Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.write_behavior_nwb.schemas

import argschema.fields
from argschema import ArgSchema
from argschema.fields import (LogLevel, String, Int, Nested, List)
import marshmallow as mm
import pandas as pd

from allensdk.brain_observatory.argschema_utilities import (
    check_write_access_overwrite, RaisingSchema)

[docs]class BaseBehaviorSessionDataSchema(RaisingSchema): behavior_session_id = Int(required=True, description=("Unique identifier for the " "behavior session to write into " "NWB format")) driver_line = List(String, required=True, cli_as_single_argument=True, description='Genetic driver line(s) of subject') reporter_line = List(String, required=True, cli_as_single_argument=True, description='Genetic reporter line(s) of subject') full_genotype = String(required=True, description='Full genotype of subject') rig_name = String(required=True, description=("Name of experimental rig used for " "the behavior session")) date_of_acquisition = String(required=True, description=("Date of acquisition of " "behavior session, in string " "format")) external_specimen_name = Int(required=True, description='LabTracks ID of the subject') behavior_stimulus_file = argschema.fields.InputFile( required=True, description=("Path of behavior_stimulus " "camstim *.pkl file")) date_of_birth = String(required=True, description="Subject date of birth") sex = String(required=True, description="Subject sex") age = String(required=True, description="Subject age")
[docs]class BehaviorSessionData(BaseBehaviorSessionDataSchema): stimulus_name = String(required=True, description=("Name of stimulus presented during " "behavior session")) foraging_id = String(required=True, description=("The foraging_id for the behavior " "session"))
[docs] @mm.pre_load def set_stimulus_name(self, data, **kwargs): if data.get("stimulus_name") is None: pkl = pd.read_pickle(data["behavior_stimulus_file"]) try: stimulus_name = pkl["items"]["behavior"]["cl_params"]["stage"] except KeyError: raise mm.ValidationError( f"Could not obtain stimulus_name/stage information from " f"the *.pkl file ({data['behavior_stimulus_file']}) " f"for the behavior session to save as NWB! The " f"following series of nested keys did not work: " f"['items']['behavior']['cl_params']['stage']" ) data["stimulus_name"] = stimulus_name return data
[docs]class BehaviorInputSchema(ArgSchema):
[docs] class Meta: unknown = mm.RAISE
log_level = LogLevel(default='INFO', description='Logging level of the module') session_data = Nested(BehaviorSessionData, required=True, description='Data pertaining to a behavior session') output_path = String(required=True, validate=check_write_access_overwrite, description='Path of output.json to be written')
[docs]class OutputSchema(RaisingSchema): input_parameters = Nested(BehaviorInputSchema) output_path = String(required=True, validate=check_write_access_overwrite, description='Path of output.json to be written')