return an empty string.

col: str

The name of the column being filtered on

valid_list: Optional[SupportsStr]

The list of values to test column on

operator: str

The SQL operator that starts the clause (“WHERE”, “AND” or “OR”)

valid: bool

If True, test for “col IN valid_list”; else, test for “col NOT IN valid_list”

session_query: str

The clause performing the request filter